

16 Mar 2016

3/16/2016 23:26 – Facebook Post

9:5O p.m.. I.E..OH… Example of OH…Full Circle Harmonious Expression.. 8 months at 18 Mountain View.. 4 years on Face Book… 6 six years Since the Sacred Portal, 155-156 in total, Drawn forth through Six Sense, 6 years since Marina Burini and Tom Truman and the True man Show…And I began working on the 6th Sense equation of Evolution Awakening and on the Family of the E. 15 Years in New York.. 23 Years since the appearance of “The Light in […]

16 Mar 2016

3/16/2016 1:42 – Facebook Post

12:14 a.m. L.N…I.E..E L.I.N.E..E 12-3..14..5.. 3 5.. C.E 3;15..C.O… Consciousness Full Circle Z-A..H.S… Zeina Hanna… We are now at 538 Face Book Friends… E.C.H..I…E.C.H.O… I.O links to Isis Osiris…I.O E Chi… Echi in O.I.Nri Igbo means “Tomorrow” Yesterday Today and..Tomorrow.. Had 5-6 Face Book Friends Yesterday..See sacred portal 56…5 and 6″ 14th And today 3 then 2 more…3 2..See sacred Portal, then Sacred Portal 32…Erose Kali… 15…Letter O.h. E-True Love..T.L.. 2O 12… 32…Consciousness -Beauty… 32..5..+x..56… Yesterday 56…11 3O…13…Donna O’Sullivan just […]

15 Mar 2016

3/15/2016 23:21 – Facebook Post

From Anthony Spencer Dog/God… One Means Family and the other is the Source of the Word Family.. God is a C.O.D.E..Harmony Infinity… 11:21 p.m K.U Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Mar 2016

3/15/2016 0:28 – Facebook Post

11:44 p.m Whew, what a Day… 5 and now the 6th, Face Book Friend today.. 56..See sacred portal 56… E.F… 7-8/87…15..O…6..F…56.E.F….11..1…K.A!.. 3O..C.O..1 3O (31) =4-D..E G.H H.G… Gracious Harmony, HU.G.E..Hug…O.F..E-F.. K.A…5-8…MA’AT Isis.. C.O.D..E… M.G…M.E.G.. B.R.O….B.R.O.T.H.E.R… D.B….Divine Beauty.. 4 2…(Four Is Two Venus..22 V..5) David Bow i.e… D.E.B…ORAH! K.S A.R…K…..K.I.S.S…A.R.K.. A.R.E.. Soa…. K.A..A…. K.A..A.H… 532 Face Book Friend.. Born in Tuesday of Venus not our Mars, 2 2= 5…5th Dimension Jupiter…Sagittarius Archer with his Bow… Born on the Second day, in […]

14 Mar 2016

3/14/2016 23:11 – Facebook Post

9:06 p,m 96..F.I..OF.I…Infinity Sixth Sense 14-3-9…N.C..I… 3-14-9…C.N.I… Consciousness (Creature) Natures Naturalness-Infinity Identified. / IN..C…In how ones Sees… Consciousness C… Hello… We are now at 532 Face book friends… Code E= Truth Love.. T.L- 2O 12…32 (C.B) ..5..E Consciousness Beautiful…Expression.. Harmony Infinity Eternity… Which means this is the complete alignment of the Equation which Identified as the true equation I had to solve, about 8-9 years ago…actually 10… Time now is 9:15 pm…I.O… and link it until reaching Isis Osiris…I.O 1 […]

14 Mar 2016

3/14/2016 17:59 – Facebook Post

Would like to simply align this to the Codes… C.D…3 4 7 12.. 1984. Big Brother is Watching you.. Please see the Code date of birth on my page 1984… Micheal Akindele.. M.A/A.M Micheal means “Who is as God” Akindele means ‘The Brave one has arrived Home at Last” Date of Birth; August 29 1984…. 8-29-84..H.B.I..H.D.. “Harmony Being Infinity.. H.D… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

14 Mar 2016

3/14/2016 16:32 – Facebook Post

From BamBam Vega…BB..V…22 V Octo-pussy…Ha… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

14 Mar 2016

3/14/2016 16:28 – Facebook Post

Because of the recent “Play’ in which Lady Isis Osiris responded.. I wish to share this… Again from Kim Marcussen… “But the most important aspect would be the existence of individuals, direct descendants of ancient Egypt’s royal lineage, that still posses the alien genes implanted in their ancestors’ genomes – could these be part of the ELITE on planet earth, and the power and control has NEVER left them?! “It is very clear to most of us now that the […]

14 Mar 2016

3/14/2016 13:59 – Facebook Post

Pretty Cool.. yah… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

14 Mar 2016

3/14/2016 12:01 – Facebook Post

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° SO CONSIDERING THIS I CALL MY SELF A HAPPY MAN. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it always. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° AND THIS TOO I HAVE CONFIRMED TO BE […]