

21 Mar 2016

3/21/2016 4:33 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Mar 2016

3/20/2016 18:53 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell 3:2O p.m. Ha..Will you look at that, the time, aligns with todays Date, which is the exact day I arrived in New York 15 years ago today, (To the music of Janet Jacksons album ‘Control..alluding to the battle of 15 years to “wrest” consciousness of Control-Fear mentality, by Full Circle “15=letter O”, proving the Consciousness Harmony is Supreme.. And thus, in a Energetic play, a great contest between these two took place in my literally experience, of […]

20 Mar 2016

3/20/2016 9:46 – Facebook Post

“Divine D.J.” by #richardschooping Enjoy the experience. WE are remixing the races and spaces in a symphony of unity. Resound aloud: I AM Whole. I AM Healthy I AM abundant. I AM Joy. I AM Free. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Mar 2016

3/20/2016 9:03 – Facebook Post

http://le-regard-des-elfes.deviantart.com/art/The-Lady-of-the-lake-292751200 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Mar 2016

3/18/2016 22:02 – Facebook Post

6-O9 p.m 69.. Nnamdi… 6:O6 p.m. 66.. Emeka… 18-3-9…A.H..C..I… “Ah C.I…See I” 3-18-9…C…A.H..I… “Consciousness Ah!!! I..Infinity..” Hello… 5-6..2-3..2.. 1..2…3…. In the last three days these are the order of my most recent Face Book Friends… In the Play of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow… And 2-3 more today… It forms a coded response… 5-6… See sacred portal 56.”Arrival of the Family of E” 5=Energy 5th Dimension… 6=Fact..Six Sense is Energized Expression of 6th Sense.. And Sacred Portal 65… 5+6= 11..1..See sacred […]

18 Mar 2016

3/18/2016 0:38 – Facebook Post

From Sabrina Lemieux .. Cathedrals of the Soul… …And the Throne.. ISIS… IS IS… O Sir IS… Isis Osiris… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Mar 2016

3/17/2016 23:27 – Facebook Post

6:17 p.m F.Q…F.8… F.H..E../ E.H.F… License Plate Donna O’Sullivan B.Mercedes Benz… 86 Was the code I observed on a conversation feed of Zadnondaz Zenex Alorianus ..ZZA.. 26 26 1…53.. EC.H.O… 86O… F.H..O what was missing was the E… and so I expressed myself, by affirming that ZZA! ‘Answer and Sweep..clean up your mess!’ it means in O.I.NRI Igbo.. And in the Eternal Code, Source CODE, God Code… ZZA anyone who has been following my solving and decoding, not only the […]

17 Mar 2016

3/17/2016 15:50 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Mar 2016

3/17/2016 15:17 – Facebook Post

From Sethikus Boza… “I..A.M..The King of Cups” Cards drawn by Lady Donna O’Sullivan.. And so seated in the Throne above as Below.. the Magician of Infinity.. M.O.I… M.I..6 Mi C Note Mi! I’M Possible… 3:16 p.m C.P… C.G…37.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Mar 2016

3/17/2016 1:02 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here