

27 Mar 2016

3/27/2016 17:13 – Facebook Post

From Gay-Marie Bradshaw The Turtle landing ..T.L.. The Turtle is Swift as a Hare in one.. but as slow as a Snail on solid land… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Mar 2016

3/27/2016 16:52 – Facebook Post

#54 Super Nova! Mother and Father Father and Mother finally Dancing in Universal Harmony Infinity Song” 54..E.D… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Mar 2016

3/27/2016 13:58 – Facebook Post

From Aryana Luna Leone Excellent… And thank you for the Intel… 6 11…Sixth Sense are the Doppelgangers who move 6 sense to fact… Represented publicly by the play wit Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan.. Where we I witnessed how my equation of how expression activates 6th sense and the third eye, play out with the two to affirm the process as sixth sense is Expression moves to Spirit (Jonn) then to Physical Embodiment (Donna) where both unknowing and the other […]

26 Mar 2016

3/26/2016 5:56 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Mar 2016

3/25/2016 21:15 – Facebook Post

Look at this picture of the sky ..what it look like to you? A friend took it and sent to me Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Mar 2016

3/25/2016 13:00 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Mar 2016

3/23/2016 23:07 – Facebook Post

7:14 p.m. G.N.. God Nature Naturalness…N then evolves to E… G.N.E…/ E.N.G….LA.N.D… 23-3-9… W.C..I.. B.C.C.I 3-23-9… C.W..I… Code Cecilia Wiebers..I… C.B.C.I.. Linked to Christine Barclay…C.I.. Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna… C.I is Consciousness Infinity… When we align the codes arithmetical 23=2+3=5..E C.W.E..I….. Code Links “to Cee Denny Ding Wei.. DD W” Wei means.. “Infinite Limitless”..I.L.. “Brilliant Valuable” As a masculine name: ?, “power” ?, “lofty” ?, “great” As a feminine name: ?, “rose” ?, “small” Unisex: ?, “only” And C.B.E…C.I.. Hello.. I have […]

23 Mar 2016

3/23/2016 18:06 – Facebook Post

From Chinedu Ikenga Yagazie Ume-Ano… Inspiration is the reason you Breathe.. A Breathing means you are alive.. and life is to Inspire.. And since Nature and Creation is Symmetrical.. Harmonious and filled with wonder and Beauty… It means Human Existence is meant to be Inspiration which inspires Ah.. Beauty Mma Sa “Assa M’Pete” That should be the meaning of each persons life.. Create beauty which inspires universal awe… This is what a meaning full life.. What you share… E.K 6:06 […]

23 Mar 2016

3/23/2016 13:00 – Facebook Post

•Ollantaytambo/ Peru ???? *** Coincidence? Question: Where this knowledge come From? *Isn’t Marvelous? (*Source and credits for this extraordinary picture by Noel Terrason). LOVE LIGHT & SOUND ?????? RIsing Tibet in Zanskar Graca Pimentel Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Mar 2016

3/22/2016 19:01 – Facebook Post

“Sun kissed” #uv #heat #bodypaint #graphics Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here