

08 Apr 2016

4/8/2016 16:08 – Facebook Post

Beautiful on so many levels… The path way through the 5 points.. 2 stars, The Wrists..What you do with your creative force.. 2 Stars,The Ears- What you listen to.. 1 Star- The Four in One which makes the Third eye.. 5..Letter E. Then a pathway of Colors through Light and through pattern like waves.. Through Lady Ego..Abundance…Lakshimi, Aku..La! Of Sixth Sense.. Namaster Jonn Divine…And all the lines and waves your line and the line of Donna represent.. * I will […]

07 Apr 2016

4/7/2016 21:12 – Facebook Post

From Chibuzo Okolo “Where Devils and Angels Love” D.A That is the name of the screen play I was working on in Istanbul.. Heaven and Earth.. Matter and Spirit..Expression.. Black On White.. Living and Dying.. The Twins in One.. For Living and Dying are the Same thing.. The moment your are born you begin dying… Unless you stop the process the Cycle and Transform it Instead.. 9:12 p.m. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2016

4/7/2016 18:55 – Facebook Post

S.H.I.V.A… All I can do is smile; Revelations Supreme Harmony Infinity Victorious Ah! When the Planet Earth..Nature responds as an Echo confirming the Awakening… Shiva /??iv?/; Sanskrit: ?iva, meaning “The Auspicious One”, also known as Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev (English: Lord of the Lords… Mahadev), is one of the three major deities of Hinduism. According to Hindu mythology, Shiva is the form of Vishnu and Brahma yet one is still one with them. He is known for being the God […]

07 Apr 2016

4/7/2016 17:15 – Facebook Post

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones O.N.E..J..1O.. *This is a long post- it morphed into a linking and weaving and equation. This is marvelous intel. once more affirming our own evolution. That by listening to different kinds of music we are able to access parts of our brain which our conscious minds are not able to access. And the two and fro music, which I can not help but see correlates to a recent face book friend of mines name means the […]

07 Apr 2016

4/7/2016 2:32 – Facebook Post

12:45 a,m 4-6-9.. D.F.I.. See Sacred Portal 46 “First Drop” 6-4-9 F-D-I…First Drop..I..Infinity ..Individual I.D.F.. Identity -Fact. Hello.. As you can see, I have a new Face Book friend though still at 569 Face Book Friends… No one has the right to judge and assume who and who is not meant to be here.. Everyone is being moved- it was about reading the code the meaning and the message.. Observe that is the way to Judge… For Example.. 4 Times […]

07 Apr 2016

4/7/2016 0:29 – Facebook Post

Contd… Whew! Finally managed to reach Nnamdi of the Past and link it to E in the present… 1969-96-99-66… 569 Face Book Friends.. But let me complete the last segment of Oge Ego play… Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka O.J.A…O 1O 1.. 11.K…1=A. O.I.N…O 9 14… 5..E. Meaning of both names..”My Dawn-My Time is in the Hands of the Creator.. Jasper means..”Keeper of the Treasure” “Treasurer” in Persian. This name was traditionally assigned to one of the wise men […]

06 Apr 2016

4/6/2016 21:50 – Facebook Post

OGE…/ EGO… Oge Means “Dawn in O.INri Igbo, and also “Time”..D.T.. P.S This is a long post… Interesting how it Aligns to Donald Trump, but to me it is more its energetic meaning..TODD was was the name of the person I lived with the second day, I arrived in New York…Queens. EGO means “Money….” in O.I.Nri Igbo..” And is Defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as follows “your idea or opinion of yourself, especially your feeling of your own importance and […]

06 Apr 2016

4/6/2016 10:51 – Facebook Post

Ponts Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Apr 2016

4/5/2016 23:27 – Facebook Post

9;28 p.m. Contd… Donna O’Sullivan is back.. in perfect Harmony… This is so crazy non? Kristine Baluba Jonn Blackwell Donna O’Sullivan… All left and came back each with new positions in the play.. Donna is now my 568 Face Book Friend.. even though I was at 568.. Meaning someone was moved to make way for her return at 568.. I will get to that in a moment… But first lets see what the code means… K.B…J.B..(H.D) D.S… K.J.D..B.B.S…11 (Signifying Doppelgangers […]

04 Apr 2016

4/4/2016 22:41 – Facebook Post

She decided to free herself , To dance with the wind , Create a new language .. And the birds , fluttering around her , wrote ‘ Yes’ in the sky … Monique Duval Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here