

22 Apr 2016

4/22/2016 19:07 – Facebook Post

4:43 p.m. 4-22-9.. D.V.I… Divine 6th Sense.. code 4-22.. Eternal Love… E.L.. Light. see Ariane Oates post share Feb 14th… We are at the Evolution Awakening.. E.A..51.. Linked to Jonn Blackwell and have moved it to Fact through 5+1.. Five senses in One, represented through Donna O’Sullivan and Albert Santana.. Please see Kim Marcussen shares…Especially the one on First Contact… F.C..63/36.. I read it and sighed.. For the last 15 years and publicly for 4 years, I have been stating […]

22 Apr 2016

4/22/2016 15:03 – Facebook Post

Yes… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Apr 2016

4/22/2016 14:51 – Facebook Post

Via Deanne Earl 12:10 p.m. There is so much more going on inn this world that people are not aware of.. But I do wish to state that No one can be be killed or Die, without the Universal Field Of Awareness allowing it.. Humans simply do not have that power over Death, though they assume they do by the rate they kill each other…. But underneath, all the illusion and even the circumstances of those who die, especially in […]

21 Apr 2016

4/21/2016 18:56 – Facebook Post

5:19 p.m E.S…E Supreme… 21-4-9… U.D.I../I.D.Universe… 4-21-9.. D.U.I…Driving Under Influence…of the Divine Universe Identity.. 4-3-9…D.C..I… Divine Consciousness Infinity. Hello.. Sigh… Yes, I am still here… That is the problem with reading and understanding this Energetic Wave, is that despite exhaustion, and my own total understanding of the play.. I am aware of what is still being asked of me by the ‘Sirius-Blue E.T family of what I must do to complete the play.. Last night my friend and former colleague […]

21 Apr 2016

4/21/2016 10:16 – Facebook Post

We’ve lost a great virtuoso. RIP, Prince. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Apr 2016

4/21/2016 0:45 – Facebook Post

6:51 p.m F E I… Fact, E, I… 20-4-9 T.D.I…/ I.D..T.. I.D..Truth. 4-20-9.. D-T.I..Divine Ti! 7th Note… Hello.. Yesterday we left of with my sitting at 54 The Bean Cafe, knowing I had to complete the post, and the equation, before I knew that the next step would be… Where I would sleep and unload my bag… I was aware of the play, I knew in the back of my mind what the play was moving me, to- it did […]

20 Apr 2016

4/20/2016 13:01 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Apr 2016

4/19/2016 9:34 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Apr 2016

4/18/2016 23:55 – Facebook Post

Hello… And so we are back at 580 Face book friends.. E H.O… E Harmony Full Circle.. Linked to Donna O’Sullivan.. And Welcome my New Face book friend Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel… The Name is self explaining, Rain Bow Blue Love, Sky Heart Angel.. R.B.B.L.S..H.A. Rebels Ha! R.B B L S H.A 18 22 12 19…8 1 R.V.L.S….H.A….. R.E.V.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S… I.V.C.A.O…H.A…. 4th Cee Alpha Omega Harmony Alpha… Meaning Existence Creation began in Harmony from within its very inception within Eternity… Rain Bows to […]

18 Apr 2016

4/18/2016 18:13 – Facebook Post

Hello.. 4:36 p.m. D.C.F…i 4; 360 Degrees Linked to the equation I posted, Impulsed by a Conversation with Jon and Observations by Donna… Jonn mentioned that Mercury Mars Pluto M.M.P ( P.M.M..Z..H) are in Retrograde and that it we are back in July August September of Last years and that is the cycle one must go back to if there are things to clear up… I was on on my way here on July 18th… at 268 East 4th street..about […]