

20 Mar 2022

4:24 pm. – D.B.D. Full Circle. –

4:24 pm. D.B.D. Full Circle. Delta X 3-20-2001. C-T-T-O.A. It is 21 years since I was forced by the line of Ancestors of Nature to come to New York, and complete its Script, and prove that I came before in Dec 1999, as The Elegant Nomad-Hot mail 1999, thus aligning all the way back to 22nd-23rd Dec 1988 when I knew I had to arrive in London England, to beat a dead Line, which I sensed I had to. the […]

20 Mar 2022

2:04 a.m – 2:05 am. – 24 E.M.F. –

2:04 a.m 2:05 am. 24 E.M.F. 25 Evidence AY A- E.M.F B-64. B.F-5 X.Y. 4625 Facebook Friends. Delta -62-5 David- F.B.E De-Vine-Y. Jaquel Flippa J.F. Nicole Roach N.R. J.F. N.R. J.N. F.R. (E.E) I watched myself in 5 3 Realms and Dimension this evening cut forever with my ties and linked connection to the past. What might or described as the E Umbiblical chord. So now that you will awaken in Eden has been done, as well as getting rid […]

19 Mar 2022

11:27 pm – 11:28 pm – Right now.

11:27 pm 11:28 pm Right now. I.. W.E are now at 4-622 Facebook Facebook friends, Delta F.V. Fritz Venneiq David F.B.B- F.A C T I ON MOVE I did not know such Cruelty and Evil such as this could ever exist. And I know and experience True Cruelty in my Life and in my journey in the Spirit realm, but nothing compares to this. So let me just code this name. 11:31 a.m. Madge Sandra M.S. Sandra Rivas, David Rivas […]

19 Mar 2022

9:58 pm – I.E.H. – Connect Donna

9:58 pm I.E.H. Connect Donna O Sullivan at 18 Mountain View, Smh. So at last at the True Universe -Cosmos OH, Light Fantastic Lucifer Feelings Sensational. 10:00 pm. I feel sick to my stomach, and still twisted, by the play of the Grandmother Daughter and Granduagther which in your stories you call the Hag the Triple Goddess. See in Liberty C her middle name C, came from 3 names beginning with the letter C, her parents could not decide and […]

19 Mar 2022

8:00 pm – So, I had to go to C-

8:00 pm So, I had to go to C-Town once again. David The Worker and his Lady Friends are still here but out of sight. I wish to pause for a moment, and for you to consider what just took place and I posted as David- Devi playing the Village Idiot. V.I in the last of the Intelligence of the Ancestor Golden Age play *=( Julie Aurelia) of Nature Energy- E.T. T.L. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr pointed out to stating […]

19 Mar 2022

5:24 pm – E.X. – E.B.D. – I can no

5:24 pm E.X. E.B.D. I can not say anything right now, I have just witnessed the unspeakable. 5:26 pm E.Z. Woman as the End Z. Helena Emilia H.E. Zibo Alhassane Z.A Manar Pratiwi M.P. Neile Wrinkle Georgeanna N.W.G. N.G. Igbo Juliet. I.J. The Message: H.E Z.A.M.P. N.G. I.P. H.Z.M.N.I. E.A.P. G. I. The Property Manager here ( not Land Lord Kim informed me code P.N) is called Julie- Julia. See my last Facebook friend on the list. 5:38 pm My […]

19 Mar 2022

5:22 pm. – E.V. – 123 – ( 23O) – 5

5:22 pm. E.V. 123 ( 23O) 5:23 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Mar 2022

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Mar 2022

5:13 pm. – E.M. – Original Faceb

5:13 pm. E.M. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Mar 2022

1:46 pm – 1:47 pm – 3-19-2022. – C

1:46 pm 1:47 pm 3-19-2022. C-S-T.V. C-A.I-T.V. I- W.E are at 4615 Facebook Friends. David the worker, has not come as promised to fix the door, the one who comes with his female companion who could be his daughter, and who talks shit about everyone, who came before as idiots. While leaving and making a mess, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, and I found that we were thinking the exact same thoughts about him, he even called the persons upstairs, ‘That […]