

10 May 2016

5/10/2016 8:54 – Facebook Post

New Ask Teal on How to Live a Happy Life Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 May 2016

5/8/2016 19:05 – Facebook Post

“The entire Matter Cosmos is a Womb; a place for the development of souls. The planes of Spirit are vibrating at such an intensely high frequency that from our perspective it appears as Fire. That is why God is described as a “consuming fire”. The soul is a seed potential which is too fragile to exist in the planes of Spirit until it has been “raised up” in vibration. Every seed contains within it the blueprint for replicating the parent […]

08 May 2016

5/8/2016 17:41 – Facebook Post

3:44 p.m. C.D.D. 3+4+4=11… 3:47 p.m… C…47 ( My Mother C’s True Year of Birth)… C; 47… 11 28.. (My Date of Birth….).. After completing the Equation post of Nenad M. Djurdjevic dedicated to me, I called my Mother… I used a Phone card… it said 11 minutes…11=1… C+C=O.H… * When I came back I got a beautiful Message from Flor Elena Medina… It had started with “F.E.M…FLOR-I.D..A.. ELE..Na..( Go)..Me Di-na Kozmik One.. K.O Sweet Dreams my E.T Special One..”.. […]

08 May 2016

5/8/2016 15:18 – Facebook Post

Victor Victoria..Victorious… From Nenad M. Djurdjevic….N.M.D…/ I.A.N….(John)… (Tom Benzian.. Twin B- E.N. Z-I.A.N…John Mikel Obi) N.N..A.M…D.I. Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Oko -Nkwo (The Last day in the Igbo 4- week and 13 Month cycle.. The four Cardinal Direction ‘Ume- Ano the Four Divine Breaths” -‘Atu-Oku- Nkwo” (Meaning”By the Riverside of Baptism”), Nkwo Emeke- Nkwo E me kee kee. ( Baptism which regenerates” Emekuku is a river which flows into the Niger.. Nkwo is South.. Eke is East..Afo is North, Orie is […]

07 May 2016

5/7/2016 22:44 – Facebook Post

10;43… Lu CI F..ER Landing… He never fell… I remember… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 May 2016

5/7/2016 16:53 – Facebook Post

3:04 p.m Arch Angel Samuel Versus the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix… U.S.A.M I am of course, in the last of the play of this Simulation Awareness which I have been in the moment I arrived in New York City 15 years ago…15-O… Where my Awareness has been tested, to a point of absurdity. Linking every moment of my Life since I as born at 8 p.m London England code 66..6/6… 11 28… to code 8 H.I.. Harmony the 8th Letter.. […]

07 May 2016

5/7/2016 15:00 – Facebook Post

1:11 p.m. Code 56/65… 11..1. A.A.A…. 7-5-9… G.E.I…/ I.E.G…. I The Exemplification… Individual Energy Grace ( G-7) 5-7-9…E.G…I…Example of Infinity… 1:13 a.m A.M/A/M.. Chuckle… After posting the the three Shares from my New Face Book Friend, 614…2 see two left…:) There should never be fear… And once more let me remind you that you are each being moved by you Eternal Truth.. The Energy which Christians call Holy E-Spirit. And that I am personally, in a play where I am […]

06 May 2016

5/6/2016 15:27 – Facebook Post

Such great imagery…. Yesterday I received a message of intel, of the surrender of to the Sub-mission of the last of the old story of Allah and Jehovah… A-J..1-10… Each piece of intel of course, has to be confirmed… 1:27 p.m It was not about the real of course, but rather what was done in the name of Allah and Jehova…the angry Gods… the wrathful and vengeful Gods.. These are illusion which created an Evil in this Hologram much much […]

06 May 2016

5/6/2016 13:11 – Facebook Post

There were dancing fountains and musical falls, undulating streams through golden clouds and all in equipoise of one love,epitome of one single joy.From that motion of love I came and sure will return one sunny day; but in this journey here,in this hangover,I will keep searching. Will have to find why Orwell said,”in a time of universal deceit,telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. Racing through competition,antagonism and violence, fire of political hatred,in the dark alley of social envy, in […]

06 May 2016

5/6/2016 1:21 – Facebook Post

11:03 p.m… K.O.C…. 5-5-9.. First Contact….with Infinity..E As most are aware.. I am using my Face Book as a console, of a Space Ship Enterprise Awakening… To make contact with my Family of E.T.C…whom I have not been with since I was born into this world… But who have been with me, the whole time, which I did not realize until years later. And not only are they within me, but also they are rising in Humanity, moving you to […]