

10 Jun 2016

6/10/2016 0:39 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Jun 2016

6/8/2016 15:29 – Facebook Post

12:17 p.m. L.Q…Completion of Q… Quantum Quintessential Leap…For Mankind… E.Q…Equation Evolution… E.E. Erik Ebright represents that code… Four Quests arrived from Oklahoma last night, one of them a personal friends of Erik’s called Nike… Erik chose (naturally and without full awareness of the “Higher Play..Nike… Maggie ( Izzi Creo) means “Pearl” Yesterday,, she spoke of Hephaestus, the Black Smiths… Pls recall the Equation Aphrodite Alexander the Great, Hephaestus… A.H… 1-8. “Venus rising from the See..Cee” See Nenad M. Djurdjevic … […]

06 Jun 2016

6/6/2016 23:36 – Facebook Post

3:55 p.m. C.E.E. 659…Face Book friends… F.E.I. Meaning “Flight… to Fly” …Human winged Evolution.. opening up of the Diaphragm…Solar Plexus…Shoulder Blades.. *Trapezius…. Deltoid… Inraspinatus Teres major… Rhomboid Major… Latissimus Dosri… Thoracolumbar Fascia External Oblique Muscles… Erector Spinal Muscle.. Seratus Splenius… To name a the back muscles.. Sacred portal 55… A biological and cellular composition and weave of the past… The Weave of 69… Full Circle O.F..I…C…Energy.. 69 15..0..6…9..3..O.E…Eternity… 4:15 p.m. Hello… My older Face book friend may recall my almost […]

06 Jun 2016

6/6/2016 0:32 – Facebook Post

7:49 p.m. G.D..I…/ I.D…G See sacred Portals 7… and 49… 5-6-9…E.F.I… Meaning COW…Sacred Cow… and “Strong” No Cowards… 6-5-9…F.E.I…Meaning “Winged and Swift”…”To Fly… Strong Wind Flight…. 656 Face Book Friend.. Time and Number Correlates. 8:00 p.m. I am wearing a T-Shirt which belongs to Erik… He happened to be wearing two, my cloths in the wash.. I asked him if I could borrow one…And he literally passed me the cloths off his back.. I had noticed when he had put […]

04 Jun 2016

6/4/2016 17:34 – Facebook Post

12:42 p.m. L.D.B… Date: 6-4-9…. F.D.I…/ I.D..F. 655…F.E.E….L Fact E.E…Links to code Erik Ebright EE… We know that Erik means “the Eternal Ruler”… And that the name Ebright is of Germanic origins and it means Famous Sword..F.S… as well as Shinning Bright Edge..and Point..” This creates the code “The Eternal Ruler;’s Famous Sword..a shinning bright Edge…and point…” This aligns us to sacred portal 120… as well as 55… 120 represents not only completion, 12..L.O…represented in my face book friend O.L/L.O…Orien […]

03 Jun 2016

6/3/2016 15:18 – Facebook Post

12:06 p.m. Melissa Aldana M.A… /A.M…. The Spirit World…. She saw me the other night… I was a little bit surprised by the waves of illusion which fills this realm I am in right now… I am still incredulous that this is literally still the play… I already recognized here, I knew here energy from childhood friends Melissa and Brian Sullivan who even as I child, I was aware of the energetic resemblance between Melissa and Brian and my sister […]

01 Jun 2016

6/1/2016 17:42 – Facebook Post

From Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka… O.I.N… Ha..and Wow at the same time was my first response to this.. Ha! Because it corroborates with the Nature of the Play- in which a great battle of Wills, and an awful Contest was manifested and arranged to pit the Consciousness of Humanity- or an Example, against the frequency and force of Nature, in the play of Evolution. The Idea being, that for Humanity to Evolve, they had to fight a contest with Nature… to […]

31 May 2016

5/31/2016 21:51 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 May 2016

5/30/2016 17:15 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 May 2016

5/24/2016 19:00 – Facebook Post

I am not sure if you can see the Bogumile painting which I am sharing, but I just observed what Izzi Creo “liked’ on my Face Cover image of PAN… She wrote Bogumile… Curious, I looked it up… and got this… Bogumiles Bogumile,Cathars,steale,standing stones, Green Man, Thunder gods Erin Hilleary evokes with her paint brush an invoked presence and potency of the legendary Bogumiles in this Blood & Honey Icon “Bogumiles-Green Man-Thunder gods.” I In essence Bogumile is the last […]