

13 Jul 2016

7/13/2016 22:07 – Facebook Post

Phew… I can’t believe I am sitting like E ROSE A Park (EDEN) on the back of a Grey Hound Bus bound once more to New York.. 721 Face Book Friends…G.B..U.. 8:20 p.m 82… (1982 Nnamdi code..28 Emeka code.. Bus Ticket 28…) Its is all about Convergence of all points, rays, Energy to one point through the Circle- the Symbol of Infinity Eternity… I finally understand the weird strange state I feel myself in.. I just made a Quantum leap […]

07 Jul 2016

7/7/2016 17:19 – Facebook Post

711… Face Book Friends… Seven Eleven… Always O.P.E.N… IS…S.E.E…S.A.M.E…M.E. 2;47 p.m. Twenty Seven… 247…25 39…Home telephone in Winnipeg Canada when as an 8 year old boy I wrote the story of “Evolution Awakening”.. 25..Y..B.E…2+5=7..G… 2×5=10…T.E.N…10…1O…1O7…8…39..C.I. 247…B..47…K-47.. License Plate E.E.. 247 IS B;D.G….1128. 39…12/12; L.U…C.I…F…E.R….E…K Beautiful Devil Grace…Luke Ugochukwu Chukwuemeke Freeman Erike Kolo… L.U.(READ…All Qu-Ran”) ..Large Up Consciousness Infinity Fact Eternal Radiance…Praise Full Circle,in Symmetrical Perfection of the symbol of Eternity O… Zero as a Consciousness and Dimension made real in […]

28 Jun 2016

6/28/2016 15:59 – Facebook Post

2:00 p.m. B.OO… 28-6-9….H.B..F.I… Harmonious Being Fact Infinity… 6-28-9… F.B.H.I… Face Book Harmony Infinity.. “You are watching the World grow up” That is what Erik Ebright responded to my question about the “Play” today. Startling me once more, reminding me once more of this Eternal Truth… 2:06 p.m. I hardly describe what is happening here at 26 N.E Casa De Bodhi. because I have grown tired of relaying publicly, the story of how Energy is moving through Humanity… And how […]

28 Jun 2016

6/28/2016 0:25 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Jun 2016

6/26/2016 18:16 – Facebook Post

Contd.. Anomaly Simulation… A.S Self Annihilation…. S.A Impossible Versus I’M Possible… I.I..I 26th June 2016.. 6-26-9,. It suddenly struck me that I was in an anomaly a singularity… The realm of IF…. What If…. It was so Impossible to conceive what was happening to me, it was made so real.. Yet I was totally alone. I tried to feel the country, get work, escape, but every road kept leading me back to this address… to this Rage and Wrath of […]

23 Jun 2016

6/23/2016 17:35 – Facebook Post

I get scared, too. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Jun 2016

6/18/2016 10:33 – Facebook Post

Funny Animated Movie about Statue’s Nudity (by Michelle Yi & Yaron Farkash) More news : Like Fubiz on Facebook. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Jun 2016

6/15/2016 18:01 – Facebook Post

686 Face Book Friends… 3;22 p.m.. C.V…. Hello… I would like to continue decoding the “Intel” of the Echo Confirmation “Bravo”- which comes through each “Random” new Face Book friends name… Which I have been proving for the last 4 years, that none of them are random, but rather that each is being moved by I.C.E..E Intelligent Conscious Energy.. Expression…. And that each response is a movement of Energy through the Nothingness which I have been proving and providing evidence […]

14 Jun 2016

6/14/2016 11:36 – Facebook Post

8:21 p.m. H.U… 13-6-9…M.F..I.. Masculine Feminine Infinity (96/69)…. Male Female Individual… 6-13-9… F.M.I…Frequency Modulation I… Vicky Moiane Sydaphasavanh… V.M.S. Musefiu Hammed..M.H… Ilkin Arslan Goker…I.A.G….(I Am God…Morgan Freeman…M.F) Yolanda Bakwena…Y.B/B.Y… Cassius Ramone Hill C.R.H…I.S…T Raghupati Rai…R.R… (R=18…36.. 360 Degree’s) Vanessa Ernandez… V.E.. Elizabeth Ellison… E.E… Gloria Chronister…C.G…(73) Miranda Turner… M.T. John Weedseed… J.W..(J.C) Johanna Gilmor… J.G. Helen Udekwu Jnr H.U…J. Jason Galindo… J.G… Its a Code.. Take the First Letters of each name and go down… B..V.M..I..Y.C (Yeshua Christ)..R.V (R.E.V)..E.G (The […]

12 Jun 2016

6/12/2016 16:24 – Facebook Post

E..E.I.C…(M.H) Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here