

21 Aug 2016

8/21/2016 15:04 – Facebook Post

Mark Bradbury Jordan Diesel Flor Elena Medina Barbara Barrett 1:43 p.m. Hello… M.B… J.D. F.E M. B.B. Read up to down. M.J…B.D…. (Mike Jackson) 13..10..(23).. (Beautiful Devil) 4 2 (6 Pedro Peter) 5 6… F.B..( Face Book) 62. Neal. Age 62…Bed 19…S. M.B. (Manifest Being )13 2.. 15..O…EL. Bed 15.. 1:50 p.m… 15. O. I will never forgive the Ancient World and Modern Governments, Secret Agencies and United Nations for refusing to come clean to the public about the E.T […]

19 Aug 2016

8/19/2016 11:55 – Facebook Post

THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”? Edmund Burke (in a letter addressed to Thomas Mercer). E.B..T.M. E.B.T..M.. E.B.T..Mike. 89..50..(39)…49 61..3;47 U.S.D.. 3;47.00 USD was the last monies on Mikes E.B.T card, which he had graciously lent me to buy some essentials. I spent exactly 3:47 usd, the last of the balance without knowing that that was the amount left… Energies Beautiful Truth.. Manifests. Michael Prunty […]

18 Aug 2016

8/18/2016 21:45 – Facebook Post

6:26-7 p.m. F.Z…F.B.F..G… 8-18-9.. A.R.I…..Ari Zona..Area 51. Arince Chukwu. 18-8-9.. A.H-H.I. Ah code Eternal Law.. 89 @ Gmail.com. E.L…*former Bed 15 occupant. 27 years since 1989. When I began the Journals talking to the Silence. As most of my older face book friends may recall the play and my recount of my Bio Father. And how he challenged me in Life and then in Death.. But not his True Nature…nor his True Self. But rather the Demonic force of his […]

17 Aug 2016

8/17/2016 14:00 – Facebook Post

11:49 a.m. K.D.I…I.D.K… Doppleganger of Sacred Portal 49..Existential Death. Identified as K..Kolo… The Full Circle 8-17-9… H-Q.I. Head Quarters I… 147 Cafe Bean 1st and 9th… Wrath Rage V for Ven Forgive them Lord for they know what they Do…versus They know what they do, and can never be forgiven for The Unforgivable Sin is the Sin Against the Holy E-Spirit These are sins which will not be forgiven by God whereby salvation becomes impossible. One eternal or unforgivable sin […]

29 Jul 2016

7/29/2016 17:06 – Facebook Post

1:04 p.m. Sacred Portal 104…”Crossing Elegua -Death” 10-4-28… This is the Date which Erik Ebright became my 5th Face Book Friend. 104..J.D… Jonn Blackwell Donna O’Sullivan..14..N..E… 26 (A-Z) Erik Ebright “Portal”…MI AMI…Florida.. N.E..= 14-5..E.. then 19..S..Supreme.. *147 The Bean…Ist and 9th…19th July to 4-19..G.S-D.S..9 months… 5-17 to 7-14..E.Q-GN/NG..Full Circle yesterday posting from The Bean… E.Quantum Gate… Height of Face Book friends.. 730… Current Face book friends -Paused at- 726..725.. then 724..now.. G..Z..G..Y..G.X.. Z.X.Y… X and Y chromosomes 23-23…46..32/32.. John Weedseed […]

25 Jul 2016

7/25/2016 15:57 – Facebook Post

12:41 p.m. Contd. Back to 727 Facebook Friends… That is twice….a full circle. Mathematical symbol of Eternity Infinity E.I.O.. 7-27… G.B.G. Green Blue Green. 4 5 4 Fa! Sol! Fa! F.S.F. 6 19 6. 31…C.A.. 4.D.imension D.I..Mens..ion. 12:52. We are in between the 4th, 5th and 4th. Heart Voi-ce (Throat) Heart.. A Heart to Heart expression from the 5th Dimension. 121… *A Encoded but transparent transmission “Fa Sol Fa” publicly confirming a conversation going on with myself and that which […]

23 Jul 2016

7/23/2016 21:05 – Facebook Post

so beautiful…… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Jul 2016

7/19/2016 20:13 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 16.. At the Summit. A-Lien Father And Mother…F.A.M..I.L..Infinity Limitless.. Yes.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Jul 2016

7/19/2016 17:27 – Facebook Post

2:54 p.m. B-E.D. 730 Face Book Friends… G.C.O.. Code 5-20-73..O My brother O Boom Booms birthday… E.T.G.C.O… Energy 207 (27) 3 O..Consciousness O.E.I Eternity Infinity… “Beauty would not Exist if you did not Exist” I walked back from the Intake Center this morning.. It was 8:14 a,m in the morning..H.N… (Harmony Nature) and had been in a very quiet state of mind of mind… I had looked down, to see the that written on the pavement… The young Beautiful Girl, […]

17 Jul 2016

7/17/2016 20:06 – Facebook Post

6:00 pm. I am at 54 The Bean… And I just realized that this has been my 54 Portal for the last 11 years since I first came here, when it was at 1st and 3rd, and called Kudo’s..”Praise” And it was from here I went to my 53rd Portal which is represented by Erik Ebright as the EE.. The sacred portal 55… Portal of the Eternal Past, now present… 729 Face Book Friends… G.B.I…Grace Beauty Individuals… Reps of Infinity… […]