

02 Sep 2016

9/2/2016 12:17 – Facebook Post

9-59 a.m. 10:00 p.m. It was with great reluctance, I am here posting, today… As I have stated, it has simply gone to far and negates, to my mind it necessity for coming into being.. But in coming across this post exactly one year to the day Of four people, all representing 358 Face Book Friends last year to this exact date… Hawa Ali Nyeleti Gladness… and Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan.. H.A… N.G… J.B.. D.S… One sees that it […]

30 Aug 2016

8/30/2016 12:04 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 73… S.H.E…S.Laurel… Notice the Mad Scientists below has his mouth blocked by My Sister Self.. Beautiful Pride… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Aug 2016

8/29/2016 19:27 – Facebook Post

4:43 p.m. 4th Dimension is the Portal to Eternal Life…Sacred Portal 43.. E=C.Me 43. Dear Face Book Friends.. We are back at 737 Face Book friends.. All Full Circle of 73-37…77 33…14..5…6 9…15..O..6… 5 6…Emeka Cecilia….11..1. *Pls see Sacred Portal 37… ‘Lady S.H.E..And Sacred Portal 73.. Sensie who looks to the First Born Above.. A Man.. While his Expressions “E.X-Crete-ME.NT..is Fair E.. Link Fey Mirach…Fee-Male… The Body. You will be my witness to the evidence of the meddling of the […]

28 Aug 2016

8/28/2016 16:26 – Facebook Post

1:21 p.m. See sacred Portal 121.. “Nnamdi and “Our Mother is Snowflake-Supreme”- meaning the First Supreme I..Individual” 28-8-9.. H.B.-H.I… Hueman Being.. Harmony Infinity says, HI! 8-28-9… H-B.H-.I. Harmony Beautiful Harmony to Infinity… (Has been achieved by A Human Being working in Tandem, as the Vehicle of Gods Will and Grace.. A.Man Metatron) Considering that this is Donna O’Sullivan’s 8:28-E.G. Whom I wish to seize this opportunity to publicly acknowledge as not only what she represents of the species in this […]

27 Aug 2016

8/27/2016 19:05 – Facebook Post

From Konstrictshun Artist. K.A. 7:01 p.m. I am not sure I can even begin to describe what took place in the last few hours following the play of Nnaemeka Ifennanna who kept his promise on the 4th day. Chidiume…. The Founder of Umeano Line. 7:04 p.m. 7 O 4 G.O.D Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Aug 2016

8/27/2016 13:44 – Facebook Post

From Michaël Trahé M.T… M.Twins. MM…13 13 26 Z. I take this as a personal message from the Black line. Code Jonn Blackwell Something which took place last night and today with the so called “Black Race the Non Existence Black Man… Black People… (There is no such thing as Black and White races..sigh but it became real as an artificial force by belief) Which the last of the play of Money versus Expression Energy… The Igbo line and the […]

26 Aug 2016

8/26/2016 16:57 – Facebook Post

3:50 a.m. Contd. I truly do not expect people to have read all these posts… It is written for the future, when.. according to the E.T whom I am in contact with, since childhood, say that it will be studied and studied.. But in this current reality, I know that people really do not have time.. I myself am tired beyond belief and have to fight the desire to run away from this, play the Assessment shelter.. I have been […]

24 Aug 2016

8/24/2016 13:28 – Facebook Post

From Kristina Michelle Womack Yes.. Literally.. the Extra Terrestrials are literally our Evolved selves. The play was very very much like the matrix where we come down as matter as an illusion creating the illusion of our being separate as Matter… Energy.. Creating an illusion of Dulaity.. but it was really our being the “Avatars- Descendants” Jordan means “Descend Flow” “Jordan Michael Zuniga, Jordan Colon Jordan Diesel of our selves evolving back to our original selves… Which is why I […]

24 Aug 2016

8/24/2016 13:13 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Aug 2016

8/23/2016 14:43 – Facebook Post

From Herry Lang…H.L. 8 12…20..96… Fantastic Intel. And correction, I did not spend 2 yrs in the Future I spent Two months as all my Facebook Friends witnessed. 2 months in Miami through a Quantum Leap… May 17.. From Jonn Blackwells and Donna’s to Albert Santana who showed me the series Flash of a Flash going back in time. .. Just before I left through the portal 27 and 49… See sacred portal 27 and 49. As well as 27 […]