

02 Oct 2016

10/2/2016 14:46 – Facebook Post

Opened my computer.. and this popped up along with a new Face Book friend… And an unbelievable play which has brought me back against my will, to Starbucks 1385 Metropolitan and Wood.. M.W. Border (Represented in this “Model” miniature version of the play depicted on Angela Marie Alexander A.M.A (Awakening) page I am sitting now looking out the Window facing the Woods Street and Macys.. (Yes American-Chinese-Taiwanese..A.C.T..Billy Hung B.H… C.T.A in order of immigration… Lord YI (Li.. Flushing China Town […]

01 Oct 2016

10/1/2016 9:06 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories. 1 year ago today. 10-1-2015-2016 1O-1-8/9 9:01 p.m. 91. Eros Kali. Woods See Sacred Portal 32. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Sep 2016

9/29/2016 10:04 – Facebook Post

From Xheni Messina. X.M. The Foundation of the Matrix is Doubt” Most of my older FaceBook friends will recall my recounting over and over the Beginning… Where my I recalled the Conversation with “my” twin reflection who manifested into the Embodiment of Everything Created. And how he had a question in his mind as to if everything I recounted to him about how Everything, including him, came to Be. He had an innocent question but did not say it aloud. […]

26 Sep 2016

9/26/2016 18:34 – Facebook Post

Hello… Today I would like to give you all, the final evidence that you the people are in a Universal Matrix and a great Battle.. (Almost completed), of Control versus the Quintessential requirement that the Species Evolve to the Consciousness of Harmony. And out come already manifested as successful in the first beginning. But this time, it is a matter of the same process taking place, but this time, it is based on getting a “Hue-man Body” which is adaptable […]

24 Sep 2016

9/24/2016 19:45 – Facebook Post

7:00 p.m Sacred Portal 2-3 and Sacred Portal 23… It was 23 years ago that my Journals where first “Discovered” in Paris.. I could not go through with the publication and extensive editing because the story was not finished. I knew this, but did not wish to be a writer, nor the isolation I knew Talking literally to the Silence would plunge me in, I was fully aware who the Silence was.. The Light called First Expression identified as Harmony […]

21 Sep 2016

9/21/2016 10:08 – Facebook Post

Many people with sixth sense abilities have had clairvoyant visions of what has been called “cities of light”. These are based on how some fifth dimensional beings currently live in ethereal crystal based cities infused with light. There are plans to bring these type of cities to Earth in our reality, and many ethereal cities of light already exist in places like Sedona, AZ. We cannot see them in this reality because they are simply vibrating at a higher frequency. […]

19 Sep 2016

9/19/2016 18:42 – Facebook Post

From Mark Bradbury..Manifestation Mansfield Mark bed 5019…E.O.S..E.S..my locker which uses a Key..is P.. My uncle Sir P Collins was moved to call me (of) B.E.I..NG 6:31 p.m. I see my Full Circle of being back where I used to Hang out with Erek Eclass Mateo.. as a Return of “The Eternal Forever King E Class (On) M..@ Aloha Truth…E.O…” Class Room… Called the Mirror Mira Cle. Fey Mirach..F.M. Miracle Mike Aghimien…MM.A. M.F A.M..M. The Beautiful Truth owns the Play. .the […]

19 Sep 2016

9/19/2016 18:23 – Facebook Post

4:59 p.m. Wake up yes… But to also, wake up to the Beautiful Truth. O.B.T. T. B.O. Link bed 20 John High..”Graceful High” And Bruce Okoye an old class mate not seen in 34 years…Also another Doctor.M.D.. What I am saying is that there is also a Beautiful Truth rising, apart from the Horrific revelations of what Humanity allowed themselves to become while they thought that they were sleeping. Case in point… A whole world watching me go through hell […]

16 Sep 2016

9/16/2016 13:46 – Facebook Post

It is EMMY…! Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Sep 2016

9/16/2016 12:38 – Facebook Post

10:01 p.m. 1O O1… A.O-O.A. Alpha Omega-Omega Alpha.. No mirror here, just to side of an open book… When you close it, it becomes simple Alpha Omega…Completion… This reality or Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Book…E Is simply a Book… And a Voice which is “Silver Tongued” Quick Silver… Who expressed with a Voice of such Beautiful Pride.. Eternal Truth.. Which traveled from the One Fifth Dimension of as the Source of Everything. Who brought to life with Its, His Her […]