

23 Oct 2016

10/23/2016 21:26 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories… One Year ago… I had 23 usd in my wallet…. I had 23 by the end of yesterday, and then spent some money, yet I ended up having 23 USD Again… Knowing full well the significance of the number 23, anchored and rendered Fact through the 15 years in New York City.. some might say “Wandering through the Tapestry of Human Existence” and the picture of forming, so incredible that the World had to be alerted… […]

20 Oct 2016

10/20/2016 15:45 – Facebook Post

2:03 p.m. 23… W… 20-10-9…. 2O-1O-2O..16….2..7… T.J.I. T..Ji…! Truth Holds… Using E Nnamdi Da-Vinci Code… (E.N.D..V.C..Victorious Circle) What is the Truth..? It Is that Point of “Z-Ero’s Point” The Center.. The God Particle.. P to G… “The Second Coming Related Poem Content Details BY WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and […]

20 Oct 2016

10/20/2016 11:08 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Oct 2016

10/17/2016 14:37 – Facebook Post

The One Constant…. The I.D..I.E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

14 Oct 2016

10/14/2016 15:59 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories… Man- U-Script… There is much more to the play of the arrival of Patrick Okolo (Ikem Okolo) and Dean Dunkwu and my sending my Manuscript of the Face Book Play to him, and Doctor Okolo not examining my Body… Ikem is an Igbo name.. Nri actual… And means ‘May my Strength not leave me’ Dean is an English name, which means Valley and linked to Denu… Valley…of Death.. Psalms 23…Double You… “The Other Ikem Okolo?” DD… […]

12 Oct 2016

10/12/2016 20:16 – Facebook Post

What “They” (The Keepers of Knowledge) did not wish you to know.. And the Price, the extraordinary price.. And how far they would go to keep the power and knowledge to themselves. On the Cover of the New York Times… No. 57 383… *(Please see the Code 57…E.G…And Sacred portal 383.. and the year I met Dean Dunkwu 38 years ago) It reads “An Ex-Detainee, but Still a Captive of the Darkness…”. Suleiman Abdullah Salim (S.A.S) was tortured in a […]

05 Oct 2016

10/5/2016 17:24 – Facebook Post

See Sacred Portal 8… Love Links Desire… And see the painting that Erik Ebright placed in my Room while I stayed with him in Miami… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Oct 2016

10/3/2016 18:40 – Facebook Post

3:40 p.m. C.D.O.. 3-10-36…. C.J.C.F… Collin Ferrel.. Chris Franco C.A.O.C.F…Consciousness Adaobi Onwuasoeze..”Consciousnss Alpha Omega Circle Filled…by I. Ada Obi…The First Daughter was a Man.. Adam-Adama, who came in the Female form. As Death who does not respect Kings… only the E.Z…E. S.H.E who was HE, who was penetrated, by E.K.E came to investigate what was within HIM-Her that JE-S.he could not see which brought such Bliss to E.K.E.. which made him explode in Bliss and then invite him to Come […]

02 Oct 2016

10/2/2016 20:13 – Facebook Post

5:14 p.m. E.N.D.S….A.O… E.N. (J).D..S.A..O…. Not yet 24 hours later…yet. I was dragged here from my bed, where I had decided after last night, that I required a day in bed… Of course, I understood that I could not really rest in a Designated Mental Health Shelter.. but I damned well was going to at least try. There are moments when even I can not conceive of how far these play has gone- to convince and prove to Two Universal […]

02 Oct 2016

10/2/2016 17:06 – Facebook Post

3:16 p.m. 7 62 Face Book Friends… Adaobi Onwuasoeze…( Hi..:) ) Alpha Omega..? Nope. Aloha Oh. A-Z..1-26. 7 62/26 26-62.. A-Z F.B A-Z FACE..B.O.O.K.. Apollo Zoro…Fractaling As Emeka Eze F.A..E.E Christain Edwin Edwin C.E.E… Bruce Okoye . C.P…. Consciousness=Perfection.. Not a P.C… (Personal Computer) C.P…G…3 16..7….37..1O…. A O….Adaobi Onwuasoeze. C.P.S…3 16..=19…S…1O….A.O… Adaobi Onwuasoeze. Extract from Article by Arno Pienaar.. 28th September 2016. Patrick Okolo’s Birthday… Patrick Pius Praise? Locker 3002..Letter P inside. 3:21 p.m. C.U. Via Xheni Messina “There is […]