

01 Nov 2016

11/1/2016 11:44 – Facebook Post

10:35 p.m. From Face Book Memories. 11-1-15 to 16. The Time of this 3:20 p.m. I am on Bed 3002… I Date I arrived in New York 15 years ago.. 3-20-2001… 2012 is 20+12=32. 5… Bed 5019. (5 19) True Life =T L. 2012…32…. Sacred Portal 32… E.R.O.S..E (E ROD) and KallE the Destroyer. When Dewight Smith gave me the balance of 15 USD, from Amoza i was not sure if I was going to give that line he represents […]

01 Nov 2016

11/1/2016 7:08 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

31 Oct 2016

10/31/2016 21:20 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 26… Eros Cupid… Afro-Aphrodite…..E.C.. Sacred Portal 25- 26.. 22 56… Code complete 9:20 p.m.. I.T.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

31 Oct 2016

10/31/2016 21:18 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 25… Linked to St Theresa of Avilla… Ecstasy of St.Theresa… Linked to Amoza Born Fey Mirach J.A.D..E See my Jade Elephant with Joseph Carey Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

31 Oct 2016

10/31/2016 21:12 – Facebook Post

5:58 p.m. E.E.H. 31-10-9 C.A-A-O..I. “Cee” Creation Alpha to Alpha in Fulfillment of Infinity… 10-31-2016… J.C.A.T..P Jay (John) Resurrection of the Cat (“Bast-Cast of) – Plan-E.T. *This code translation refers to the Original Creation Story I wrote of the Resurrection of the family of TEN. 6:04 p.m. 64…/46… 10. 1O-31-2016..36..9 A-O, C.A-…. T.P..C.F..i… Alpha Omega Consciousness Aware of the True Point is Create Facts=Infinity… *Meaning that Infinity is represented by Facts… Materialization.Manifestation of the “Idea into a Fact” 7 85 […]

30 Oct 2016

10/30/2016 20:51 – Facebook Post

Contd. 6:53 p.m. F…E.C… Fey Elizabeth Cassandra… Fey Mirach links to Elizabeth represented by Dewight Smith whose Case Worker is called Elizabeth… Mine is Cassandra…. E.C…Which creates the code E.C..K… In my Case, Emeka Chukwuemeka- and represents the Feminine or Female portals I have passed through and linked… Emeka is Chukwuemeka and the are K=11…The Same 1. as well as the O..Kolo… Round of Perfect Symmetry… E.C.= 5+3= 8.O…Eternity Infinity…. Cassandra means From the Greek name ????????? (Kassandra), derived from […]

29 Oct 2016

10/29/2016 21:00 – Facebook Post

Return of the Prodigal Son… Song.. “Le Langue..D’Ore” The Medicine Man.. Di-BIA… The Golden Tongue 9:00 p.m. I.OO Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Oct 2016

10/28/2016 21:24 – Facebook Post

8:28 p.m.- 8-37 p.m. These Time number represents codes… What is this play has always been about… The Resurrection of Lady E.C.H.O.. Into Beautiful Pride- Sophia Laurel… The Feminine Embodiment of the note of Sol… The Fifth Element.. Exemplified by the Four Brothers who are Two and One.. I will not explain this any longer as I have done this through out the 4.7 month Equation Play… But suffice to say Sacred Portal 81 Explains this… And it is Embodied […]

28 Oct 2016

10/28/2016 19:50 – Facebook Post

And here is the last Memory of the 27 October and 28 October…28 27… which is the order at which I shared them… without being aware with foresight but realizing it in Hindsight… 22 87… Victory M.W.87…as well as M.W.78/87.. Milky Way… C.Assad… I am in Room 3A…C.A.. Catherine Acholonu They Lived Before Adam… Assad means Assad Name Meaning from an Arabic personal name, As?ad ‘happiest’, ‘luckiest’, a superlative adjective derived from sa?ida ‘to be lucky or happy’. Compare Said. […]

26 Oct 2016

10/26/2016 20:01 – Facebook Post

6:56 p.m. F:E.F… See sacred portal 56…. “There was a shift, a shift of Energies in the Room last night:… something had given way..” said Paul… I woke up with the words “The Codes are complete… but there is another test which you will pass,” said Dewight Smith as I found my knees buckling, and involuntarily kneeling in the common room in what appeared a salutation… I did feel, I would be here, the play in my perception has gone […]