

09 Nov 2016

11/9/2016 10:23 – Facebook Post

A Brief note. The Trump Card. The Eternal Ruler….E.R. That is the meaning of Donald. Donald Trump won… Which actually is correct. I reported that Hilary Clinton was to win. This was because this is the code linked in my computer by Erik Ebright and was my the path way of my journey. 383… And yet, I had reported that Donald Trump is the Trump Card over and over again since Mountain View. Donald means the “Universal Ruler…” Which is […]

08 Nov 2016

11/8/2016 18:32 – Facebook Post

Hilary Clinton wins the Election… Code 69 83. Last Designated Mission 4:38 p.m. But there was a catch 22…( 11;22..Cecilia David.. See meaning of these names… “Blindness”- but really number “6” and Beloved. The Harmonious Consciousness had to be risen in her own Consciousness. Her Consciousness of the 6th sense of the beloved, of her being beloved.. By God… called the Children…. The Naturals and the Super Naturals. It was a Consciousness which she had as a Child, which had […]

06 Nov 2016

11/6/2016 12:15 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 43. True Life. 9;53 a m. Linked to the code and play of Emeka Kolo and Elizabeth Clarizio. E.C.K. E.K. E.C. E.C.K. Emeka Chukwuemeka (David) Ikemefuna Victor O. Kolo. E.C.D.I.V…O.K. The play between myself and Elizabeth Clarity completed in Harmony. Right to the completion of our private texts being made public. A similar play just took place with Dee Marie R.C… D.M.R.C… In which it ended with the refusal to grant permission of our text conversation which I […]

05 Nov 2016

11/5/2016 20:15 – Facebook Post

Analisa Mcleod… A.M. Analisa means “Graced with God’s Bounty… Mcleod means “The Black King of men and the Northern Isles” N.I..Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka Play.. E.I.N. Mcloud- the Movie “The Immortals”- which Charity Kanu (C.K) saw as the Play we were in, as well as my the Rape of my Truth and I.D right to my physical Body but in the Spirit Realm. Which was True.. See sacred portal 94… And 82 and recall I created these images infront of Marina […]

03 Nov 2016

11/3/2016 19:58 – Facebook Post

From Karl Hagen.. “Happy Dwali” First Born Leaf.. Lord Li (Ye) H.D…84…. 12..(3..C) 32.( 5..E) .. 44…( 8).. 16…(7) 3 5 87… C.E..87…H.G. Sacred Portal 87.. 787 Face Book Friend… A Landing Strip of Lights Strewing a Run way for the landing of a Jet LI -(GHT) 747… One of the major festivals of Hinduism, it spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair.[8][9][10] Its celebration includes millions of lights […]

02 Nov 2016

11/2/2016 23:49 – Facebook Post

Lastly… 10:19 p.m. J.S. A.O.S. The greatest fear of Humanity, living and as Spirits of the Dead.. Is that I am correct. That this World is not real… But a Book B.K. Bilal Khan B.K. Kathleen Beard K.B. B.K/K.B. Proven my this play, which was set up in completely unfair conditions, for 4.7 years… Because it is one thing to make a movie called the Matrix.. But it is an entirely different thing to prove it True from A-Z. E.R.A-Z. […]

02 Nov 2016

11/2/2016 21:37 – Facebook Post

Contd. A lot of words today… And yes, I am aware that even as I wrote them, that I was being manipulated, used… my expression to fuel manifestation. But in between those lines- my Voice.. my true Voice is Heard.. Expressing as myself and not some Slave to a Truth which is a Lie. For Truth can only be Beautiful… For what is Beauty but Symmetry, Synchronized to reveal Meaning, intent purpose which creates Awe. My time in Delta Manor […]

01 Nov 2016

11/1/2016 17:25 – Facebook Post

The U.S. Of A… U.S.O.A…Universe Supreme O (Symmetrical Perfection) Awareness… US..Omega Alpha… C.B… 32 Consciousness Beauty-Beautiful… But the Altered Equation is U.SA… United States of America… A.S.U…Backwards means Language… Represented by Aylin Sendemir Urkmez Aylin means “Moon or belonging to the Moon. Send Emir…. Emir means Ruler Commander..The Prince” Send the Ruler and the Commander…The Prince. Urkmez means “Justice- the One who Never Fears..The Defender… (Alexander meaning) All played and enacted out in her being one of the only people […]

01 Nov 2016

11/1/2016 16:01 – Facebook Post

From Ray Rowe.. R.R… “Freedom From Mental Slavery”…. FF..M.S… 2:56 p.m. It was Shared February 18…2012… 20 12.. Mayan Calendar… Royal Mayan… R.M.. Room… 2-18- 32… B..R…C.B… B.R.C Room B..Bed 007.. E..James Bond… E Usurps the Bond-Chains of the Masses.. Delta Manor Mental Shelter… 666 likes.. Mark of the Beast… O Proton Electron Neutron… O.P.E.N..9.19…I.S…A.O…. I will now add my “Like” 667..66 7/ (A man from the East Orient just came and sat before me, he is wearing a Ralph […]

01 Nov 2016

11/1/2016 14:52 – Facebook Post

This was updated as one of three responses by Michaël Trahé to my post yesterday…’ I recall about 13 years ago when Joseph Carey literally woke up.. and spend hours in the rain enacting out an ancient martial arts ritual for hours outside… Very similar to this image.. I recognized that he was no longer in this plane of Existence or Awareness.. Little did I know that I would spend the next 13 years manually representing this by aligning Circle […]