

14 Nov 2016

11/14/2016 18:54 – Facebook Post

“Finally the Point” This what Paul of bed 35 was alluding to when he spoke of the Tabernacle and a light in the bottom… I could see that the “Quantum Time Travel” play was taking us back to the Past… But on seeing the image is E-Spirit moving through him alluded to… I breathe a sigh… The Title… Finally the Point, Cometh to my Door at the 5th Dimension.. An Expression Cee Wave.. Christian Edwin Edwin… W.A.V.E..S A Light from […]

13 Nov 2016

11/13/2016 19:43 – Facebook Post

4:31 p.m Amit Dhawan… This appeared today as my Face Book Memories along with Sacred Portal 5… and 56.. 11-13-2016… 11 13…2016… K.M. T..P. A.A.M… T…P…G. Add 9.. Code completed yesterday with the post of I.L.. Which I commented on Kachy Ihem’s Share…and comment on Lilith. H.I..Harmony Infinity… Being U.S..Universe Supreme, my Family of Evolved Beings whose Energetic Wave and Frequency Consciousness, and way of Being, A-Z has penetrated your Earth, World, Universe Bodies ad Beings.. and is set to […]

12 Nov 2016

11/12/2016 20:30 – Facebook Post

Emeka to Jade Ford… “Will read this later ol Chap have to finish programing this reality to end Pls note the Time Codes… 8 55…H.E…E…. 2:40 24…Is X… See sacred Portal 99… The X… *268 Generation X Gardens.. 26..Z..H… T The Harmonious End.. of the 1-4 Dimension -Story.. D.S… See sacred Portal 99..( I and I…99 66…69 96..15 15..O.O.. Aligned through the arrival of 799 Face Book Friend… Becca Knox…B.K.. Proof that this reality is a Book… B.O.O.L..Of G…007. Double […]

11 Nov 2016

11/11/2016 11:53 – Facebook Post

From Herry S Lang I am in the mood for Beauty, Energetic Expression of Home… After so much ugliness and fighting to transform its ugly hide. To reveal the beauty safely nestled inside. Won’t you rise beloved. Family who so many forgot is real. Meet with Prince Panther yesterday And got the confirmation once more That my memories and truth. Were not a dream. That there is a family Evolved beyond and story of suffering and misery, fear and disappointment. […]

11 Nov 2016

11/11/2016 9:55 – Facebook Post

8:54 a.m. Space Cowboys. Devi Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Nov 2016

11/10/2016 18:34 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 97…9=I…7=G… Linked to Isla Grant…The Two C.N…Are One…E.N…are One…. River and Body… ONE R.B.. O.R.B…B.R.O…T.H.E..R.S… ONE… It reads.. “The True Mind and Brain Cranium-(TT.M…B.C…23/32…) The True Beautiful, True Challenger of Victorious Existence was Himself as Self, Sum (So-Me) and Brother-Forever.. Mother, Father, Guide…Hide! Lights of the Worlds Existence.. WE Qui (Who) C.. There is nothing wrong with Achilles Heel… Meaning there is no weakness in the Body and Being of Living Art… Creation Humanity People… only how the […]

10 Nov 2016

11/10/2016 18:06 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 96 Aligned to my 7 96 Face Book Friend… Ana Raquel Cintra… aligned to Ana Leonardo Caixas… 5:00 p.m It reads..”The True way we play (Being and Body linked by E..our Evolved Selves which people here call Esprit…but we call you Humans Spirits and Ghosts.. Holy Spirits Holy Ghost… Evil Spirits Evil Hosts…) …” And in that moment of Extase, was Bliss Born for they beheld the Lord of all things Bright and Beautiful…” U and ME…UME- Meaning […]

10 Nov 2016

11/10/2016 16:54 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Nov 2016

11/10/2016 15:57 – Facebook Post

From Donatus Nwafor..D.N… The Biafra Story was very pivotal to the Evolution of the Human Species, but not for the Political Reason of this modern day interpretation.. Which is Crude Oil and Mineral Wealth.. Ego…Monet But because it held the hidden Dna link to the Consciousness of the Full Circle and First Contact… Oge… Dawn of Time. D.N…Umeano.. Breath.. My grandfathers intials….Umeano means the 4 Divine Breaths….Or Winds… Delta… Delta Natural Expression Ume… Breath… Represented by Babies and Children Respire…First […]

09 Nov 2016

11/9/2016 20:00 – Facebook Post

5:11 p.m. E.K… 9-11-9 I.K.I 11-9-9… K.I.I. Contd. Hello, Well, I called Prince Panther back.. I had spoken to him briefly and he had asked me to call him back or I call him. I had such a strong sense of Neo calling from outside the Matrix, after decoding the Riddles of Cause and Effect of the Matrix and its imminent destruction… And to make contact with P.P after I observed that he had contacted me with the correct codes […]