

22 Nov 2016

11/22/2016 21:24 – Facebook Post

#85 Demystifying the true C of Consciousness I am speechless.. but their is a sneer of contempt smearing my face as I write.. All this just because this.. ? Not its benefits but rather proof that he should be crowned…. I was crowned in the beginning of Existence.. This was about crowning you.. as the E.. Evolved… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Nov 2016

11/20/2016 22:09 – Facebook Post

Definition – What does Proof of Concept (POC) mean? A proof of concept (POC) is a demonstration, the purpose of which is to verify that certain concepts or theories have the potential for real-world application. POC is therefore a prototype that is designed to determine feasibility, but does not represent deliverables. Proof of concept is also known as proof of principle. 6:02 p.m. 62… 31/31…. *See Sacred Portal 31. F.B…Fact Being…. Manifested the Body… And “Being” is 6th Sense. 20-11-2016…. […]

19 Nov 2016

11/19/2016 21:38 – Facebook Post

6:19 p.m F.S…A.O. F..SAO…. Fact Hale hearty, Whole, Complete.. Laudable 19-11-2016…. S.K.- T.P….” D.M.I.C. T.P/K 115 A.G.E.” D.M.I.C..T.P./K. 115 AGE… 11-19-2016 36 9 I. K=11 19=S T.P…I. Insert Date next to the year Code… To the Message from Anamla Qayin… D.M.I.C…K.S.I.T.P/K 115 AGE D.M…I.C..K…SIT..P…/ K….K.E…A.G.E I.D. M.I..C.K…SIT…Please!/ K.K.E. A.G.E Translation “Devine -Divine Manifestor @ Delta Manor, I.C Kolo, ID Mi… The Third Note and the 3rd Planet from the Sun… S.I.T…. Chukwuemeka Kolo… of the Full Circle Round of the […]

17 Nov 2016

11/17/2016 21:34 – Facebook Post

7:17 p.m All 17’s…. 11-17..2016… Herry S Lang texted me today and completed it at 17:17 which he was aware enough to notice… But did not align to the TEN..DOLLAR ..BILL… *( BILL Y HUNG.. Yes it really means “Well Hung” as all the drawing clearly point out.. AMU… Amu is the O.INri world for the Sexual Organs… The “Nether’ regions.. The Nether Lands.. Not “Never Never Land”) Recall it was given to me by BED 33 and his name […]

16 Nov 2016

11/16/2016 22:26 – Facebook Post

8:33 p.m. Harmony 2013…33….6…9…O…54…9…I Harmony the Two C create when joined 8… and 6… 86 68… Harmony with Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka… E.I.N… We Shall see because as all have witnessed the code of ALL-AH… A.LL..A.H 1-8..Has already been achieved… And yet I am still denied, even with the Confirmation Affirmation by Kerywn Rawles Vincent… Whose response, tears… was the response I was looking for in one who truly “Get It” Who tells Every One, from his Case Worker to the […]

16 Nov 2016

11/16/2016 16:28 – Facebook Post

The Bottom Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Nov 2016

11/16/2016 16:27 – Facebook Post

The Ten Dollar Bill..codes Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Nov 2016

11/16/2016 15:56 – Facebook Post

1:28 p.m A-B.H. Its real… So real and true that this is really the play of the Awakening Evolution… “One pure voice heard in the Depth of the Sea” Atlantis. That all I really do, is bow my head and weep. But I am in a Shelter the Depths of the See, posting from the Siren Logo of Star Bucks cafe. Its real. Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis Look at the code of this name… Of my Face Book friend… Sunshine…. I […]

16 Nov 2016

11/16/2016 3:26 – Facebook Post

Specific frequencies of sound and vibration in Cymatics create a vorticular action in matter and therefore the very structure of spacetime itself as all matter is made of atoms which themselves are tiny oscilations in the structure of the vacuum… Video by Simon Wieland Art Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Nov 2016

11/15/2016 17:43 – Facebook Post

Face Book Memories Contd. “Lady Shubhi I.See I See.. IS! IS!” Truth.. Razor Sharps Seer of Eagle Eye Clarity” Shubhi Gautama Do do do!! Elizabeth Clarizio Jose Clara 4:43 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here