

29 Nov 2016

11/29/2016 20:19 – Facebook Post

From Conte Raoul Venturin Well Read… Well Red 7:19 p.m. G.S Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Nov 2016

11/29/2016 20:09 – Facebook Post

From Conte Raoul Venturin… C.R.V… So True… How Fragile we Are… but my word, but also Heroic and Strong when we choose to be…. Ah.. just saw the code of the date and time of this post.. November 13… 4:19 p.m….11-13….4.19…D.S! S.D.-D.S…. S.D is 19+4=23…. 2+3=5…. D.S reflects S.D… See the meaning of Tiffany SD. Ha. this a a code for representing Dharma Santana….. Sanatana means eternal, never beginning nor ending. Dharma is from dhri, meaning to hold together, to […]

28 Nov 2016

11/28/2016 22:23 – Facebook Post

8:47 p.m. 11-28-2016…. K.B.H…T.P…C.F….I… I..F.C…PT…H.B.K… Codes Kathleen Beard/ Bilal Khan.. I Full Circle… the Point… *Bilal recall means “The Call, one who calls others to prayer… that Beautiful Call to prayer, it also means Wetting, refreshing..Moistening..Water.. B-Eau-Ti… I. But what is the call to prayer.. to the true Holy communion.. What creates a moistening, wetting, refreshing… Desire… to Touch Beauty.. or the Beautiful Ones…” First Contact…From Nature to Touch it is all about penetration… From Planting a Seed to the […]

28 Nov 2016

11/28/2016 21:11 – Facebook Post

From Márta Lacza 8:00 p.m… The Moment that I was Born… This is what I am sharing from M.L… 13 12… 25… Y…7..G… The Harvester… Mother Earth “Demeter In Greek mythology, Persephone (/p?r?s?f?ni/, per-SEH-f?-nee; Greek: ?????????), also called Kore or Cora (/?k??ri?/; “the maiden”), [n 1] is the daughter of Zeus and the harvest goddess Demeter, and is the queen of the underworld.” D.E…M.E.T…E.R… Sorry it was is a Man…. undercover Bar-Dem Javier…. Meaning of Bardem.. apart from “Minstrel, Singer […]

27 Nov 2016

11/27/2016 20:45 – Facebook Post

From Anamla Qayin That is why this Face Of Death… The Mask of the Beautiful Death had to Rise as the 4 Horse Men… The Abominations Committed here… in this 3rd and 4th World… Visible and Invisible and through Spirit… fully Aware… Are so Awful, so Cruel.. And then the Challenge thrown out to the Source of Creation so arrogant, “Come down into your Creation and see What We have done to your Beautiful Creation.. Your World, Your Word, Your […]

26 Nov 2016

11/26/2016 21:36 – Facebook Post

6:36 p.m… F-C-F… Full Circle First Contact… 26-11-2016… Code; Z-K….T.P…C.F…I. A-Z…”Kolo”- Tipi (Ti! Pi) Circle Filled by I. I just read this code as I write it, and I am so irritated, that the American Indian Spirit, play which I already knew I was passing through, since the evidence and “Sign Posts” were everywhere… Had manifested as a route home, despite my focus on the 5th World. But my cubicle mate made a comment, *he is part native america, african […]

26 Nov 2016

11/26/2016 11:14 – Facebook Post

I Define in order to Communicate Measuring Breath I seal the Input of Spirit With the Self-Existing tone of Form I am guided by the power of Endlessness Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Nov 2016

11/25/2016 19:12 – Facebook Post

6:07 p.m. This was my Y… W.H.Y…. Why Did you not let me Dance… Why did you make me become this “Tortured” Actor Write Explorer” Why could you not not let me dance.. Y!… 6:09 p.m. This, expression almost moved me to tears as I read it for the first time as a stranger, I am amazed that so few people were moved by my expression, not because it is MY Expression.. But because it is Beautiful Expression B.E… 2 […]

25 Nov 2016

11/25/2016 7:38 – Facebook Post

Se Pedro Passos Coelho quiser sêr verdadeiramente multi-dimensional e re-ganhar o eleitorado, deve fazer o que o Governo não está a fazer. Ou seja, Pedro deve mudar seu Quartel General para o interior Norte e a partir daí começar a criar Comunidades no interior e a influenciar positivamente essas Comunidades e influenciar o Governo a isso fazer. Pedro deve ligar-se ás Populações, incentivar a sustentabilidade, natural e não a capitalista pura que está a envenenar o Planeta Se Pedro souber […]

25 Nov 2016

11/25/2016 1:41 – Facebook Post

“No one here is your friend” I said firmly but quietly to Thaddeus, the 61 year old Gentle Man in Delta Manor who had come to me for a bit of conversation about certain things which bothered him. He had come to a troubling revelation which had truly hurt his true gentle nature. He was not weak, but rather a Gentle Man. G.M… “This place is not your home, your home is outside in the World… Not here.” I was […]