

08 Dec 2016

12/8/2016 1:44 – Facebook Post

From Jade Ford. Emmanuel ” My O G” gave me a his piece he wrote called Trippin’ Kerwyn Vincent told me a few moments ago that he had commented on my page “Original Blue Print” And I had seen this which Jade Ford sent me… Jade became my Face Book friend immediately after the Green Glo Ball of Light was spotted over Japan on Halloween Day H.D. 84 And when I just finally, got the chance to hear it…. Well… […]

05 Dec 2016

12/5/2016 18:34 – Facebook Post

4:06 p.m. 46 My word I am back! I wasn’t even aware of just how deeply undercover I went in this play. Nor did I know that it could go that far, but I was reading it even as I saw myself descending into the “Present” as Existential Death… This Pit of Being… Hello Face Book Friends… Yes, I am in a much better mood and would like to first express my appreciation to all those who sent words and […]

04 Dec 2016

12/4/2016 22:07 – Facebook Post

7:15 p.m.. GO… And go I must, back to England where at least I have more rights as a British Citizen to benefits. 12-4-2016… L-D-T.P….L.D.C.F….L.D.I… 12 Completion of Sacred Portal D.I… “IS” or based on Truth of my own enactment experienced in Foresight then Hindsight… F.H…68… from Albert Santana’s House at East 4th 268 Street, Generation X university ( And yes, the man in the Hospital, called Albert Eddie Santana, who just happened to be there when I was arrived […]

02 Dec 2016

12/2/2016 20:41 – Facebook Post

7:14 p.m. G.N…/N.G. I returned to Delta Manor to be informed that I am being moved to the 4th Floor…. And despite my protests, that all was fine… Ashely who was the one who I first met when I came to Delta Manor insisted… So had Dewight Smith… And that the move is scheduled for 8 p.m… The date of my Birth… 3rd Floor to the 4th Floor… 34…C.D…/D.C… 3rd Chakra “Order Logic.. the Stomach region” The 4th Chakra is […]

02 Dec 2016

12/2/2016 12:49 – Facebook Post

Which is why, I do not physically fight… Because Death is an E-Spirit which Kills Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Dec 2016

12/1/2016 22:18 – Facebook Post

7:15 p.m. G.O….”5th Dimension in Japanese” 1-12-9… See Sacred Portal 112 A B. 1- 3- 9…..A..C.I… Awareness to Creation-Infinity…..Individuality Conscious Awareness… I.C.A… Institute of Contemporary Arts… (London… where I was once invited to show my work on Consciousness) 12-1-9… L.A.I… The La! of Infinity has been reached… Limitless Awareness I,,, L.A.I.D… LA.I.Delta…. D.I.A,L… 288 48 84…. Correct Code.. not 2 88 48 83… Meaning I have gone beyond that code given to me by Erik E-Brights Supreme Self…. Nna-Father Supreme… […]

01 Dec 2016

12/1/2016 17:34 – Facebook Post

4:34 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Dec 2016

12/1/2016 17:33 – Facebook Post

4:33 Coin Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Nov 2016

11/30/2016 20:02 – Facebook Post

From 2 years ago… 2014 to the day…. I Turn My Back forever to this 1-4 World… I am NZE… N.Z..E… Ndu Bu ISI… Ndubisi is the Middle name of my Youngest Brother ‘Mike Oboom Boom! O.N.M..K Ndubusis means “Life is the Head.. it came First before Death” And life came into Existence Full Evolved and thus Complete…. Death is the Story of the Source of Life.. His Reflections of that which took place.. A Story.. Just as this Universe […]

29 Nov 2016

11/29/2016 22:31 – Facebook Post

7:21 p.m… G.B.A…. G.U. 29-11-9… A-C.K.I… (A-Z+ 3).. Room 3A 11-29-9.. K.B.I…I. Code aligns to my Face Book Friend Kathleen Beard’s name meaning…. Kathleen.. *From the Greek name ?????????? (Aikaterine). The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name ‘????????? (Hekaterine), which came from ‘???????? (hekateros) “each of the two”; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek ????? (aikia) “torture”; or it could be from a Coptic name […]