

27 Dec 2016

12/27/2016 20:17 – Facebook Post

Now here are the Facts of Face Book Memories.. “Memory Room: 2 years ago and I will share all the alignment with where we are up to yesterday with Vivian Lavey’s portal to the Galaxy 1101 I.C… E Ga La XY C.I..1O 11… 3 A… Which I was instead led to Delta Manor Dark Matter… room 3A.. to bed 3002… 32.. For Prince Panther line…. P.P…16 16… 32… P in the Locker… An abuse of power, and betrayal of trust […]

27 Dec 2016

12/27/2016 9:21 – Facebook Post

8:20 from Anastasia Lfs A L Yes that would do it, Lying Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Dec 2016

12/27/2016 2:32 – Facebook Post

12:38 p.m Lying in bed with ear plugs in my ears.. The Snores from D Dawn fill the entire space. Incredible sounds, not his fault but I know I was intentionally placed here after my body collapsed from an Induced Exhaustion.. Malice Cruelty using Rage Despair Futility and the refusal to allow me to sleep or rest… A constant death trap to push one over the Edge. That is what Delta Manor is for me, I hateful space not because […]

26 Dec 2016

12/26/2016 22:25 – Facebook Post

David by Michel Angelo.. He wrote something on my Time Line which did the impossible now… it moved my heart… He offered the Words… “I Trust You” Pi Phi (Golden Ratio) Fibonnaci…Eulers Number… P. P G F…E. N…S.A.O I have always seen patterns.. In fact Pattern sequence numbers, natural cause and effect… Always, and thus I could read, identify the sequence and order of things naturally.. Right to its Expression to its Cause Effect… Outcome. Which is where I had […]

26 Dec 2016

12/26/2016 0:11 – Facebook Post

9:53-54 a.m I.E.C…. I.E. D Contd. L.A J E.G A.M. LA is the 6th note… (Sixth Sense) E.G is Example A.M is the “Switch” as in “switch the light on” … In the room with a view. I wish to read in clarity before you all the communication from the Spirit “Mind-Reflections Realm” Which supersedes the Physically Manifest reality of this world, and deeper still to the sub-sub consciousness of thoughts and escapists realities… Non Existence… We can see that […]

25 Dec 2016

12/25/2016 15:21 – Facebook Post

12:45 pm L D E….I. 25-12-2016 Y-L- T.P 12-25- 2016 L-Y- T.P Ola Ly…True Point Ola Ly is The True Point. Ly means “Reason in Vietnamese and Lion” Hello… O La Ly is my last Face Book Friend. Born 28-11-1982. At 830 Face Book Friends. I was born 11:28 and my brother Nnamdi left this reality in 1982. 1982 is the year of my graduation from Federal Govt College Enugu. And the last people out of a small group who […]

24 Dec 2016

12/24/2016 11:00 – Facebook Post

From Ola Ly Oly was born the exact same day as I am 11-28… Yes code 332nd day of the year, 333rd on a Leap year.. This year is a Leap Year. See post of Time Code 3:33 Two of them, One Yesterday and the other Liked by Chike Cyprian Nwosu CC N C = C N C= 3.14 15 * He is my 2nd 8 15 Facebook Friend aligned with the arrival of Ckc Nwankonbi C.N… Also 3,14 Pi […]

23 Dec 2016

12/23/2016 18:23 – Facebook Post

3:33 p.m. C:CC… 23-12-2016…. W-L…T.P. 12-23-2016 L-W- T.P… A.L 1 12… W-ALL T.P. E.A… 51… E.L.A.W…T.P… Double V..VV ..L…T.P…G. E.O.E… 5 O 5… E.V.O.L.V.E…T.P.. L.O.V.E…V.E… T.P Three Four Meanings of the Date aligned to Time 3:33…9…Infinity. Double U All…True Point, -All have a Doppleganger… A Twin to your Body- who is the expression of your Being… E-Spirit… But The Point was to merge them together, BB with Light to bring them to V…creating a double Victory for both Body and […]

23 Dec 2016

12/23/2016 16:15 – Facebook Post

From Emma Angela Shaw E.A.S….5 1…19 An Image and gaze which invokes the Sea Breeze… 3:15 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Dec 2016

12/22/2016 22:33 – Facebook Post

7:47 p.m. Now this post is addressed to the General Public.. as opposed to the last which was to the “Supreme 3 4 Elemental Forces… refusing to believe they were also illusion meant to evolve to become Fact Real… Not Stagnate in Ancient Africa – Crete Greece Egypt… Welcome the 3 new Face Book Friends to the last Song Expression of using Silence to move Evolution alignment and Harmonious Ascension… And Descent into the abyss of Non Existence and Existential […]