

31 Dec 2016

12/31/2016 2:14 – Facebook Post

11:40 pm K.D Face Book asks whats on my Mind… And I respond from my Being as if it is In itself a beacon which pulls everything in my being to flow out of me and onto this blank screen. I just finished reading the Article The Elegant Nomad… (I have posted it before on this page) 15 yrs of wandering through portals 15 years… I read it and how I meet David and then 15 years later the bed […]

30 Dec 2016

12/30/2016 19:54 – Facebook Post

#98/89 Hi here hear Ear lobe Book of love E!! The Hula Hola ola la a Girl! Sparks the Song Dance + Music… Ola Oladunjoye Ola Ly… Diamond Hearing..4 8…12…3..C Music to my ears… The real Music Box Ear Ring… E.R… Sparks from Stonley Okung… Ana Leonardo Caixas Diamond Expression.. And the Diamond.. Set in Gold Polygon And 3 point transparent Full Circle… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Dec 2016

12/30/2016 19:39 – Facebook Post

6:36 pm This is the Diamond in A Five line setting A Polygon After receiving the coded message from The E and the E-Sprits from 55 year old Stonley Okung… I placed it on the three point transparent pendant of Transparency I found with the code number 803 8O3 83 Recall Erik Ebright Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Dec 2016

12/30/2016 17:42 – Facebook Post

1:08 pm A O H Alpha Omega Harmony 30-12-2016 CO-L -T.P COLT 45 P… Bed 4016 C O Loves Truth 12-20-32-5 E is P 1530 Delta Manor Code OCO. D M Room 4B Bed 40 16… D O P.. DO E.P My bed 12-30-2016 L-CO- T.P PT- OC- L. O S E Hello, Thank Goodness this is all about the be over. I do believe the code 6:31 from Patrick Okolo”s Spirit ends on the 31st T.P has been the […]

28 Dec 2016

12/28/2016 22:05 – Facebook Post

12-28-2016… L-B.H-T.P. 3-10-2016…36…360, 9… Completion of being in Harmony with the True Point, ( 31O Resurrection in perfect symmetry. of Consciousness Full Circle Manifesting Facts, to Infinity… 12-12-2016… L.V…T.P.. P.T…V.L… Switch from L.O.V.E…E.V..O.L V.E… True Point…T.P.. To… Point Vivian Lavey… See the Sacred Portal from V.L, Looking out Stonley Okung…. S.O… 5:16 p.m. E.P. 120…5519… Bus I was just in a tested Again…. Yesterday it was Shari Sissoko… And today Stonley Okung…. S.S.S.O….19 19 19 O….57O….12O… Sacred Portal 120 or […]

27 Dec 2016

12/27/2016 22:16 – Facebook Post

7:59 p.m. G.E.I… 27-12-2016…. A-A-L-T.P… An Altered Planet…and Plan ET. 8:00 P.M 12-27-2016… L-(A-A), B.G..T.P. L.A…A.B.G…T.P… 6th Sense La! A.B.G…( Room 3A to 4B…34=7…G) True Point…. The Planet and the Plan-E.T..of Eternal Truth was distorted… The foundation was secure, but the Dna of both Humanity and the Planet was distorted by Sound… Human Expression not grounded in Facts and Truth. Do you believe in Belief?” Shari Sissoko suddenly asked me… No, I responded… Beliefs are like Wishes.. Temporary Oasis but […]

27 Dec 2016

12/27/2016 20:26 – Facebook Post

Stolen Justice…. 2:30 is the time of this video… 230… 7:26 p.m. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Dec 2016

12/27/2016 20:25 – Facebook Post

Again from Face Book Memories… arriving one after the other in perfect alignment of posting 2 year ago.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Dec 2016

12/27/2016 20:24 – Facebook Post

How interesting that this was from 2014… 20 14…T.N… 34…8 34 Face Book Friends… 8 7…M.W… And then the post of Vivian Lavey.. Portal… 60 times larger… Code 6O… Sixth Sense Full Circle… 5 Senses in 1…6 Sense.. LA! The 6th Note,…6th Energy point on the body.. The Third Eye… 66… 6/6=1… 6 1..7… Ti… Ti La… Crown Ade ( Kerwyn Vincent ..11 22 David R.Nicholas crowned me through him)… 7:23 p.m. Kind of tired of this Supernatural Play of […]

27 Dec 2016

12/27/2016 20:18 – Facebook Post

From the Memory room 2-3 years ago.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here