

03 Jan 2017

1/3/2017 14:16 – Facebook Post

1:15 pm This just popped up… Memories of the Day Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Jan 2017

1/2/2017 18:22 – Facebook Post

3:03 p.m 33 Hey… I guess I am talking to the Future… Since there is no one I can talk to here on in the Shelter or even the world at present. There is no one who could begin to understand what I am truly saying right now nor is there a friend who can listen. This is not a complaint, just a fact. So I guess I am really from the Future just as I had always said. Elizabeth […]

01 Jan 2017

1/1/2017 22:32 – Facebook Post

8:15 p.m. H.O… So I have already started looking for a Job… I know that I have stated Evolution Awakening is a Fact and that I go home through the Portal of the Ritz… Again ( Sigh! ) not for another reason other than it is a designated portal… After all I did not see anyone protesting or raising a Huff when I passed through the portals of living in the forest, or an Alley, or in Tompkins Square Park […]

01 Jan 2017

1/1/2017 21:03 – Facebook Post

5:55 p.m. E:EE… Ha! Back to 8 43 Face Book friends… And I am back! Not on Face Book… Dear Lord.. I am as in more myself… I went down to the minus- 44… Code delivered by Marina Burini- linked to the Martin Montez and Marina code play which sooo, pissed me off earlier… I knew something was up, but when you go down, you are in a sort of temporary forgetfulness… and you I really do not read this […]

01 Jan 2017

1/1/2017 14:29 – Facebook Post

12:36 pm There is something I feel I must clarify as I come to the end of the last part of my role of playing of Reporter of the News. Delta Manor and the people here, are all representations of a much bigger.. Much bigger world event horizon. It is Micro Microcosm of a sort of Chess Play set in what is represented as Existential Death. A Mental Health Shelter. The people here are all actors in a play in […]

01 Jan 2017

1/1/2017 12:49 – Facebook Post

10:33 p.m Existential Death is represented by a World which sends people who are clean or who have truly repented and atoned to a place such as this. Where they are abandoned, Homeless, no family, no friends…. Left alone to die alone… It is not dying alone but rather it is where and the environment and Energy of the place and the state they are left in. I was brought here to die, and to pass through the portal of […]

01 Jan 2017

1/1/2017 10:59 – Facebook Post

Some one died here this Morning And so we enter the Year here, with Death. 8:14 a.m H N 1-1-17 A. A.Q. A Anamla Qayin Death. She is the one who a stranger gave her a message in real life, which came to him in his Dreams. And she delivered the message to me. D M I C. T. P/K. 115 A.G.E. Delta Manor (Mass Death) I C … 20 16 (T.P… Tipping Point K-11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88-99- 10-10. (Prince Manly Warrior of […]

01 Jan 2017

1/1/2017 0:57 – Facebook Post

11:14 p.m K N N K N E (C) K. C 11:15 p.m K.O Knock Out By 11 E F E Family Well 2016 is over 4 years after the 2012 I am at Delta 4… And residing at 5-6 4 years of Grace… D G 4-7 Given to the world by D N Neil McDaniel Code Wilma McDaniel Wilma means “Resolute Protector Helmet Desire… Will W OO D. H P R… 8 16-18 See Dates 16th and 18th. 8 […]

31 Dec 2016

12/31/2016 18:41 – Facebook Post

4:00 pm. Delta. 13 85 Metropolitan Woods… M.W. Welcome Wilma McDaniel W.M. 31-12-2016…. A.C-L.T.P… A-Z+5..A-(Z)-E.L-T.P. P.T..L.C..A… Point of Life…Conscious Awareness….”Consciousness is Awareness of the Alpha, the One Beginning… For if you do not know your Roots.. Where you come from…? How do you know who you are? Children who do not know their parents, spend their entire life’s looking to fill that gap, much less an entire species. How do you know you even exist….? I was there at the […]

31 Dec 2016

12/31/2016 16:54 – Facebook Post

In honor of the Alignment of 843 Face Book Friends… 8 43 Wilma McDaniel….W.M. Switch from M.W.. Milky Way to Awakened Word Meaning To The Point…. A.W.M.. TT..P… Woods Metropolitan. Where I am sitting now…. Wood and Metropolitan.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here