

17 Jan 2017

1/17/2017 15:41 – Facebook Post

Sacred portal 58 EH. ( 228) Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Jan 2017

1/17/2017 15:34 – Facebook Post

And here is the 7 The Illusion of a Broken Heart can make a Person appear heartless, an illusion itsel Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Jan 2017

1/17/2017 14:15 – Facebook Post

From Rebecca Hernandez Hernandez R H H Lovely Lively 1:14 pm I noticed I am here 18 F B Friend 18 letter R Robert Confirmed is also I E Emeka.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Jan 2017

1/17/2017 11:25 – Facebook Post

The True Story of The Impossible. … Stating “I’M Possible. By Emeka Kolo. 9:08 pm 98 Infinity Harmony. Sacred Portal 98 “Diamond Hearing” 1-17-1 A.Q.A. 17-1-1 Q-A-A Quantum A-A. A-A is Full Circle of the Alpha Bet (A.B) A-Z-A 27. 27 years Writing almost Non Stop to the Silence for the last 27 years. Other people publish books, make films, use their creative skills to make money as well as reach the public. They get fans, accolades and through the […]

17 Jan 2017

1/17/2017 10:05 – Facebook Post

9:03 am 93 I do believe that I have personally given New meaning to that phrase Self Expression Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Jan 2017

1/16/2017 19:31 – Facebook Post

Rob Barr…O…. I….S… R…B.O….I.S…. R is the Our Bois de Boulogne.. SI… “Yes” ORB… Meaning the the E.T… (Eternal Truth… 5 20…52- 25… 100..USD) are using Rob’s line as their Orb their All seeing Eye… Because of his Natural Harmony and Consciousness reveals All.. Thus, he is the E lines T.V.. TI..Vi… 7 7… 14…N… As I am their V.O.I..C.E… R…B.O….O…. I….S…( 4:24 p.m. D.B.D… 865 Face Book Friends… H.F.E.. Hindsight Foresight Eternity….Energies Expression see the Symbol and flow of […]

16 Jan 2017

1/16/2017 13:44 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 4.O. 1+3 is 4… This is Ma Regret… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Jan 2017

1/16/2017 13:36 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Jan 2017

1/15/2017 21:32 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Jan 2017

1/15/2017 21:31 – Facebook Post

From Gato Kamaki… G K…. see the play of Keith Grant Bed 53… And how Man became transformed into Himself as Woman.. Gato is my 865… Face Book Friend… Please see this… and sacred Portal 53… And sacred portal 65…. The Truth about this Equation now at an end and all that I have been doing since the beginning of the year is aligning the Source Code or Programs to their Natural Final Expression Manifestation…. 8:20 p.m There is is […]