

28 Jan 2017

1/28/2017 18:34 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 62 B I have never shared this Sacred portal before… Simply it never “called out” logically to this weave… 62 is 6th Sense in Being… F.B.. Which links to Face Book.. “It reads “Sexual Evolution of Consciousness.. Destiny and Perception meet themselves… Dawn Piercy” “Sex Change Animal Love Sex..’ S.C.A.L…S… Sex C.A.L.L.S… S.C.A.L.E.S.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2017

1/28/2017 18:26 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2017

1/28/2017 17:57 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2017

1/28/2017 17:30 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2017

1/28/2017 14:18 – Facebook Post

An Elf Queen? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2017

1/28/2017 14:13 – Facebook Post

Edward Snowden E.S.. E.S..P E S is E=5. S=19 I was sent to bed 5019 E O S But I was never allowed to sleep there Little did I know that it would be the last of a proofing to the Children Hackers of Intelligent Humanities test of their rage and frustration of my they felt was my audacity in stating that the world is in Infinity Harmony even this one. Yes, they had summoned me to New York from […]

28 Jan 2017

1/28/2017 10:31 – Facebook Post

9:23 pm I was solving the Riddles of Existence and completed it at age 25-6 after 3 years Then for the next 23 yrs found myself locked in a Script of proving it over and over again in and through the worst scenarios of Mental, Physical, Spiritual and Emotional Abuse. Never mind that this Enraged Force had gone insane totally missing the point That I had not come to prove Harmony But to herald the Awakening.. The End of the […]

28 Jan 2017

1/28/2017 1:03 – Facebook Post

11:45 pm K D… E. Yes the One Dollar Bill marked with number 34 I have a New Face Book Friend Hector Herrera H H. 88 And he is my 880 Face Book Friend. See Sacred Portal 95 *Scroll Down See what is in her hand 88 My bed number is 40 16. 88 2-8 Born 11:28 And I am the one 16 years proving the alignment of the planets 12-21-2012 Is really aligning Humanity from Age 1 of Human […]

26 Jan 2017

1/26/2017 22:37 – Facebook Post

8:15 p.m. H.O… 1-26-1.. A-Z.A… The name Aza means “One who provides Comfort” in Arabic, Hindi Comfort and Joy… C.J… 3 1O… There was no war in Heaven ( Mind or Space as Star Wars) there was just a beautiful battle to merge all back into one” Traishon N Sumler… The Genius who was convinced by this world that he was Dumb.. ..Which he quietly contested while accepting because he could not prove they who called him Dumb, who sent […]

26 Jan 2017

1/26/2017 20:57 – Facebook Post

From Sherry Merritt Sherbear.. This is the Blue Print of the Physical Manifestation of the “Idea Of Life” And only by understanding is Energetic and “Spirit Science” could we Evolve our understanding of this remarkable process… to Fact.. by putting it to Words.. The Words and A Story which interfaces and aligns perfectly to this.. Hence the process happens naturally does it not.. Each piece of the Puzzle knows exactly what to do.. They know their roles, their parts… How? […]