

02 Feb 2017

2/2/2017 20:23 – Facebook Post

From Jake Werner When Lights Expands to Infinity… It takes the “Simply Beautiful” to the “Exquisitely Beautiful” Green Orange “Evanescent White Light” 2 4 O8…. R.O.Y-G, G. I.B…R…. R R.. = Light Code name “Robert” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Feb 2017

2/1/2017 22:36 – Facebook Post

9;28 p.m. I.B.H. I have two new Face Book Friends Ta Anderson….T.A Ta Means “Thank You’…. ( Ilil Ta… Schofield Tia… Tia means The name Tia is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Tia is: Goddess; godly. Also abbreviation of names like Althea and Dorothea. The mythological Thea was Greek goddess of light and mother of the sun; moon and dawn.” Anderson means “Ander [an-der] as a boys’ name has its root in Greek, and […]

31 Jan 2017

1/31/2017 20:00 – Facebook Post

From Michael Trahe.. Holy Shit… H.S…. Hary Spencer.. E.H.S… S.H.E… See sacred portal 37.. 2017… 37… 10… 1O…A,O… Every Body Shits.. Everybody Shifts to Shit… Hence Every Body Shifts….. Or they can,t Shit.. Release And if you can not shit and get constipated.. You cease to Exist.. You Die a really shitty death… Energy Shifts…. Bodies Shit. 7:00 a,m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

31 Jan 2017

1/31/2017 18:20 – Facebook Post

From Michael Trahe… “Remember The Name…” R.T.N… Rob Barr Traishon…Narcissus Nenad M. Djurdjevic… “Of the Bright Famed Shinning Trio of the Unexpected….. Mchael Dj.ur D.J…E Victor I.C…. See Michael Trahe you are my D.J…. Eminem Grove Armada…. Of H..P…G… E Harmony Planet E GA LA XY… 1101…I.C…. Fort Minor… F.M. 6 13…19… I see I am your 19th Face Book Friend this Time… 19= Letter S… Steven… Emeka Steven… Ah my room mate third room mate in University 1st year […]

30 Jan 2017

1/30/2017 22:04 – Facebook Post

Contd. “Carrying the Weight of the Loom “Shedding light on this fact shall brig relief..” Nenad M. Djurdjevic… Yes, thank you.. Nenad sent me this text at 8:07 p.m. 87.. And this expression has brought me some relief… To know that after 16 years, of hollering out at what is being done to me body, and people being even witness it.. Fritz Venneiq told me, I wrote it down over and over on Face Book.. That the very fabric of […]

30 Jan 2017

1/30/2017 20:41 – Facebook Post

4:19 p.m. D.S. Robert O’Sullivan 1-30-1 131… M,A. A.M. “ALL IS RESOLVED.” That was the message, I just heard from my Uncle Sir P.N Umeano. The Message lasted 34 secs. … it continues, “Your case has been closed and resolved and so there is about to be a massive break through for you and what you have been working on..” Notice his initials….? And notice the conclusion of the movement from Room 3A to 4A… 3 4.. And my Equation […]

29 Jan 2017

1/29/2017 20:09 – Facebook Post

From Dari TolstoyD.T I am only sharing this image of my new face book friend because the code on her…chest… C.E…B.E. The Source of the Scripts Echo Translation really has a sense of Humor… and mischief… I noticed that through the years… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Jan 2017

1/29/2017 11:47 – Facebook Post

Instead Of Solving The Riddles of Existence in the 5 th Dimensional Consciousness I represent, I have been solving someone elses riddles of the Universe…. And the force is coming from within me… 9:14 a.m 9:15 a.m I N I O I O N.. Sparks, Code of last 3 Face Book Friends names Hector Herrera Grace Mitchell Coco Tanaid “Restrained and Checked possessed and held fast. by “Hephaestus” the Iron maker, the Maker of the Maze-Matrix-Pans Labyrinth-the Underworld Hades Who […]

29 Jan 2017

1/29/2017 10:03 – Facebook Post

The absolute truth does not come from our perceptions or our consciousness…. It comes from understanding perception and consciousness Two entirely different things… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2017

1/28/2017 22:26 – Facebook Post

Back to 88…Face Book Friends… The number 88 Is on the World Icon on mt page… E..P.T… To N… E.T.P to N… That was the equation formed today… As I Emeka Chukwuemeka went with Traishon Paul to receive the code of 49.68 cents… *Paul later asked for more to buy some coffee… I was startled not only by his initial response of dissapointment at getting 7 dollars and 68 cents… Not 98… But then when he asked for more… I […]