

07 Feb 2017

2/7/2017 20:17 – Facebook Post

From Teo Miguel Bouça As the post about Nature which I just shared from Teo… Most realize from this Script on my Page, That I am being I am literally Proving and solving the last of the Equations of this… Nenad M. Djurdjevic has been representing (amongst others) Nature… And Mind… Delta… 4th Dimension as the reflective mirror of the Expression which I have been posting… And demonstrating these Truths…. Nature.. The “Spirit Realm” comes from Understanding Earth Nature… Mind […]

07 Feb 2017

2/7/2017 20:07 – Facebook Post

7:06 p.m 76… From Teo Miguel Bouça Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Feb 2017

2/7/2017 20:00 – Facebook Post

From Teo Miguel Bouça… Some one, I noted asked, “Who are these “Ordinary Citizens” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Feb 2017

2/6/2017 21:49 – Facebook Post

7:02 p.m. 7:03 p.m. 72-73… G.B..G.C… 6-2-2017… 37.. 10… F-B-J…F.B.A-O. 2-6-1. B.F.A… Best Friend Awareness… Yes, My Best Friend is my Awareness…. For it is H.E, who gave birth to Harmony….Infinity… An 8 lying down- Infinity, and 8 Standing up.. Harmony… He is the one whose sacred portal I just shared, because we are at 890 Face Book Friends… And though, I am ware that Sacred Portal 88 had been confirmed at the Scripts rhythm pausing at 888 signifying thart […]

04 Feb 2017

2/4/2017 22:41 – Facebook Post

Hello.. 9:01 p.m. 4-2-2017…37…1 4-2-1…. D.B.A… 2-4-1… B.D.A… Being D 4 Square Delta… Alpha… Room 4 B A… Beautiful Devil Awareness… I two new Face Books friends… ???.. Which has three Characters which means to’ Strong Violent Intense Fierce” … Row Aligned Lie in a row, that which is concealed Furrow… Honor Glory and Apricot Tree… Tree with a Mouth Apricot Tree” . *Apricot Blossoms…forest of apricot trees / fig. honorific term for fine doctor (cf Dr Dong Feng ??, […]

04 Feb 2017

2/4/2017 16:30 – Facebook Post

Polish youre-self like a Diamond,…. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Feb 2017

2/3/2017 22:35 – Facebook Post

8:58 p.m.. 885 Face Book Friends… 2-3-1… B.C.A… A.B.C… B.A.C…K..C.A.B… 8;58… See Sacred Portals 85 and 58…. 885..H.H.E.. Conscious Awareness Being… T.H.E…Traishon my room mate whom I publicly “Conjured and Evoked” means ‘3″…C… H.E..8 5… The Creator…T.C… 20 3… 23…5… Being is the Essence of Naturalness…. Consciousness is Being Aware… Aware of Being is Consciousness and D..is “Dong’ Being is Doing,.. B.D..D.B… 2 4.. 4 2… 6.. 6… I represented the age 66…Linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Dean Dunkwu […]

03 Feb 2017

2/3/2017 21:51 – Facebook Post

#85 Demystifying the true C of Consciousness Aligned to 8 85 Face Book Friends… John Crilly… J.C…. 10 3… 1O 3… 4O…D.O Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Feb 2017

2/3/2017 19:39 – Facebook Post

The Water Bearer is that not the Human Body Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Feb 2017

2/2/2017 22:34 – Facebook Post

The Universal Simulation @ Earth School… The Play Ground. Directed by the 4th Dimension- The Unseen Realm Enders Game-Armada. E.G.A… D.M..I.C…T.P/K 115 A.G.E Anamla Qayins Message delivered to me through a Stranger who had a Dream where the message was given to him… Sleep World is the Parallel Universe… It is not A DREAM… It is the Universe Parallel to the “Waking” World… Infinity Lying Down… Harmony Standing Up… 8… Harmony…. The Two Sleeping Words.. UN-Conscious… Night and Day… Light […]