

12 Feb 2017

2/12/2017 11:33 – Facebook Post

10:33 23O Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Feb 2017

2/12/2017 11:30 – Facebook Post

Recall this ? #FD R MUSIC Cinq Hash Tag Fifth Dimension “R” Robert (Famed Bright Shinning Of Light.. F.B. S.O.L.. Sol 5th Note) Cinq… 5th Why you might ask was money used as the conduit and currency in this Challenge to me to prove Evolution Awakening Of Harmony Infinity Eternity Immortality… Transformation Money laundering Money sent to me and then transformed by my using it and consequently receiving Marked Bills in exchange.. Whose markings aligned perfectly with my Expression all […]

12 Feb 2017

2/12/2017 0:28 – Facebook Post

From Jay Reid J.R. Talk about being on the same page. Well said! 11:28 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Feb 2017

2/11/2017 21:37 – Facebook Post

Winnipeg Manitoba…. W.M… Where I grew up for 5 years… Portals to Northern Light… Aurora Borealis.. A.B.. B.A… C.K.E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Feb 2017

2/11/2017 21:25 – Facebook Post

My Word! She Looks exactly like Keith Grant…. formerly of Room B…Bed 53… Who confirmed that the Shelter System was Is the Portal representing the Black Hole… The Pitt of Human Existence… Created by a System… of the Damned Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Feb 2017

2/11/2017 14:22 – Facebook Post

1:18 p.m From Face Book Memories. This has a special significance today. All day visions of The World of Nature Evolving Awakening filled my Mind… I could see it all… Code Nenad M. Djurdjevic N… A.M Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Feb 2017

2/9/2017 18:08 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Feb 2017

2/9/2017 14:14 – Facebook Post

From Michael Trahe.. 1:13 p.m. A.M. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Feb 2017

2/8/2017 22:39 – Facebook Post

9:30 P.M. 93… See Sacred Portal 93… I.C… Infinite Consciousness… 2-8-2017…37…10…1O… 2-8-1 O… B.H.A.O Being Harmonious Alpha Omega… 895 Face Book Friends… H.I.E… Harmony Exemplified… Harmony Infinity Eternity Lacey Hamilton Kenneth M Mdhluli Lisa Natalie Johnson L.H….. (Alexander Hamilton… Sacred Portal 97 and 93) K.M.M…. L.N.J… L.K.L…. M. H.M.J… Hello…. Unfortunately, I can not complete this code today, I will do so tomorrow… But the alignment in what this Script is informing us is at 93… As I.C.. And Response… […]

08 Feb 2017

2/8/2017 22:02 – Facebook Post

From Lisa Natalie Johnson I am sharing this because most of my Face Book Friends are aware of the Panthers Significance in this Universal Script and how my expression and narration of the First Incarnation of the First Being, who transformed into the Destroyer when he saw that he Creation had been distorted beyond recognition and after transforming it back to Its Beautiful Truth.. How his Fury and Anger so beautifully justified transformed him into Existential Death… And how that […]