

26 Feb 2017

2/26/2017 17:21 – Facebook Post

2:06 p,m. Via my Latest Face Book… Romeo Maxwello… January 1st… I was moving through one of my most recent Face Book friends, I did not know what I was looking for until this image caught my attention. It is the exact expression that the Beautiful but Primal Energy of rage makes… The Facial Expression is so exact, It feels very alien in me yet I know it is actually a True Version of me and my current State… Beautiful […]

24 Feb 2017

2/24/2017 18:52 – Facebook Post

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Would like to post a few images from Nenad M. Djurdjevic To give evidence.. especially for the very very near future of the N line activated to Evolution Harmony has been ‘Linked Aligned.. LA! Sixth Sense to Fact” Yesterday at the time Nenad was posting this, I was with Rahul… See the meaning of his name… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Feb 2017

2/24/2017 18:07 – Facebook Post

2:55 p.m. B.E.E Code Peace Bee… Being Ethereal Elementals.. 55..Now in E..O…N.E…S..A-O.A…Sao H.H… See Sacred Portal 18..”Insistence” 24-2–2017…. 37..10…X…A.O X B X…A-O…I…. 10 B 10… J.B.J… (Full Circle James Bond..007… *Please see New York Times yesterdays Front Page.. “Circling a Star…Not Far Away 7 Shots of Life… 40 Light years away….235 Trillion miles away. Dwarf Star…Trappist-1.. Trappist Monk… Pluto Trappist P.T.. The Point…. T.P..( 2016 ) Pluto Dwarf Planet… D.S..D.P… D.D..S.P… 40 is D.O..23 =5… DOE…B.C.E *Trap P IS T.. […]

23 Feb 2017

2/23/2017 19:18 – Facebook Post

B.A..P.H…O…M.E.T….. Museum M.E.T.. With Robb Barr and Shannon and myself… Room B.A… P.H/ H.P… 8 16… O ( 69..15…O).. Manifest E.T… Eternal Truth.. Baphomet was the name given to Muhammad when the Crusaders did not understand Islam and though that they worshiped Muhammad as God. M.U..(S.I.C) H…A.M./M.A. D.-H Note that the Statue has the Symbol of Medicine the Caduceus… C.A… D.U…C.E..U.S…. C 3 Earth A. 1 Mercury Hermes.. Consciousness Awareness D.U… 4 21.. “OF” C.E…( 35/53) Universe Supreme… A Message.. […]

23 Feb 2017

2/23/2017 12:43 – Facebook Post

Next week, Japan’s preeminent taiko drum ensemble Kodo ?? showcases the spectacular possibilities of time-honored instruments in this tightly choreographed pageant of percussion. Mar 1—4 ONLY: https://goo.gl/HFiVwb ??: Takashi Okamoto Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Feb 2017

2/23/2017 10:06 – Facebook Post

9:04-5am I O.D I O E Divining in the 3rd and 4th Dimension Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Feb 2017

2/22/2017 21:36 – Facebook Post

915.. Face Book Friends… I.O… But I had a feeling that this was Booby Trapped the moment I posted it that we are moving from what should have been 914 to 917… but then became 912… and should have reached 915… But instead it moved us back to 914.. Which is where we were and are, in the Beginning but only after a post a Pause Tsu.. At 912… I.L…Infinite Limitlessness… by Adding the 2..A.B… We have added B..Being… Which […]

22 Feb 2017

2/22/2017 18:51 – Facebook Post

4:32 p.m. At 912… I.L. Infinite Limitlessness Just a quick note before I move to 915 Face Book Friends… Remember the movie Limitless..? The main character takes a Transparent Pill… *T.P…20 16.. 2016..D.M.I.C. T.P./K 115 A.G.E now Switched.. From 6 to 9… Fact I… 69… 9 to 6… Infinity Fact… and now to 15… 915 Face Book Friends.. 36…Chess and Chase… both formerly of bed 36.. room 3A.. 4 B… 36.. 9.. 36.. 9… 9 9.. I and I… Played […]

22 Feb 2017

2/22/2017 1:31 – Facebook Post

12:22 -12-23 pm It said 910 Face Book friends Then back to 913 I never stopped at 911 Face Book Friends That 911 was not of the I E… That was… A Set Up Meddling Changing the Script To generate fear. 914 Face Book friends Code S AM Samantha Yurkosky code S A Y. E See the last post.. The alignment 5 14. 16 18 9 14 Face Book Friends. 9 5. I E 9 5. 14 14. 7 9 […]

22 Feb 2017

2/22/2017 1:20 – Facebook Post

11:27 p.m. K B G A A B G 11:28 E P E .J. D. P R Room 5 Bed 56. Room 5. Bed 58 .. Room 4 Room 3. Bed 35 Room 5 bed. 58 That was the alignment of people which formed in the terrace… One after the other emerged after I stood alone on the fenced terrace. When Paul Franklin joined me with bed 5011 E.O K. The young man who was next to the Bosnian bed […]