

11 Mar 2017

3/11/2017 22:26 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 110 “The Cocks of the Awakening…” We are Here ( ICI) At Last We (R) ARE One The One Family We are the First and the Last The Only Family of Existence E.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Mar 2017

3/11/2017 22:05 – Facebook Post

945 Face Book Friends.. Time 8:31 p.m. Now 8:35 p.m Welcome Tiffany Dawn Haynie Link Dawn Marie Dawn Piercy … Tiffany Dawn Haynie Tiffany SD.. Santana Dharma… 19-4./ 4-19.. Robert O’Sullivan E R.O.S.E… D.M…M.D… D.P….P. D T.D .H… H. D.T…. Harmony Donald ‘Magician” Trump… Tiffany means Transferred use of the surname derived from the Old French Tifaine (Epiphany), which is from the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Theophania (Ephiphany, manifestation of God). Royal Epiphany Sacred portal 127… 1200 AD – “Tifinie” is […]

11 Mar 2017

3/11/2017 18:12 – Facebook Post

From Tiffany Dawn Haynie It is the image which is so important… It is the Torch which aligns with Michaël Trahé Violet Purple Flame… Victory of the People called Pi.. 5:11 p.m. E.k Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Mar 2017

3/10/2017 22:21 – Facebook Post

8:55 p.m. H.E.E. Welcome Cordelia Rylee… C.R… Code Records- Record Code.. *The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) is an international standard code for uniquely identifying sound recordings and music video recordings. Gloria Bowen.. G.B… Green to Blue. Four to Five,, FF…C 3.. Dixie Alvarez.. D.A… 1- 4…Devils Advocate….4 Seasons in One… Two in One… 5 3… and in Harmony… Michaël Trahé… M.T… Who is as God… ” The One Who Links And Weaves… L.A.W… Light.. W.A.LL.. 3 and 1. 9:00 […]

10 Mar 2017

3/10/2017 19:51 – Facebook Post

This a Transcript and thus a very long post. From Michaël Trahé.. M.T.. Ah.. Here it is Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. My Space Ship.. S.S… Enterprise Awakening… The Blue Diamond…. T.B.D… 5:33 p,m. Linked through M.T… 5:53 p.m.. Meaning I am in Clarity… Elizabeth Clarizio… Jose Clara Jose Roque in Bed 5004, (54) right besides me and the last bed in the room… 5:55 p.m. E.C…J.C…J.R… Cordelia Rylee my First in my 3 new Face Book friends who arrived late last […]

10 Mar 2017

3/10/2017 18:27 – Facebook Post

From Michaël Trahé 5:06 p.m. Can you read this code… Land of the Rising Full Circle.. The Sum. /M.u.s…i.c…. One the See and the Cee of the Blue Transparency… The Third World.. Earth. Color Yellow…Gold… R.O.Y.-G. G. B….. I.V.ie. And the Fourth World The Red Planet Mars… 4 world… Red… is First Note… Doe… 4th World is the 1-4 Worlds… 3 is its “See”.. 5:11 p.m. E.K. Emeka Kolo 1 is 4… 5… 4-3…7 5 7…5 Sees… Do Ray Me […]

09 Mar 2017

3/9/2017 20:48 – Facebook Post

Sacred portal I.A O A..B C The portal to this 4 and 1 was Sacred Portal 41 Elugua ELU..A Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Mar 2017

3/9/2017 20:37 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 42… Room 4 B… Rahul D”Silva… O.M… Rivers Ohio… Erik Ebright… Mississippi.. O.M…The Great Lakes.. Michigan Canada,,, Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Mar 2017

3/9/2017 20:09 – Facebook Post

4:47 p.m. Delta 47… 11 28.. C.I… I.C… I See… We are at 940 Face Book Friends with the arrival of Carole Adena Orear.. I saw that Hary Spencer had liked the Sacred Portal 94 And added a thoughtful and sincere comment there which I appreciated… But please remember People, that is has been 49 years… 28 of such endurance that my Heart has become beyond Diamond Hard from that which I understood and Experience.. All that does not simply […]

09 Mar 2017

3/9/2017 17:39 – Facebook Post

3:30 p.m. ( Oh Boy, that is my Phone Bill… Yes, It is all a Code in this Matrix and Web finally dissolving..) 33 is the Age of Christ…. 33 is the age I met Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka 33 is the Age I first came to New York Chike Cyprian Nwosu… 330;00 USD… Organized by Dean Dunkwu and Chike.. Class of 82… 3:33 pm. 9… Consciousness is Communication.. Consciousness Creates Communication.. Concept Creativity Creates Conscious Communication Carbon Copies…Creation, Creation is […]