

18 Mar 2017

3/18/2017 21:22 – Facebook Post

From Nenad M Djurddjevic… 9:20 p.m. I.T… Code I Cee You at the Base being the Light in the Depth of the Dark- Pupil which allows The Pupils to Cee and See… 9:22 p.m. I.V…E… 4 5 5… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Mar 2017

3/18/2017 19:37 – Facebook Post

Ah I could not post it.. It says.. “Hi Beautiful” 5:17 p.m. E.Q. 5:18 p.m, E.R… E Quantum…Quintessential.. E Radiates… E Connects… Energy Links… Expression T.O.. Electricity. Creating Impulse Stimulation… C..I.S… Current Is… C.I… 3 9.. ( Nikolai Tesla 3+ 6=9) Is the Ability to Create Bright Light… 3+9=12…L…3…Consciousness… Phoebe Dixon was the Face Book Friend who came last night… Her name means “Pure, Bright.. Shinning…. Dixon means Ten… Then Katie.. which means “Purity.. Clear” became my next Face Book […]

18 Mar 2017

3/18/2017 9:29 – Facebook Post

9:28 a.m 5 O Men in Blue And S.H.E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Mar 2017

3/17/2017 21:31 – Facebook Post

8:29 p.m. Harmony 29… Harmony B.I.. Harmony Lives… Harmony Being Infinite.. Harmony Bergamo Italy… Nenad M. Djurdjevic Harmony The Bridge of I and I.. to 1 11.. I I I… C… H…I.N E.K.E Harmony Sacred Portal 29… Hary Spencer .. H.S.. Harmony Supreme line Kasper Lomholdt Serup ( Viking Line..as in V.I..Kings Of 6th Sense and Nenad M. Djurdjevic… E- H.K.N…. Add I. G. ( 9 7…And E+N=S… 5+14=19…Stephan..Stephen Filgueira and the line of Stephen Popiotek… S.F… Sensational Feelings.. Fil..of […]

17 Mar 2017

3/17/2017 17:33 – Facebook Post

Arrival of the E Rose… Eros-e in the Big Apple Green to Red Red to Background blue… transforming Greed to Green Life G-4… Blood Shed to Wine De-vine of Extase in New Yorks True State of Mind Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Mar 2017

3/17/2017 16:39 – Facebook Post

Just wished to Share some images from the last 58 Months of the Script… There are no new Face Book Friends… And I do not feel any desire to write, link or explain… It feels as though I am waiting for something… Which reveals itself… By Itself… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Mar 2017

3/16/2017 16:03 – Facebook Post

8:51 am and 951 Face Book Friends.. So I figured that if they went to all this trouble to get me out of Bed to Post… Knowing that I hardly sleep in that place not only because it is a Dormitory filled with men, many of them just out of prison and others with “Mental Conditions” and others who made chose this path as their lifes.. Begging… And others who are just so down on their luck that they are […]

15 Mar 2017

3/15/2017 0:03 – Facebook Post

From Michael Love. 10:31 pm Sacred Portal 37 Sophia OH Lauren. S O L. Wisdom. I am surprised that even more weaving and expression is required. But nothing more to explain Only “reportage” A summary of all the last manifestations of a long and gruelling reporting… As I sat in a the McDonalds people were echoing unknowingly the codes affirming my posts and where we are…. A man called Darren appeared and began speaking to no one in particular. He […]

14 Mar 2017

3/14/2017 18:47 – Facebook Post

6:40 pm 946 Face Book Friends… I am writing this at McDonalds 1982 Westchester Avenue/Pugsley Bronx (Starbucks closed because of the Snow… Set Up..) The store is #2938 My ticket number is 129 Pi is 3.141592… /29 B I Bergamo Italy Te! Ti! B I G. O D..E 6:46 pm Bought my coffee at 16:47 pm 6:47 pm now…. Welcome Candace Matthews Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Mar 2017

3/13/2017 20:28 – Facebook Post

6:31 p.m. 3-13-1… C M (E) A… 4/3 E= C Me 4/3 is my Equation for Pure Energy… Proven and applied non stop for 58 months on Face Book before you… I have been affecting reality using my Equation which comes from Pure Expression… And Perfect Expression is Perfect Timing which links to Truth-Perfection which I completed in Perfect Symmetry of the Sum Total of Time ( Human Existence) and to Existence Universe and then to the Eternal Truth and […]