

21 Mar 2017

3/21/2017 9:26 – Facebook Post

From Sarah Martha Grant An excellent self portrait… Cool, discerning observing Confident… Reminds me of a line of people I know P.S. Recall the equation of S I ” Yes” Staten Island Grant Street posted yesterday Linked to Keith Grant of bed 53 2015-2016 201 -5 6 21 56 Which led us to Elizabeth Clarizio. E C Linked to me as Emeka Chukwueneka E C Then to me at room 5A Bed 5-006 At Delta Manor Sent here for stating […]

20 Mar 2017

3/20/2017 21:15 – Facebook Post

Deborah Jenkins…. D.J… ( Found it…) Links to two other Face Book Friends with that name… Deborah Omolola Adekunle… D..A.O… DA O Mother is Father O.. Da Enlightens Debra Knapp Rinaldi D.K.R… The Name Deborah is so important in this play that I went back to Abarims Page. “We don’t know much about the first Deborah, except that she probably breast-fed Rebekah when she was an infant — the word for nurse comes from the verb ??? (yanaq), meaning to […]

20 Mar 2017

3/20/2017 19:04 – Facebook Post

A Dream within a Dream within a Dream within a Dream… within a Dream E.T.C.. Since Inception Conception… I do not think so… More like Like Endless Drama… The BASE Meaning…. Equation Answer Understanding True Expression is to Dig.. Dig? Until you get to the bottom of things… The truth that you can walk on and responds with Solid Confirmations consistently constantly linked with Logos and Reason… Light Radiance…. I.C… Mine is taking place even as we speak, in my […]

20 Mar 2017

3/20/2017 16:22 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 60… 6 O… Holy Eucharist… H.E. The Truly Holy Communion… Exploration of Self as a Fact outside of your Head. 9 6 O…All the Same things… 6 Sense moves you to the Foundation Facts… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Mar 2017

3/20/2017 15:31 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Mar 2017

3/20/2017 8:49 – Facebook Post

8:31 pm From Michaël Trahé Fifth Dimensional Octogenarian 5 8 Which is the number of Face Book Friends I am at as of Today Ultra Violet. 7th Chakra The the preparation is the bringing to alignment the people. 1 Billion.. That is 9 circles I am at 958 Face Book Friends as of Today. It would have Micheal Trahe but someone left the Scene yesterday. But it makes sense since M Trahe has been here so often as a Face […]

19 Mar 2017

3/19/2017 18:32 – Facebook Post

6:31 Sacred Portal 155 Rear…156… 3 Hears which beat as one formed the Waves which recounted the Story of the Two… The One… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Mar 2017

3/19/2017 18:10 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal The Beginning.. The Two Who is One in the Beginning of Eternity and Time/Matter… The Beginning and the End… (T.B…A.T..E) “Love = Desire.. D.L.. 4 12..= 16… Letter P See men Ejacualte and Cee Mother Bliss. Light of the beginning of Bliss. E ION D ION and C ION, Light of the Beginning of Existence. Male Female Organs Balls and Breasts M.F.. Transformation… First Tear Drop Bliss and Ecstasy formed the first waves and ripples Cause Effect Creation […]

19 Mar 2017

3/19/2017 14:22 – Facebook Post

From Elizabeth Clarizio Mother Of Pearl M O P Z.A! Release the Essence of Existentialism Death Aka RESPECT Awreath-Ah Frank-Line Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Mar 2017

3/18/2017 23:24 – Facebook Post

Aligning to Nenad M. Djurdjevic’s comment below of the Star Melchidezek Is the Six Pointed Star of the Individual “Arrival of E- Meta Snow Flake I D A O.E. M. ( E.K.A) S.F Snow Flake Sensational Feelings Link code and name meaning Stephen Filgueira Crowned with Glory The Thread of War. When I was posting the slew of images yesterday, I paused 3 or 4 times here, each time about to share it in the Weave I was forming so […]