

30 Mar 2017

3/30/2017 21:19 – Facebook Post

9 73 Face Book Friends… 2017… 20 17.. 37/73… See sacred Portal 37 and 73.. The Story of Pi… 8:09 p.m. I entered the StarBucks on the Junction of Metropolitan Woods and the only seat available was with 73 years Lilian.. ( Lilian Susa-Persia.. Lilian shaped as a Trumpet, Lilian means Graceful Lily Rose Lotus…) on the Woods Side.. Then I moved to the next table after telling Lillian the meaning of her name… Which is when Rahul came to […]

29 Mar 2017

3/29/2017 21:44 – Facebook Post

Time 9:12 p.m. 9=I…12=L… Infinite Limitlessness… Individuality Limitlessness… 3-29- 2017… C. B.I..( A-Z 26 +3 A.B.C.) . Consciousness is the True Speed of Light.. T.Q..True Quantum Mechanics… C Bergamo Italy.. Linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. True Q… C (A-Z) C…2017… 37.. 10.. 1 O… C -C-A.O…A 29-3-2017.. B.i.C…Truth Quintessential 37.. To Consciousness it is called Grace the 7th Chakra “Vision” of 10.. J..Justice Balanced.. Jay.. ( Jay Livesay Jay Reid.. Jay R.E…Robert Emeka I.D.) 1 O..Alpha Omega.. Robert means “Famed […]

29 Mar 2017

3/29/2017 19:52 – Facebook Post

5:35 p.m. E.C.E. Hello… I had not seen Cassandra in weeks, I no longer go to see her every Tuesday at 10;00 a.m. I had grown rather tired of that Farce… I also knew that it was not the Shelter her that would get my passport of get me home… So, after the play of yesterday, where I noticed 17 U.S.D in my wallet linked to 17 year old Leo seated besides me, even right now. I knew there was […]

28 Mar 2017

3/28/2017 21:30 – Facebook Post

Resolution of Pi And P.I… Square and Circle- Resolved Circumference Through The Correct Consciousness C P.I… TT Peter Ibeneme P.I. “By measuring circular objects, it has always turned out that a circle is a little more than 3 times its width around. In the Old Testament of the Bible (1 Kings 7:23), a circular pool is referred to as being 30 cubits around, and 10 cubits across. The mathematician Archimedes used polygons with many sides to approximate circles and determined […]

28 Mar 2017

3/28/2017 18:15 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 74.. “Le Voi de Dieu The Voice, Sound of God is Gosh! Awe! Mouth of God… M.OG.. Mouth of Muscles.. Expression of Shit’ -Alluding to those who presume to Speak for God.. The Gracious Ode of the 7th Note which is the 8th Undercover Harmonie Universal… H.U.. 8:21……A,M/P.M. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Mar 2017

3/27/2017 15:03 – Facebook Post

I am not very good or perhaps interested in Selfies. ..But in keeping with the theme and Spirit of the Transcript on my page (not E Spirit but Spirit) of sacred portal 31…Resurrection and Rebuilding Regeneration And adding to Shouravi Singh And Steven Prantalos 2:58 pm I add mine to this silly and unfair play.. S S. S P. E K Unfair … I will demonstrate on the next Foto Code Bomonty Fotograf B F He too the Fotos of […]

27 Mar 2017

3/27/2017 15:02 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Mar 2017

3/26/2017 16:37 – Facebook Post

4:18 am D R Imagine that they are not models But Alpha Models A M of the Blue Print of Existence.. And that they are literally undercover and this is the only job they could get in this reality to which it serves their purpose in perfect tomming.. But they are literally Elemental Ethereal Harmonies Goddesses’s. The Way The 3 The C And in my Bio Family Blue Print would be represented by my Three Aunts My mother Cecilia, My […]

25 Mar 2017

3/25/2017 23:39 – Facebook Post

11:28 pm Yes Moi Sacred Portal 43 Portal “Door Of Life” A.M. L O D I P I N E. A L. G. LA ND ED E N. LA. G. L A. E N I P. (Man) D.O L. Door of Life” 43. 7 G “Emeka Theresa Cecilia E Tom Chukwu… E T are are the Twin of The Creator.. E T C. E T Consciousness Eternal Truth. 11:35 pm K C E E K C M A. Manifest Awareness […]

25 Mar 2017

3/25/2017 0:30 – Facebook Post

Maggie Goodall Again at 969 FB Friends. N M Nenad M. Djurdjevic Margret Delta O E N. O M E Alaska 49 State 94th State Identity E. N O M. Welcome Lady Manifest Grace… Pearl of Wisdom Sophia The True Pearly Gates. Line of S.H.E. 11:51 p.m I often spoke on Face Book of my Mothers Elder Sister.. The One who passed away at the exact same age as my brother Nnamdi At age 13. In her childhood. When my […]