

07 Apr 2017

4/7/2017 16:47 – Facebook Post

From Gary Huffman G.H. 7 8 M W 78/87… I find it interesting this equation… 1=2 1=3 1 Strong man = 6-7 And A Stack of Money Bills = 9-7…16 People 15 Women and 1 Man… 1 2..3 1 3..4 1 6..7 16..7-9 /9-7….9-6-1…15 1… P G.I/ I G…I.F.A….O.A… All About the Money.. And indeed my journey through this story that is all I have witnessed. It is all about the money… Nothing else…. So people can buy and get […]

07 Apr 2017

4/7/2017 12:42 – Facebook Post

12:41 am 500 M E A…. M E. Alpha Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2017

4/7/2017 12:18 – Facebook Post

10:43-10:44 am 4-7- 1O Hello… Isaac Asimov H.E. Laughs AS I Move Through The Everything The Foundation B’E.A U T E Movement Water M W 10:47 am Gene Rodenberry G R Golden Ratio Spiral Spiraling Through “Time” Universe and Y.O.U U F.O. E Unified Field Of. E OFU O I N R I. Meaning of ONE Played out yesterday on a the natural convergence of meeting Lisa Natalie Johnson Brebda Emeka.. Sealed by Robert Completed with Chandra… Moon Light The […]

06 Apr 2017

4/6/2017 21:22 – Facebook Post

From Mbrawa Daniel… Lakers… He is also a 976 Face Book Friend…. He arrived before Sipp Zia Melissa… who I called the 4th… M.D is the 5th… M.D is the Code of The M.D Sanitary Cleanser given to me by Keith Grant…in 2015… Yes it is in my Locker installation but not in Room 5… Room 3-4… 5:49 p.m. I am his 49th Face Book Friend.. Yes.. Existential Death for the 3-4th Dimensions.. the 11:22 The Twins… The Gato K.. […]

05 Apr 2017

4/5/2017 23:34 – Facebook Post

10:10 pm – A Filthy Contest and set up into the realm of the Sum Total of Human Thought.. TThis is one of the Dollar Bills I received in Change from Ten Dollar Bill from Rahil I got if from the Chinese Take Away I actually find… I would never normally go to. (that TThis sign came on by itself, I just left it) Look 582 E H B Sacred Portal 58 And bed 5-008 Rosario Mari R M ROOM […]

05 Apr 2017

4/5/2017 21:23 – Facebook Post

7:00 pm. 5-4-2017…. 4-5-1969… 4-5-1 O… Marty Kyle… The order of my last 9 face book friends is the computer has on my page… Kristen Green Yonathan Kahn Marc Anthony Baggio Silvia Pretty Pinakin Maurya Indago Violot Qasim BaBu Manion Adcock Marty Kyle It is a Code…. K.G…Y.K…M.A.B (Bam Vega) K.Y.M. S.P…P.M…I.V… S.P. I. Q.B M.A..M.K…. Q M M …Q. Z 7:08 p.m. And Now Backwards Forwards… G.K…K.Y…B..A.M. P.S…M.P…V.I. B.Q…A.M. K.M.. 7:11 p.m. G.K… Grant Kolo… Seven Eleven Always O.P.E.N…S. […]

04 Apr 2017

4/4/2017 20:43 – Facebook Post

6:03 p.m. 63… F.C…First Contact @ The Full Circle… 4-4-1 O * 4-4-2017.. 37…10.. 1 O. D-D-A.O.. Delta Da Enlightens About Alpha Omega.Aloha … The Truth of First Contact before Time… First Contact Of The Beautiful ones with the Illusions of themselves as Matter… ORE..O. 6:07 p.m right now.. One Dollar Bill Inked 48.. (Ink Death… I.D…Emeka Kolo.. Ink Death The Beautiful One.. I.D…T.B.O…Code 20..2O.. Link Echo confirmation Silvia Pretty Email code 20.Cullen.. My E mail The Nomad 1999..Hot mail.. […]

03 Apr 2017

4/3/2017 21:04 – Facebook Post

7:18 p.m.. 4-3…Truth is Quantum…Consciousness G-Ode…Alpha Omega Alpha Beautiful Creation Expression 1 A… Joy Bliss Ecstasy… Jay Ben Emeka…. The True Story of Pi… Is He began as the Golden Ratio… G.R… G=7..R=18.. ( See time started this Post… 7:18…Area Code Brooklyn… Green Street Classon Ave- 2012 WhereI began the Face Book Weaving… Chez Akil Davis Evan ALexander Judson Tim and Beyond… E A T… B… And The Two Rachels… Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions, Rachel Young R.R.. 18 +18..36…36/63… […]

03 Apr 2017

4/3/2017 19:01 – Facebook Post

4:11 p.m. 3-4-2017…37.. 10.. 1O C-D..T.Q. C. G….A O Conductor Director the 4-3-20 17.. 3 7…10 T.E.N…1O Sacred Portal 4 3.”Door of Life …Transformation Quintessential to the Consciousness ( C=Awakening…) to the Golden Dawn “Ratio” in J.B..(Julian Brown J.B…meaning Jupiter’s Child.. and the Youthful Brown person)…The Elegant Nomad. 5th Planet. Awareness Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry of Sacred Portal Home-Homme- Origins of Man. E=C Me4/3 Good Grief! Hello… I can not believe that after all this, I am still being […]

03 Apr 2017

4/3/2017 12:01 – Facebook Post

12:00 pm And here in a little more detail Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here