

19 Apr 2017

4/19/2017 16:49 – Facebook Post

4:05 pm Look what I just found I just finished that post on comments Saw Adjara Maneken A M had sent me a text Then came back to change and get to work ( posting) Because I was so exhausted by waking up at 6am yesterday and that play with Lisa Natalie Johnson which so drained me to get through to her line Same effort it took with Nenad M. Djurdjevic And Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna She text me with a […]

19 Apr 2017

4/19/2017 0:45 – Facebook Post

12:17…18 am 18 (19)- 4- 2017 R (S) D. T Q. C G. J A. O R D…. S D. (E R O S ..E) 4- (18) 19- 1O D R. S. A O H S A O. H Sierra Alex Outcast. E L L E O. A S… I received a code today on yet another dollar bill which is a means of communication but more with the Spirit world that the E T. Incredibly, that play is still […]

18 Apr 2017

4/18/2017 21:20 – Facebook Post

From Ethel Young… E.Y.. Eternal Youth…. 8:56-7 p.m. A Cool yet Precious Look… ( Precious Shomii P.S…) I am not able or willing to translate the full codes any longer.. What is going on around me is happening way to quickly… Jace who has been speaking about his wings and his body dying to expand and to open up.. He spoke for a moment and his eyes opened wide when he heard himself saying ‘So I came down flew down […]

18 Apr 2017

4/18/2017 18:34 – Facebook Post

From Alex Sierra… A.S. Composure… C. Hello Alex, I hope you don’t mind me sharing your photo… But it Honors you in an Unseen Script now written in Invisible ink, now becoming visible.. I know this Face in my Story and in my personal Albums. at least as is represented in this photo. A,S code representing my arrival after 61 days in a Void, ( Streets of New York- literally searching for a Foundation Stone I had been asked to […]

18 Apr 2017

4/18/2017 12:38 – Facebook Post

11:19 am * I can not believe I am still doing this, but my body is literally unravelling like a Torus whose weave has been twisted so terribly out of its true form that this is the most indescribable and most compelling part of the entire 16 yr process. I never doubted the Truth of Origins of All nor my memory or Evolution Awakening ( really Evolving back to Source) … But it has taken me years to come to […]

17 Apr 2017

4/17/2017 22:49 – Facebook Post

10:49 pm Sacred portal 49 Existential Death TEN D I. E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Apr 2017

4/17/2017 21:45 – Facebook Post

128 B Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Apr 2017

4/17/2017 21:43 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 127 B Earth Quake… E.Q Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Apr 2017

4/17/2017 21:42 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 127 A Royal Epiphany… Thor Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Apr 2017

4/17/2017 21:40 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 126… L.F.. A.B.F… “The Line of the Princes of Existence “Okolo” means “Prince in Edo” is Restored. Restored Resurrection Renaissance Respiration That was the play… Story of Colors… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here