

25 Apr 2017

4/25/2017 21:20 – Facebook Post

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic T.H.E…S.H.I.P…E.T.. “In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2)” 14 2… N..B… Nnamdi Benjamin… P… Plane.T, Plan-E.T, P.L..A. N.ET… Promised Land A N. E.T… The Elegant Nomad A…L.P… (Song) MICAH JESUS.. M.J… Micheal Jordan… ( Jordan Colon J.C.. 13 10.. 13 1O… 23..5…14 5…..) 5th Dimension E. Akila Micha Nnamdi… Kolo… Akila means Akila means: Universe; […]

24 Apr 2017

4/24/2017 15:48 – Facebook Post

The Dome Oval Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Apr 2017

4/24/2017 15:47 – Facebook Post

48 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Apr 2017

4/24/2017 15:44 – Facebook Post

# F D M USIC Cinq Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Apr 2017

4/24/2017 15:43 – Facebook Post

230 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Apr 2017

4/23/2017 10:46 – Facebook Post

9:56 a.m Reflections of the Ying Yang Principle 69… 15. 54. O E.D.F F D. E.O Fifth Dimension Eternity OH First Step and Last Step meet Full Circle. After my comment yesterday to Anastasia Hart, And seeing Flor Medina’s comment Added the last post which brought forth through stream of conscious linking, That my own Dna line and ancestors went this far to meddle and manipulate me to bring forth their truth which was not even correct… ( I am […]

22 Apr 2017

4/22/2017 19:13 – Facebook Post

From Godwin Ruth Efe… G.R.E…. Gre means “Will’ in French…Propulsion Momentum… Akil Davis Tim Evan ALexander Judson… G.R.E…A.T…E I am sitting by the Wood Section, gazing at this image and knowing that I am looking at the Facial Expression which the Woods is reflecting back at me, for this play. And I silently respond to Her ( Their Expression) The Hair Style Ms Godwin is wearing, reminds me of Ruth in the bible in a strange world of the Woods.. […]

21 Apr 2017

4/21/2017 18:20 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 27… “Conversations with Ones God Self” Now you seen 25… And 27.. Look at Sacred Portal 26 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Apr 2017

4/20/2017 21:27 – Facebook Post

They Call me the Forgotten One… Yet I am being acknowledged as the Missing Piece.. M.P.. Of the The Equation of Existence… I am living in the Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter…. Not even I in my wildest dreams imagined They and You would allow this TRUE MAN SHOW… To go this far…Especially after the Easter Bunny Easter Egg Hunt… The Solving the Equation Enigma of the Cosmic Egg.. And the Riddle of Existence… The Meaning of Existence… T.M.O.E.. Every […]

19 Apr 2017

4/19/2017 21:17 – Facebook Post

May 7th… 2013… 5-7…33…6 5..76…. 13 (Raheem bed 5-013… He also goes by the “official name Micheal… Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. 5-014…David… N.M.D… 1400 Pelham Park Way.. 14=N… N.M.D…5-013… 14… 55 27…. Brenda is here sitting exactly across me on my other side at the Woods Side of the Cafe… 8:57 P.M…She told me she went with her friend 6-30…F.C.. Called Francis to a Dunkin Dough-Nuts.. D D.. 44 S.P.. Goddess’s they sat besides a woman who began to tell Brenda […]