

03 May 2017

5/3/2017 22:53 – Facebook Post

10:17 pm Delta Manor Mental Shelter Shelter For The Mind … Hello.. … I was 25… Then 23 That was that was the amount in my wallet when I walked into 1385 Star Bucks today. When I saw Elizabeth Clarizio text. It was 26 usd when she sent me the text but I spent A Dollar on Coffee and 75 cents on a packet of Oreo 6. I had loose change (Yes Reminds me of the Documentary too) 10:23 pm […]

03 May 2017

5/3/2017 18:53 – Facebook Post

… But there is something wrong, terrible wrong with the Conscious Perception of the Species… Something so wrong that It has now become the Main Issue in both sides of the “Pond’ In Africa, and Asia, Mental Health is dealt with in a very much different manner and is less rampant in the day to day living because of the Understanding of the Spirit world Cause and Effect… And well as the support structure of the Society, Culture and Family. […]

02 May 2017

5/2/2017 20:33 – Facebook Post

I just found that I have lost my American Spirits.. I paid for them yesterday 13.51 USD. M.E.A… I really can not afford to loose such things… It takes away from my Budget… But more than anything, I do not loose things, I knew it was the Spirit Play… I had been sent backwards… I knew immediately after I posted the page of Martinez Muriel … I have 26 USD in my Wallet… 13… To but them again is another […]

01 May 2017

5/1/2017 20:06 – Facebook Post

6:48 pm Look at Sacred Portal 87 From Lisa Levine. L L I stayed with Lisa after Marina Burini home but the Day I came to move in to M B’s home she took me to Lisa’s home where Lisa had made her a necklace out of Coins…. Her Studio is 97 Green Street I met Samantha Yurkosky Luke Simon And Naki… It was one of the most important portals But I hated passing through that portal Nothing against Lisa […]

30 Apr 2017

4/30/2017 21:24 – Facebook Post

9:58AM Hello Nenad As you might have gathered things are moving to an unprecedented space now… But I am still here to my incredulity. Alien Father has made contact- that is another story but a lot had to do with our recent exchange. I am actually amazed that I did- I had vowed not to But something in you or in the relationship we have had made me express to you that explanation My fury is quiet but really growing […]

29 Apr 2017

4/29/2017 15:44 – Facebook Post

Still love this Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Apr 2017

4/28/2017 21:01 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 110… 11O.. A-A.O.. K.O… Confirmed through ;Lady Sarah Nkem Blackstock… Death is IE…enraged. 9:02 p.m. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Apr 2017

4/28/2017 20:54 – Facebook Post

From Maa Ndu… M.N… E.J.C… E Is J.C… This was shared April 23 at 2:35 p.m. ( W W E. W B C E. Double U Vie Double Vie B C E. My Perfect Ego *11:22 pm 11-23 pm Cecilia David. K W. My Beautiful Past C H U K W U. C H I N E K E C C. 3 4 Igbo was never about a Physical People… It has, and had always been about a Spiritual Philosophy.. […]

27 Apr 2017

4/27/2017 0:27 – Facebook Post

Indiana Jerry Kern I J K Look at that alignment This is the name of a Face Book Friend who I did not see… I wondered why, until a strange play took place and with Jose Roque, who came down stairs, there was only Will and I.. He greeted Will then on realizing, I was seated my back to him facing will, he greeted me in turn. Will called him Angel, and I later asked him if his name was […]

26 Apr 2017

4/26/2017 20:26 – Facebook Post

From Alex Sierra A.S. 7:04 -7:05 p.m. G O D…G O E From Alex Sierra.. A.S… Code Alberto Santana….1 19. Mathew 6:25-34… 6 25..34…F..Y… F B.E…C.D.. I can’t believe I am still in the Christian Story, but I was literally challenged to live this story for 16 years in New York… It was terrible, a terrible experience.. not because it did not prove true.. Every day,and it was even recorded here on Face Book.. The play of Money Versus this […]