

25 May 2017

5/25/2017 13:04 – Facebook Post

1:01 pm And this The Conductor “Branch” The Grey Gloves Holding the stick The Titan one of Two. The Light reflected on the No 5 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 May 2017

5/23/2017 14:50 – Facebook Post

From Kezie Egele K E To. E K I say Yoke That a Yoke “Chain Collar used to attach Oxen to the Plough the Farmers Field ( George F F. G FF. 766) To Crack the Cosmic Egg and transform the Oval Office into the Unified Field Of Fact – U F O. F.. An Omelette. By forcing me against my will to Teach the People of the World the Consciousness of the E line and prove it at the […]

22 May 2017

5/22/2017 22:28 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 132 A C B Room 5A 5C. 5B That is what I “mistakenly” called my Original Room assigned to me.. It was no mistake Not even my expression wrong.. Is Correct As are Spelling Mistakes Even in the Nothingness Being is Expression and Awareness of of I C V Nenad M. Djurdjevic’s affirmation was correct Loyalty Is Right Correct Expression to Supreme Source E Exemplying E S S E E E. S E E R S SEE Perfections […]

22 May 2017

5/22/2017 20:13 – Facebook Post

A.M. C.V… Code Cesar Rivera.. Robert Vlaun C.R.R.V… C.V… R R… C.V… 18 18.. 36…9O I.O…36O…9O…O.I.. A.M… C.V…O.I. C.E… P.T… 5-46/7p,m. 22-5-20 17… 37… 10…. 1O V.E,… Anthony V. Clarizio 17…( Elizabeth Clarizio Son) Anthony Malgren… Vincent S Clarizio… Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo Vincent Kwarteng..Leonardo Da Vinci ( The 17 year old here) 17 is Q… Quantum… “It Jumps Leaps forwards… Jose Roque Room 5A to 5B.. 15..To 4 Man Room… Jumping as I did from Room 5B bed 5019 October […]

21 May 2017

5/21/2017 17:39 – Facebook Post

From Charles Taylor C,T. I arrived to Star Bucks to find Taylor ( Tatoos Truth and Love on each side of his cheek..”David” )wearing Wine Red Sweat Pants…and Dark Green Hoodie… Hi I said… Hi Brother he smiled… E.C.T… And then last night a strange thing happened a person called O.A who is setting off to Antartica…page popped up on my “Magic Phone” He had a question about the meaning of an Igbo Phrase..”Dike something Izu…” Dike means ‘Towering Strength… […]

21 May 2017

5/21/2017 14:06 – Facebook Post

1:51 pm I wrote at 1:43 p.m. So Cool a Bridge E K 3 years ago to the day So this confirms the confusion with my naming the first room I was in 5A then 5C and finally its actual 5 B 51 53 52 1 3 2 Take a look at sacred portal 132 2:00 p.m. Brother and Sister dancing She emerges in the portal from my expression. Dancing Me. Incredible A C are all B 2 Original Facebook […]

19 May 2017

5/19/2017 15:24 – Facebook Post

Corpse Candy Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 May 2017

5/18/2017 20:42 – Facebook Post

And Did the D Come to the E To Arose and Awaken me… 6:33 p.m From the most terrible Dream. Sacred Portal 33 Robert was sitting on the Table with the only seat available. on the Woods side… * ( Elijah and Will Woods were the last persons I saw before I left… Elijah Woods… E.W… And there was a play.. Terrel Law ( T.W..O.E), … A Note… Chandler- who always comes her with Richard 73, just stopped to chat, […]

18 May 2017

5/18/2017 12:39 – Facebook Post

3:45 pm C D E. E D I T. B E I N G “ONUABUCHI EH!” Perfect Ascension P A Public Announcement I have done my job P.S. This came from Donna O’Sullivan D O S Now D S David Steven 4:19 Date of the Birth of her Father Robert. 9 months to the Day I arrived (July 19-2015- and left April 19th) D S R 9 Months 9= I 19+4= 23. W. Double V Roman Numerals V= 5 V […]

17 May 2017

5/17/2017 21:47 – Facebook Post

From Gay-Marie Bradshaw Space And a Room with a View. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here