

12 May 2022

It’s a Code – Read the headings

It’s a Code Read the headings www. String them together to form a sentence and see the message meaning formed completing at A.I. 1 9 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 May 2022

Source: Wizard of Barge – Origi

Source: Wizard of Barge Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 May 2022

From Gwen King G.K – 7 11. – Dori

From Gwen King G.K 7 11. Dorian Elektra D.E. 4 5. Dorian Greek Roman Colums. The Vision. Knight in Shinning Armor A Portrait of Dorian Grey. D.G. 4-7. Dorian Column Spinal Chord. Song Hallelujah Jeff Buckley There was secret cord Chord which David played which please the Lord. The 4th, the 5th. 4.5… 9. 20. I.T. 29. 11. 1. 2.1. 21. B A Beautiful Assassin Being Awakening 6:06. 666. 18. 19. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 May 2022

9:26 pm – And one last thing Li

9:26 pm And one last thing Little Sister Liberty C Freedom Equality Harmony C. World. Story Flat Earth. 18o Degree Ear- Ring Earth Gaiah. 2 90 Degeee Earth. Page in A Book Earth And of course, Universal Simulation Awakening Evolution Earth. I have been here present for.54 Earth years. ( 56 is a lie) And I spent 22-21 yeare Quantifying Earth for 10-11 ,years on Facebook a Public Domain and I have measured and proven Harmony by Numeric Qualification and […]

11 May 2022

7 :34 p.m. – G- C.D. – 7:35 p.m –

7 :34 p.m. G- C.D. 7:35 p.m 5-11-2022. E.K. T.V. 5-11-6. E.K.F. Dear Liberty C Alicia Norris A. N. Aryana Luna Leone A.L.L. 7:37 p.m To be honest though made public. It is a private letter to my Eternal Sister rising in Libery C Liscomb. In which all are invited to Ease Drop on as well as a Personal Letter to Axel Love Axel Anderson. Axel Liberty. By this time Liberty I am aware of your almost certainly that you […]

11 May 2022

4:58 pm – This began by my inve

4:58 pm This began by my investigating a Facebook Post about two woman. A Principal of a school in Oxford and her Vice Principal in the 1900 hundreds who claimed they had gone back in time on a visit to Paris France on a tour on the estate in Versailles of the late Queen Marie Antoinette and her husband Louis le XIV. It actually all began with a response from Axel Love to my comment yesterday. And his reminder of […]

11 May 2022
11 May 2022

From – Axel Love – Original Faceb

From Axel Love Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 May 2022

9:20 p.m – I.T – No one in their

9:20 p.m I.T No one in their right mind would agree to publicly and transparently programming coding the End of the World and Species. I didn’t. But this is where my own life led to. Was it predestined Did it have to be me? What led an 7-8;year old boy to write that story and then led me full Circle for as a 54 age code to Chris Filgueira born 1987. And to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr born 1987. 7-8 […]

10 May 2022

4:43 pm. – Hello. – As many of y

4:43 pm. Hello. As many of you know, I have been attempting to leave Facebook for a very long time, and was not able to. Not because I became addicted but because not only was it never my cup of tea but because I had no idea why I was being led pulled to this platform. 4:48 pm. I was aware of the Awakening but not the part of Evolution. Evolution of Consciousness. That actually took me by suprise, as […]