

02 Jun 2017

6/2/2017 23:59 – Facebook Post

From Andrese Harris Burton AH.B The AH of Being Transparency Like Water That is the True Meaning of Clarity. Being Transparent as B’Eauty P.S to Sacred Portal 1OO 1O1 147 A B I do not Cry.. I Shed Tears Code Links Amy Mc Tear A M. T A M. TRUTH Beautiful & Grace And Desire ( Not Will And Grace The American T V Show) 11:59 pm K E I Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Jun 2017

6/2/2017 19:50 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Jun 2017

6/1/2017 10:14 – Facebook Post

8:55 pm H E E. 6-1-1O F A A O. AB Fact Resurrected Full Circle in Being 1-6-1O A F A. O. A.B Afa means “Name” The Summary, “The Facts and the Name has been resurrected fill circle and is now in Being. Hello, Which name and which fact..? I have a new Face Book friend Cecilia Kulas C K. Which represents my initials as well as that of my Mother’s. As I lie here now on my bed waiting […]

30 May 2017

5/30/2017 21:31 – Facebook Post

8:45 p.m. 5-30- 1 O… 5 3 O 1 O… 1 8 E.C..O.A.O…A…H 3O-5-1O…1… 8 3O 51 O 1… 8 C.O. EA.. Area 51.. Room 5A…1 Full Circle… C.E.A…O.A.H.. Hello… I am in the Spirit World… It was a Foggy World.. The Illusion of Chaos and Confusion everywhere… But It was not really.. i could always see clearly through it… My initial confusion was more.. How is this possible and which world was I in. I was used to clarity […]

30 May 2017

5/30/2017 19:54 – Facebook Post

6:29 p.m. This is the Representation in the Universal Script of the designated home of the 5th Dimension… The Home I have been speaking about. Dina Singh was the one who alerted me to to it D.S… 4-19… You will notice the Code… And the Scriptures… I wrote an entire equation on this page a moment ago but after completing it and beginning to post the the completion of where it linked to the Movie 2012 … In Which only […]

29 May 2017

5/29/2017 22:38 – Facebook Post

10:35-6 pm Sacred Portal 47 Birth of Lords of Hatred Fire Birds Arise! Arc Angels of Rage Destruction R D 10:48 p.m. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 May 2017

5/29/2017 21:02 – Facebook Post

7:58 p.m. 20 U.S.D Bill…. Code J.D.. 29…147…25 9 D… From Nenad M. Djurdjevic to Emeka Kolo via Caesar Rivera… It is a Simple Code if one has been following the Universal Script I have been transcribing and Decrypting. Jonn Delguidce… J.O. 1O O..NN..Nadee Nakandala… D..E.L…Gu-ID.E…C.E… Meaning Grace of the Creator for the Judges Bench… The Judge is Emeka’s Discernment….Holy E-Spirit E. J.D.. John Dudley Room 3A.. Bed 3-001… Sacred Portal 104….”Crossing Death… who dares you “Come Pass… C.P… ( […]

29 May 2017

5/29/2017 19:37 – Facebook Post

I found a Black Button where I sat when I arrived… Bill..One Dollar Bill… O.D.B… O.. 42… I had 42 USD in my wallet… Now 41.. Elegua.. S.P 41… Crossing Guard… Crossing Death.. See sacred Portal 42.. OHM.. Power… See Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.. Meaning Of Existence.. M.O.E… Black.. O RION/ N.O.I.R..O..E A Curious case of Benjamin Button.. Meet Joe Black.. J.B… See Brad Pitts Z… Zombie… Latest Movie WAR Machine…W.M… Woods Metropolitan Brad Pitt… B.P…. Beautiful Pride.. […]

28 May 2017

5/28/2017 21:07 – Facebook Post

Hello… I walked into the Starbucks, 1385 ( M.H.E) there was were vacant seats but only if you shared. But there was one stool vacant. I did not wish to really sit on a stool- this I had stored in my Memory which then becomes Hindsight, and I drew upon foresight, not to chose that place. I chose the seat right near me, drawing upon my Hindsight ( Memory of knowledge that a person sitting there alone with his phone […]

27 May 2017

5/27/2017 22:28 – Facebook Post

“Off With Their Heads! I Will Be Queen of All Worlds All Existences… Or I will become the Night Mare Riding and Ridding you of Yours Dreams.. For I Will Be Crowned Queen no matter the Cost!” Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy. OF M I C E. AND. MEN?” I Prefer Mice she declares They agree to Crown Me Queen!” Insanity Madness Mental Health…? No The Mouth Trap M T The Trump Card. Believing in the Power of the […]