

10 Jul 2017

7/10/2017 21:28 – Facebook Post

7:26 p.m. 7:27 p.m. 7-10-10…. 7-1-1. 711 Seven Eleven .. Always Open. 10-7-10…. 1O-7-1O… 1 7 1… 9… Hello… The Alignment of Energy through the use of Expression ( not even Sound, since none of you can hear me, and thus I am by passing Sound Vibration and using Silence and Quiet as True Sound. As Well as Moving 6th Sense to Fact… Physical Fact. Which I have done, moving Sixth Sense Represented by Ms Brenda Boothe, to Flor Elena… […]

10 Jul 2017

7/10/2017 18:19 – Facebook Post

4:09 p.m. 49. D.I. Hello.. Before I begin to recount and link the events of today, I wish to make it known that this is a Universal Script not of Love Light Laughter and Luminosity… It is not the play of E, the Eternals. Which is why I came, and what I came to do. But as the time indicates of Todays Post, 49… * B.R.C Assessment Shelter, bed 49 which I occupied which linked to 268 East 4th Street, […]

09 Jul 2017

7/9/2017 20:03 – Facebook Post

6;51 p.m. Sixth Sense… F as in F.A.C.T…is Area 51… Expression Awareness… Energy A.H.Tom… Paul Franklin who wears the number 51 is leaving the Delta Manor and thus, reflecting the test and Challenge of the 1-4 Dimension as to the source of the Story called the World Existence. His leaving proves in this viscous test of the E.T.C…Emeka;s Truth Consciousness/ Creation C- Speed of Light, Constant. 51 is E.A… 5+1=6… 6 51/ 15 6… It is the greatest tragedy of […]

09 Jul 2017

7/9/2017 17:50 – Facebook Post

From Isatou Bassy Touray I.B.T. Infinite Beautiful Truth. Notice the bags…? And recall Lisa Natalie Johnson “Magic Bags” I spoke about. And the “Sanctity of the Ladies Hand Bag”… And recall the code of 22 and 6… V.F… Victorious 6th Sense. Now recall that Lisa Natalie Johnson had asked me to guess, which Hand bag Brenda Boothe… ( Laker Brenda Aaroyal.. L.B.A…G…E..LE BAG E… Le B.A.G.U.E…. “Ring”)… Recall that the Bag which Brenda chose.. it had three feathers, and the […]

08 Jul 2017

7/8/2017 17:14 – Facebook Post

I found the Portal…. 3:07 p.m. 37…. 1O-37-2017-8-7….15…6 56..11..1 That is a Full Circle. 17=Q…1+7=8.. Harmony Infinity is H.I.. 8 9…(17..8), and 7 is Clarity 8. 15 is letter O…6 Is Sixth Sense. NASA’s Classification of this Galaxy is M.W 87. The Equation actually ends there..at 6. As demonstrated by the last of my Prove that Human Beings but as Individuals, are the Independent “Mirror Reflections” of my Equation of Existence. The God Particles, are the True Individuals. Which after […]

07 Jul 2017

7/7/2017 21:41 – Facebook Post

This is the Post I have been trying to write for the past Two Days… E God Particle Wave Energy… I woke up to a play, spoke to a young man, on bed 4-003… 43… He was ill, and for the first time, he spoke to me, asking me if I was going out. I was tired, I had not slept. the person called Nicholas in bed 48 was snoring so loudly, that nearly the whole room was awake. I […]

06 Jul 2017

7/6/2017 20:40 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 16… P… 7..G… “Mothers Milk Alien… M..M.A…. Horizon & Dawn… H.D… Let the Sun, Son, Sum, Shine In.. Mother of Super Novas!…” 16 years in New York… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Jul 2017

7/6/2017 20:35 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 12… 12 is Letter L… Linked in the Play by Lisa Natalie Johnson… L IS A… Rep by I.E… “Hologram says “Happy Valentines Day Suckers.. Its states: Love- Destroys Disharmony, Dissonance Manipulation And Discord”…. That is what the Matrix and the Examination of Humanity was about… the Enders Game… The “Universal Mind”…. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Jul 2017

7/5/2017 15:30 – Facebook Post

A.M. I Light That seems to be the Question going on right now. Am I Expression Lights Energy? And in this scenario it would seem to be that some deliberation is going on. Though, I have to ask, why should I care if I am the “Light”? I am simply being myself and have never aspired to be The Light, or anything else other than myself. This really makes no sense to me. Flor Elena calls me “My Light” Sacred […]

05 Jul 2017

7/5/2017 13:32 – Facebook Post

1:10 pm 1:11 pm Namaste Ohm N O O N E For those of you who are aware of my Sacred Portals you can easily figure out what happened and what this means.. Especially with my last share and post on Michael Trahe’s page. M T 110 is Sacred Portal “The Family Of E” Link to Sarah Nkem Blackstock 110 110 usd 220 V O The Victorious Ones 111 is sacred Portal is my Victorious Home Coming. H C. Hadron […]