

18 Jul 2017

7/18/2017 16:36 – Facebook Post

From Banja Tarawally B.T. Beautiful Truth… 2 20… 22..V….5 I noticed that I am Banja Tarawally’s 4156th Face Book Friend. 41 Sacred Portal “Elugua.. Elu A” 56..Sacred Portal “Arrival of the E Family” “You can get if you really want but you must try, try and try… you succeed at last..” . that is the song playing right now by Jimmy Cliff… It was a song I used to hear in my child hood… It is meaning, I view with […]

17 Jul 2017

7/17/2017 17:59 – Facebook Post

#65 No more repeating no more again No more Tired of y u. Beong with your Black hole imagination The Sun Son Song to the flower of life” Linked to Flor Elena 5:58 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Jul 2017

7/16/2017 21:28 – Facebook Post

1004…. 1000 M… 4..Delta.. M.D. I came to Heal at Delta Manor… the 4th Dimension. Not to be imprisoned and Tortured by the S & M… Black Power….B.P. White Power… W.P? My ASS! AS.S.EE. Literally. The Beautiful Ones Are Power… 8:43 p.m. And The Three Lines 3 of E.U…Elizabeth Clarizio, Lisa Natalie Johnson Brenda Boothe and Robert Jones are Free. Free of the Quantum Mechanics of Dark Matter-Physics of the 3D World of D.W… The WO O D.S.. For I […]

15 Jul 2017

7/15/2017 21:40 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 56… B B… R..S…I.neE…. R.I.S.E…V… Victorious Vincent “Conqueror” B.P…. 9:39 p.m. I.C.I.. Ici… Here!… S.P…H.E.R.E… Done…9:40 P.M. 9 4.. ID… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Jul 2017

7/15/2017 21:05 – Facebook Post

7:38 p.m. G. C.H. 7-15-1 O. Hello… As you might have become aware, I have grown completely bored with this Universal Script. This is made plain by my impatience, and lack of passion in linking the last of these equations and weave. The Challenge was “Africa Pangea” Proving Black Supremacy over White Dominion, a play which has filled me with such contempt for the Dead, the Spirit World and that Original Mess, of the Silence refusing to Speak Up. and […]

13 Jul 2017

7/13/2017 19:13 – Facebook Post

… When I came back yesterday, I looked around me. I was in a Shelter, a Mental Health Shelter. I had come the Heights of both Expression, Space, Physical, Material Financial.. I had willingly followed this Wave, which had pulled me for 28 years… And this is where it brought me. I looked around me, the way I had been treated here, and in New York and especially for the last 48 years. And the clarity finally hit me. This […]

13 Jul 2017

7/13/2017 17:43 – Facebook Post

Confidence…. Victorious… Over the Spirit of Jealousy.. Envy, Cruelty…Horror. “Stop yourself from going too far…. ” Jealousy from Insecurity. And entire Population infected by the Virus of Jealousy, the Insecurity of feeling that you are not good enough, that you are born in Sin. That you Lack something, And on discovering those, who walk tall, stand tall with confidence. Admiration and Jealousy battles with each other, yet in this world story Jealousy wins. Brining its awful spawn, Malice, Cruelty, Hate, […]

13 Jul 2017

7/13/2017 14:47 – Facebook Post

From Michaël Trahé… :Still I rise…. Does My Confidence Upset you…?” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Jul 2017

7/12/2017 21:40 – Facebook Post

1001 Arabian Nights. 1001 Face Book Friends…. Imagine, someone writing a Script and then forcing you to play that Role. And the role, is extraordinary but so unrealistic, so unfeasible, and so full of Hatred, Evil Malice from the Indifference and lack of consideration at what it demands from the Actor. That the Actor is made aware, that role which he has been forced to play which if he can succeed in interpreting reveals the True Heroic nature of the […]

11 Jul 2017

7/11/2017 19:13 – Facebook Post

3:59 p.m. C.E.I…. 7-11…2017… 37…1 O. 11-7-1O… Consciousness Eternal Infinite. Seven Eleven.. Always Open.. C.G..( Creation Grace) Alpha Omega. Keith Grant bed 53… E.C..Elizabeth Clarizio, Kristen Green… ( K.G…E.C.K.G…. K.E.K…G.C.G…) My Name is Chukwu Emeka Ikemefuna…. C.E.I. I.E.C… I am the example of Infinite Eternal Consciousness. I have carried the weight and the wait of the World. I am not an Ape. Humanity was not descended from Apes. or Gorilla’s A.G…E as Darwin stated. I am not a Bathing Ape. […]