

17 Aug 2017

8/17/2017 19:38 – Facebook Post

5:31 p.m. 8-17-2017. “The Awakened One… Tall, Dark and Elegant working on a system of evolution of consciousness and awareness, where the True meaning of Beauty becomes the entry point of a new era” I just saw this on Pinterest.. I do not know who wrote this but I just saw this for the first time today. I have one follower… but it is the most articulate expression of what I have been doing and have just completed on reaching […]

16 Aug 2017

8/16/2017 21:29 – Facebook Post

8:36 p.m So we see that some one led me to the wrong place… Intentionally… Fear.. represented by a 23 year old Jace R Horstford. Not the person but what he represented Fear. Fear of what was already known to It them, you. Fear not of the Unknown but the Known. I was led here to a place which drains, kills takes away from the Human E-Spirit. Brought here in a challenge since 2012…2013, 2014… 32 33 34… 5…6 7… […]

15 Aug 2017

8/15/2017 21:17 – Facebook Post

I Have Harvested the Last of the Line of the Family of E L AND B… That took Place Last Night. Heather is a Flowering plant which as an Ever Green symbolizes Immortality. *An evergreen plant is a symbol of the immortality of the soul. The ancients, therefore, as well as the moderns, planted evergreens at the heads of graves.” Hello… I am posting today, because of the True Play of Heather Hastings versus the Story of Heather Heyer… I […]

13 Aug 2017

8/13/2017 17:07 – Facebook Post

4:16 p.m. D.P. Dawn Piercy… 4+16= Tiffany Dawn Haynie… T=20 Dawn Marie 56…E.F…Eternal Flame.. Eternal Fact. D.P.T….M…V. Maida Vale… Mountain View… M=1000 V=5. D.P.T… D H…@ D.M…Delta Manor/ M.D….M=1000 D is 4 2 2 is 4 add R.. Response from Reflections… 9 9… I I… rep Lisa Natalie Johnson Joseph Carey – Brenda G Booth… (And myself the Link).. J.L.. 10 12.. 22..V…. B is Being.. 1000 M.. D is E… 4 is 5… 4:32 p.m. 8-13-1O… H.M. J… H […]

11 Aug 2017

8/11/2017 20:33 – Facebook Post

7:56 pm Born July 1st 1961 A Died August. 31st 1997 Height 5″10 Buried Sept 6, 1997 1-7-61. 31-8-97 9-6-97 Notice the codes D I Bed 49 Room B. BRC 49 D I 61 Days on the Streets of New York To find those “They Lived Before Adam” T L. B A T L. 2012. 32 5 E E B A Emeka. Room B then A Bed 49 Bed 007 Link Brenda G Booth Its all a riddle 8:30 pm […]

10 Aug 2017

8/10/2017 21:15 – Facebook Post

7:35 p.m. In the Human Stories to have Death Ferry you over to the other side, you have to pay the Ferry Man. I lived with Joseph Carey and his Mother whose Miriam whose maiden name was Ferry- at least that is what I recalled. I lived with them and from there moved in with Michelle Lobsinger..M.L. Always by invitation. I was greeted by a young woman I had met through Cheryl who is from Botswana and born in Tanzania… […]

08 Aug 2017

8/8/2017 20:33 – Facebook Post

8:05 p.m. Back to 1004… M.D.. Mama Dawn… Dawn Marie 56…11 1 Three in One. Dawn Piercy Tiffany Dawn Haynie. There is much more to the story, of what happened yesterday with Jamel… But I am knackered, and have downloaded into the Matrix of this reality the decryption of this Truman Show.. Really meant to be True Men Show…T.M.S… Transparency Manifestation Supremacy.. as Rocket Fuel… 8:09 p.m. 89. I am not even aware who is the Latest Face Book.. Oh […]

07 Aug 2017

8/7/2017 21:11 – Facebook Post

8:50 P.M. 85… EVIDENCE… D.P.T… 4 16 =20… D.PT. Delta is the Point… DE V.I.N.E…PERFECT TIMING… That is the Link which proves who is of the E line Rep. From Dawn Piercy… 2:58PM I was scrolling through and reading more… on the stapled scar it has same design…i recently tore the sheath around my Achilles after my recent surgery… there is a bruise that looks as though it has a figure in it… would you like to see what it […]

06 Aug 2017

8/6/2017 19:00 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 23… These are the 3 portals I was notified in this Matrix by a Human Avatar – a Woman who appeared wearing these numbers… 23 32 47… How do I know this intel is for me? Well, yesterday I posted the numbers 23 32= 5 5… E E…47 is my Mothers Birth year code… 74 year old Lilian was here and she bought me a coffee… I bought a card to call my mother today and was organizing […]

06 Aug 2017

8/6/2017 18:09 – Facebook Post

23 32 47 M N This is the number a woman is wearing on her T-Shirt in front of me. Yesterday, I had 23 U.S.D in my wallet, after Dawn Piercy sent me the code of 22 usd through Lisa Natalie Johnson L.J. I returned to the D.O.S Delta Operating System; Delta O Shelter, I bought some Chinese Food, already aware of the manipulation with money. To get to Manhattan would cost me 5:50 U.S.D. I already calculated how much […]