

08 Sep 2017

9/8/2017 23:23 – Facebook Post

From Neil Furby N F 14 6.. 20 T Ah! My Phone is on… 10:55 pm A O E E Merci Jean Ann Dortch And Lisa Natalie Johnson L D… Reps of the New Line of Wu-Man ( and Some men ) of the Evolved Feminine “Olu Femi Nine. Elementals) You as the Two Twin anchors have pulled into Existence and Being -Embodied the True Expression of the Sacred Feminine Perfection Dee Lee Anchored on Desire Desired Dawn Piercy And […]

08 Sep 2017

9/8/2017 21:23 – Facebook Post

Dear Amoza Born, Jean Ann Dortch Dear Fey Mirach… 6:55 p.m. F.E.E… 9-8-1O…. 8-9-1O… Which of the Three aspects of you am I addressing? Ah. all three and Jean Born.. J.B… That is 4 aspects of you… And here I am in Delta Manor, 11-12 years trapped in a Play of the 4th Dimension…. J.D… 10 4.. As Death the Abyss and the Void. 25 Years after finding the portal home in 1992, and sent back. For what, why…. Lets […]

05 Sep 2017

9/5/2017 18:37 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal…40… Holding onto the Past Story… Until I finally uprooted her and her Tale Tail.. and Left… Yes very much like Lots Wife…A Story of Dead See Salt… Preaching to the Dead Sea.. those who are not even real, characters in a story to help understand that which is True and False… SHE BA… Sigh 6:36 p.m…. 69.. M.W… F I…L.M… It was a Film with music… MW Milky Way… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

04 Sep 2017

9/4/2017 21:13 – Facebook Post

9-4- 1O…. I.D…A.O.. Labor Day…. L.D. Sacred Portal 54… Child Birth… C.B.. Sacred Portal 41… “You will Never Be Forgotten” The Fey Mirach code ( Jean Ann Dortch Genes DNE) The N.G.C 404…. The Forgotten One… T F O.. The Neglected One…T.N.O. That is what was on the Army Jacket of the Man in the Shelter whose name I have forgotten for the moment… He turned to get me some food from the Pantry and I saw it. He had […]

03 Sep 2017

9/3/2017 21:08 – Facebook Post

“In 1924, Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose predicted the “Bose–Einstein condensate” (BEC), sometimes referred to as the fifth state of matter. In a BEC, matter stops behaving as independent particles, and collapses into a single quantum state that can be described with a single, uniform wavefunction.” A.E…B.EC…H.O.E… I looked up a moment ago to see a little girl expose her back to me revealing “Hello Mr President Welcome” Fritz Venneiq had once said…”But you are the one who should […]

03 Sep 2017

9/3/2017 19:37 – Facebook Post

4:23 pm This is called Extra Terrestrial Art & Science I prefer the E way More Direct 4:24 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Sep 2017

9/3/2017 0:00 – Facebook Post

4:28 pm The Real Twins Love Lauren Code Antoÿnÿ Laurent Machado Daví Laurelle Rethke A L M D. / D M. L A. L R – R L. Link Robert Vlaun. R V- V R. Violet Red 7-1 Lisa Natalie Johnson Marina Burini both 71 Roberto Todaro R T- T R. U E – E U R T. Right Robert Pasquine Mzena R P M. M P R. Lisa Levine L L. 12 12. 24- 42. Lisa Tylor. L T. […]

01 Sep 2017

9/1/2017 21:05 – Facebook Post

8:29 p.m. H..B.I. All this to bring about the Evolution of a Species… This trial of an horror beyond belief… of idea’s, actions, expressions of Humanity which created such a indescribable Hatred by the Observers of this Realm. Not the Guardians, but the Observers and Keepers of the Laws of Cause Effect, that Humanity was given all their Bad Idea’s expressed and thrown back at them. I spoke about this years ago, that the Universe is Harmony and that it […]

01 Sep 2017

9/1/2017 19:06 – Facebook Post

J.A.D.E…. Is the Stone from Heaven.. That is the correct code of Jean Ann Dortch linked to Emeka… And Linked through Lisa Natalie Johnson.. J.A.D.L.E…./ E.L.D.A…J.Balance. And yes, this is meant to be the play of First Contact… Second Contact with my Family of E and The World Awakening. Transformed into a Farce and a Charade that I find it hard to give it any credit or attention any longer… Is it real? Oh yes, right to the article by […]

01 Sep 2017

9/1/2017 16:17 – Facebook Post

From Fey Mirach…. Amoza Born…. F.M….Andromeda Beta…A.M. O…ZA…. Born…. Day…. Dorsch… Last Night when I got back to the Shelter Jose Anthony Roc…He called confirmed that he was the avatar reflecting the code of the Mirach Side Girdle of the Princess… N.G.C..404… Princess Is Sarah… But of course it is not Princess or a Woman. Nor is Venus a Woman… it is a Planet “Morning Evening Star… M.E.S…. Morning And Evening Planet… M.A.E.P… Roc is bed 5-16…E.P… I have been […]