

27 Oct 2017

10/27/2017 1:00 – Facebook Post

11:31 p.m. 10-26-10. Hello, It is very fitting that today is the 26th. Z. There is not much I can say or explain, or want to, about all this.. What brought me to New York, the condition in my body or even the E. All I know is that I knew that I had to get to the End of this, push and pull which had affected my entire Life. There was nothing worse in not being able to explain […]

12 Oct 2017

10/12/2017 20:48 – Facebook Post

I am the One who was accused of being EVIL. In both the Seen and the Unseen world. Physical and Spirit World. or as represented in this reality Material and Thought/Thinking world. And I was Falsely Accused. F.A….. FA!… And it went to Far… Fara….. Meaning in Middle English M.E…”Pleasant Fair.. Lovely” ( P.F.L. Bed 3-005..C.E…Paul Franklin)… P FL..16 F.L Sunshine State. Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis.. It means “Joyful. Rejoice”…Same meaning as the name “Jay” in Sanskrit. Jay Reid ( J.R….10 […]

03 Oct 2017

10/3/2017 22:45 – Facebook Post

Dragon of the Eden vines The body is made of minerals, amino acids, water, and many other trace elements, etcetera. All in which comes from the earth! Walking organic machine extensions of earth, operated by spirit! Respect and eternal appreciation to Our body’s mother. Gaia Sophia, Goddess! Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Oct 2017

10/3/2017 11:30 – Facebook Post


02 Oct 2017

10/2/2017 21:02 – Facebook Post

6:33 p.m. 10-2-2017… 1O-2-1O….1 2 3… J.B…T.Q. … A O B A O..A B C etc… I did my laundry today using T.I.D.E… The first time I bought some real detergent instead of the terrible stuff provided at the Shelter… I went back upstairs late last night after being Impulsed and Stimulated once more to continue posting… It was the code to my stating that I was aware that I was solving and earning the right to pass through the […]

01 Oct 2017

10/1/2017 21:07 – Facebook Post

1027….Face Book Friends.. J.B..G…ODE… Contd… Elvis, who works here said to me, in front of some of the guys… When he sought to clean the Bathroom, and it was occupied, he had complained often that people knew that he everyone knew, that he came at a certain time to clean the bathroom and yet they still would occupy it.. I made a comment supporting him, at which he responded to my mild surprise “Hey the guy has not left the […]

01 Oct 2017

10/1/2017 1:50 – Facebook Post

A Quick Re-Cap on the Play and Court Proceeding “Geoff LaCour” Chineke “the Expression-Energy Inside which creates as it moves along Ijeamaca” That I was unjustly imprisoned in Non Existence (See Captain Zod Superman) For telling the Truth of my I D And of my Existence And False Accusations And those and that which Usurped my Authorship Existence Source Of Being Light Of Everything and Everyone. My Chi put me on Trial To prove my Innocence Which turned out to […]

26 Sep 2017

9/26/2017 20:15 – Facebook Post

STAR TREK…Discovery…. S.T.D… Versus P.S.T.D…. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder…. S.T.D… S.T…19 20… 39… C.I…D..@ Delta… E GA LA XY 1O 11 C.I….E Delta… Gene Rodenberry creator of Star Trek filled each episode with the mysterious code number 47… 47 11…28… 39… C.I. There were Two Anthony;s when I came in today… And Jake who was the first person I met and connected with who used to work here, just came in and sat besides me… And greeted me… He is […]

23 Sep 2017

9/23/2017 19:03 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories… From Nenad M. Djurdjevic… intel …I do not believe this….unbelievable…! Another confirmation riddle… You do recall President Trump mis pronouncing “Namibia” Nna’M.I.-bia…. ” Steven Colbert… had a field day… love that guy… family line evolving to e..as is Jimmy Kimmel… *(Everything is moving quietly into position such is the way of Harmony….) Katharina Bo Colbert…..K.B.C….E…. E.C..(H) B.O O K… Book of Harmony… .”Even the name of Namibia’s capital, Windhoek, a city just over a century old, […]

22 Sep 2017

9/22/2017 20:12 – Facebook Post

Wendolyn Chappel… Barrie’s play ‘Peter Pan’ (1904), it was created from the nickname fwendy “friend”, given to the author by a young friend. However, the name was used prior to the play (rarely), in which case it could be related to the Welsh name GWENDOLEN and other names beginning with the element gwen meaning “white, fair, blessed”. English variant of the Welsh Gwendolen (fair-browed), a compound name composed of the elements gwen, gwyn (white, fair, blessed) and dolen (brows, eyebrows). […]