

23 Nov 2017

11/23/2017 11:34 – Facebook Post

“I looked in temples, churches, and mosques. But I found the Divine within my heart.” ~ Rumi Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Nov 2017

11/23/2017 0:09 – Facebook Post

I just opened up my facebook page at Delta Manor And this popped up… “Crowned E Crowned by Devi Devoted for Demystifying the True C of Consciousness” Sacred Portal 85 Aligned to 1385 Metropolitan Woods Ave. Starbucks No 77 45O. Desk Top… Model S 24 E 45 O… Yes, I got this code earned it.. Obama Phone Z.E.T Virgin Mobile-Prestige, 2 4 L.T.E 16 MB on my bed…4-004. 44=8…16. And I use my H.P Stream Lap Top…( H.P..S…8-16..19. L.T…20 12.. […]

22 Nov 2017

11/22/2017 10:36 – Facebook Post

From Ugo Nwamama U.N… ( ONE Masculine) asked me to solve a Riddle… So first I will tell a Story… Yesterday night, I saw Jamel Salter ( Sketch) he was the first person I saw yesterday morning and the first peron I saw when I came back last night. We did a riddle which I resilved to his rising like a Bird, to fly high above a certain point of view and see the situation from that point. Withouth even […]

21 Nov 2017

11/21/2017 19:35 – Facebook Post

From Anthony Bienke… A.B.. All about Wealth… Code Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt… Lets look at the codes.. After the Wealth I represent is.. has Knocked Out this concept of Wealth with the last play with Kemi Sara who sent me her last Money Code in the play… She has sent a combined 220;00 usd since the beginning of the play ( and all of you are aware that I live on a allowance which is meant to represents poverty….level… So the […]

19 Nov 2017

11/19/2017 22:30 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 31… Two Men… David and E… Both are Me… David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi on my left… and E.E on the Right… Nordic/Germanic Sav and Egyptian-Masai African Am Eri C A N NA… As I stated I started out as E and End as E… D.N.E… E N D 9:29 p.m.. 9:30 p.m… Full Circle 9 29… IBI.. I.C.. E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Nov 2017

11/16/2017 22:36 – Facebook Post

I have a new Face book Friend… Welcome Angel H. Downs.. And I noticed that I am her 11 87th Face Book Friend. And that I am 987 Facebook friends…. 9 87… Please see Sacred Portal 87… “Returning the World to their Senses and their Sensei’s…” Yo.da… Luke Simon called me… “Do or not Do, there is no Try” Nasa qualifies the Milky Way as M.W87…. But I found on the interet that there are two products with that code […]

11 Nov 2017

11/11/2017 21:49 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 44… Bed 4-004… 44…. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Nov 2017

11/10/2017 1:37 – Facebook Post

Revelations…. contd…. Lets Give Credit where Credit is Due. * Thank you Ria Casey H… I am beyond tired today’s play and mt continued presence here on Face Book and residing at Delta Manor, while doing this work, and each time seeing the confirmation that the Full Circle has been proven as 51-15 E.A-O…A.E As well as 8… Infinity Harmony… 53…5+3=8 O.E. E.C.H.O…E. I know that I have proven beyond any doubt the Truth of not only Harmony but the […]

07 Nov 2017

11/7/2017 2:48 – Facebook Post

11:08 p.m. 11-6-10…. Time; K.O..H. Date; K.O…F. 995 Face Book Friend. I came into the World to Boogie. *”Definition of boogie. 1 :boogie-woogie. 2 :earthy and strongly rhythmic rock music conducive to dancing; also :a period of or occasion for dancing to this music.” Most of my older face book friends know how literal this means and how it has been part of the Script, right up to Ted in Mountain View and his broken Boogie Amp and the great […]

28 Oct 2017

10/28/2017 0:30 – Facebook Post

11:42 p.m. 10-27-10…. The “Curse” Of being Given The Truth to Relay to This World. Hello, No, there are no more equations to solve or post or any such thing, that is done. And to be honest with you I felt that there was nothing more I wished to say. Then I received the Intel from Nenad M. Djurdjevic. So, let me just dive right in. This morining when I came down from my room, I had run out of […]