

04 Jan 2018

1/4/2018 22:01 – Facebook Post

1017.. Face Book Friend.. Allen Murray.. A.M…Awakening Manifest Destiny Dawn….Eternal Harmony… 1018 Facebook friends… Dexterine Fugar… D.F…4 6… Delta Fact… not Fiction… D E A F… D E A T H… IS.. I.E… I, Emeka Kolo Death is a Fact. 6:48 p.m. Ah!!! See..I am the 48… Bed 4-008…D.O O H… / HO OD… Emeka in the Hood… Wore my Hoodie today. H O O D I E… See Sacred Portal 48…Beautiful Death… As Transformation Equation Quantum. And yes, I […]

04 Jan 2018

1/4/2018 19:33 – Facebook Post

I noticed that I am Allen Murray’s 4th Face Book friend… He has 4.. Code.. Delta means 4… We are at Delta Manor… He is my 1017 Facebook Friends… I showed him my loki Fenri page and he immediately spoke of his 17 year old Grandson who would love and grasp this…. 17 is Letter Q… Q had been identified as Quantum and not Quintin in bed 4-006 46… which means 5.. By a play which took place when I […]

03 Jan 2018

1/3/2018 22:45 – Facebook Post

O.K… Just got my second coffee and have reached my 1017 Facebook Friend… I am shaking my head at this Script and Play… Wicked… But I have figured it out… But man was I pissed yesterday… that play after all these years.. here in this world…? There was no drama today in the room… the first time since I moved in… There was only Hector… which I have done… And then Ishmael… Ish Kumarr 9 11.. and then Stevan… Beds […]

03 Jan 2018

1/3/2018 2:22 – Facebook Post

12;21 a.m. One should not write or post when One is Angry… And I will admit, that after holding back and in my anger of this Script and swallowing so much crap and expression from People I can see rigght through, yet I had to interact with them knowing exactly how tey would respond… De Ja Vu… Yes Chris Franco called it out first… But, I saw what took place today on my return, the person in bed 4-013 who […]

02 Jan 2018

1/2/2018 22:37 – Facebook Post

8:55 p.m. 1-2-2018… So let us try to post again… 22 Degree;s in New York the Bronx. 22 Likes on my World Icon.. 22 is Letter V. Sacred portal 22… and 86…. Hello… I will not go into the quiet Fury of this play and the arrogance and selfishness of the people’s responses to the fact that I am here and present… And that they truly believe themselves equals to me, through their expressions. I have already formulated a response […]

02 Jan 2018

1/2/2018 21:55 – Facebook Post

My Computer crashed with the post I was working on… And then this opened up… Sept 20… 2013.. 9 -20… 33… I.T…C C… I B O..F… E? Whatever… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Jan 2018

1/2/2018 0:55 – Facebook Post

From Donna O’Sullivan… December 29th, 2017… 1:51 p.m Full Circle.. F C.. 6 3… 46 Degree Halo…. 46… S.P 46. Parry Supralateral Arcs, a 22 Degree Halo… 22 V… S.P 22… D.F..V… D…Fritz Venneiq… I grew up in Winnipeg Manitoba… W M… Wood Metropolitan Twice, Thrice I commented that this weather in New York reminds me of a Familiar Place.. I saw the caption on yesterdays New York Times..under the Sunday Business section, “Why This Place Seems Familiar” ( W. […]

01 Jan 2018

1/1/2018 22:37 – Facebook Post

8:34 pm H…C.D… Creation Destruction… *( This computer constantly crashing to give me Intel- Destruction” as I Create… Harmony.. is getting in my nerves…) 7:50 p.m. S 1-1-1…. 1-1-2…O.E. A A A… ? Nope Done that with Allan Allan Allen… A A B….AE-Meka… A E M.E C C A… ( CC 33…S.P… And S.P..1 J.OY) Anthony Bienke… “Crew On Call” C O C… CC.. CO C.K.. Emeka Bien…K.E…. Emeka Is SU.R.E… Well K.E…) See sacred Portal 115… The one who […]

01 Jan 2018

1/1/2018 20:40 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 63… F.C… First Contact The E.T From the SEA… CEE… Blue Lagoon.. and the part of himself which he, the Stranger from a strange Land.. Man from Atlantis.. ( yes the fuel station.. and the Siren based Starbucks)…Merman… From the Oceans of Paradise Oceans 8.. O.H… and the truth of himself which he rescued…S.H.E..B.A… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Jan 2018

1/1/2018 2:28 – Facebook Post

12:48 a.m. Happy New Year C…. H N Y C…. Harmony has landed in New York City representing the 11th State in the Universal Simulation Awareness Module… used by the “Unseen” to deternine if Humanity has Merited Earned the right to Evolve to the O.P.E.N.N I NG of the Delta Quadrant the Box. Voice Box Crotch Groin… Penis and Balls… of the Source Creator… And out of this Quarantined Zone. New York.. in the U.S..A.M… M.E A.H..Play… of A Script […]