

11 Jan 2018

1/11/2018 9:14 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Jan 2018

1/11/2018 2:58 – Facebook Post

Contd. I will adress this post directly to Valdrino Meta because of what he represents in the matrix or play which just tok place and allude t the 17 likes and his post which I wrote my equation ( to activate it on the designated mirror image whose expression aligns and links in perfect timimg with mine.) The One Holding a Book… and the hooded figure encirled. * Recall the Anthony Bienke’s post of the Hooded Assassin and the Script […]

10 Jan 2018

1/10/2018 20:47 – Facebook Post

?? ??? Emeka Kolo Rearranged EOAN As EONA. The Concealment Of EOAN Isn’t Made Public, But He Knew The Code. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Jan 2018

1/10/2018 20:00 – Facebook Post

4:18 p.m. D.R.. Links Dwayne Duane… Raheem Rey… David Robert… 1-10-2018… 38… 11…2… 1.. 1-10-2. A- J -B. 1-10-1… A J A… 11O2…K.O..B…11O1..K O A.. AA OB… AA O A… Todays New York Times … “August 8/62.. Instead of going to the funeral to get my picture taken, I decided to stay at home and let the people- mourners finish the mockery. Not that everyone everyone there will be false, hurt enough. Most of then there destroyed her, ladies and […]

10 Jan 2018

1/10/2018 2:39 – Facebook Post

1:20 a.m. 120.. 12O.. L.O…3..C…33 11.. K… L O C K… E. F… 1:21 a.m. The name Johnny Walker has been a non stop code and reference.. and anchor which I found over and over again through the years. I figured out that the Unseen were refering to me, and eventually I inco-operated it into my Art and the Science of moving reality through Object placement and focus activation vibration… It was reference, I knew to the fact that I […]

10 Jan 2018

1/10/2018 2:10 – Facebook Post

From Johnny Walker… January 2nd….2:30 p.m. 1 -2… 23… A B…W.. The Wolf Of Wall Street… Leonardo di Capricio… i Found a Scorpion covered Pale Pink container… Will Woods used to use them to distribute his “Candy.. weed” I had a yellow ones from him, but I knew who it reresented in male from.. Geoff LaCour… G.L..C.. Leonardo Di Capriio… He used to eat his food like a Wolf.. really.. Very Beautful youmg man, really.. enough to stop people on […]

10 Jan 2018

1/10/2018 2:01 – Facebook Post

From Johnny Walker… This is about Sacred Portal 155… Merging.. Two Men.. moving back to the One Man…. Women.. Two Men… One Man… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Jan 2018

1/10/2018 1:42 – Facebook Post

From Johnny Walker… J W…. This… Post made me pause and the burst out laughing… There is so much much more i have to say about this, but I am way too knackered and something the World must figure out themselves .. And it is about to manifest in a big way .. and it has nothing to do with Homosexualty… But Homo Sexuality… The True Sexuality of Men… Sexual… But I will link Prince Mohammad Salaman .. M.S.. And […]

10 Jan 2018

1/10/2018 1:28 – Facebook Post

From Johnny Walker… Oh Boy.. The Golden Globes… The Ladies Wore Black.. Wonder Woman… Amazons… Oh Boy.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Jan 2018

1/9/2018 22:19 – Facebook Post

8:07 p.m. 87 I just bought another coffee, The Woman in front of me.. her E-Spirit made her make sure I saw the number on her phone was 87… Then the bill was 4.84… ( I noted the time when it was 8:48 p.m but did not bother to write it down..) the code or the number on the first coffee I had was 79.. That aligns to the Blue Print of Existence…Sacred Portal 79… 7+9=16.. Letter P.. Links to […]