

19 Jan 2018

1/19/2018 10:17 – Facebook Post

from Wiseken Ugoh Donald. 16 P. Planet… Plan E.T. 88 HH. Donald means “Universal Ruler. E.H. 9;17 a m I.Q. Eternal Harmony. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Jan 2018

1/18/2018 22:01 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 131 B… “Separate but Poetically Entwined” S IA.. ME SEE Twins The Beautiful Lovers of Grace” T.BL..AIR…OG.. Twins G G.. 77… Coffee at the Arab Bodega… Again for yesterdays completion… 8:59 p.m. Emeka B.L.A.I.R… Oh my second coffee is 691… F.. I A… Yes Icon Apparel Black Knit cardigan I am wearing… Body Suit is a Knit Weave… creating the body aligned to the Being… 9:01 p.m. 91.. I.A Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Jan 2018

1/18/2018 1:22 – Facebook Post

From Sacred Portal 69 “I am Breath… Breathe… The Song of Sixth Sense, Universal Understanding… I See C.. I S.. C..E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Jan 2018

1/18/2018 0:20 – Facebook Post

Emeka Kolo Edmund Kent Friedman E.K. E.K. F… I am a Fact. I Exist… From the Eternal Realm.. Hue Manity already Evolved… to Completion Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Jan 2018

1/17/2018 21:43 – Facebook Post

1030 to 1029 then back to 1030… J C O..J B I..J C O..E. 7:11 pm… “Seven Eleven Always O.P.E.N..24/7 13 to 129-13… M to L.I to M. A.M.. A.L.. I A.M… ????????? ?????? Anastasia Ryabov… Lyabov… Resurrection of Love… Re Born… Amoza Born Anthony Bienke… Anastasia Hart.. AH… Love is Re Born.. Axel Love ..A L… Axel Anderson… A A… Angelett Larmour… A.L.. Axel Love…. Meaning of Axel…. “pole or pin upon which a wheel revolves,” Middle English axel-, […]

17 Jan 2018

1/17/2018 2:49 – Facebook Post

Every Where in the Planet A Revelations of Rape and Sexual Violence to children, and youths. Especially boys, I say especially boys and “physically” beautiful Boys and Youths not to take away from the horrors done to girl and women but because this is the one kept secret, and is suffered in Silence because of the Stigma and shame to the “Victim” a fact that the Molestor Rapists knows. All the Guys I met from the Evolving Family, are what […]

16 Jan 2018

1/16/2018 22:31 – Facebook Post

1028… 38…29…11… 2… 11 Twins… and the 1. 9:04 p.m. 94… I.D… My coffee served by Sam.. U RAI… 6 23… F… Fact Sacred Portal 23… Unveiling the Identity of the one behind the Veil and consequently the ID of all humanity… Maria Her M.H… Manifest Harmony… Maria from the Egyptian words “Myrrh” meaning Beloved… Loved Cherished… Her… By Here Sara Lee Sara means “Splendor.” Origin of the name Lee: Transferred use of the surname derived from the Old English […]

16 Jan 2018

1/16/2018 21:13 – Facebook Post

6:19 a.m. F.S. 1-16-2018… 2+18.. 2.. 2… 38…11..1. 1-16-2… A.P.B….. 1-16-1… A P A… 1-7-2…A.G.B… Andrews G.Blair… Ten 10 1-7-1… A G A…Rainbow Full Circle.. 9…Infinity… Feelings Sensational.. F.S. B.P.A… Black Panther Alexander… Beautiful Pride Awareness. Appreciation Praise Acknowledgment. Alexander Golden Black… A G A KHAN…. Bed 5019 to bed 5025… +6… 33…= 6. Fact.. Jamel Blair… Twin aspects of I,Emeka undercover as Jaymes Bond 007.. Double O O 7… USA TODAY… 01.16.18… O.A. P.R… “Black Lightening” B.L. is a […]

16 Jan 2018

1/16/2018 17:44 – Facebook Post

52.000 Likes… This is what I see when I come here to Starbucks.. Sacred Portal; 52 is the Authority of Existence granted by the She’s of Existence.. The number 29 is on my computer.. 3 Ladies are here, 3 one is Brenda code 29 holding court to a what is going on here..( a woman had been talking so loudly on her phone to social security.. its intense) Brenda Latoya Jennifer… And I the only seat around..B.L.J..E.B… The B is […]

16 Jan 2018

1/16/2018 10:01 – Facebook Post

From Sara Lee,, S.L. The Link between Heaven and Earth… is E… Thunder and Light..( Sound and Sight from out of the Blue) T.L… 20 12.. 32…5.. B.C.E… Before Christ there was E… Expression… E… Christ really means “Chi.. W.A.V.E.S” ..Spirit… Spirit moves through Space… Space is filled with E.. Expression, when Spirit and the Space called Nothingness meet, there is Expression Energy, Electricity, Electrifying… Embodiment… Heaven and Earth linked… by Embodiment, Before there was Spirit, there was E.. Embodiment […]