

28 Jan 2018

1/28/2018 19:12 – Facebook Post

From Amoza Born/// Love is to See Clearly… The Reflection is that which you express and give off… project… Is the Reflection you have created is it real… And is that you…? True Reflection from a “Spotless Mind” does not simply create a perfect Refection… but manifests a Solid Embodiment of that Truth of You… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2018

1/28/2018 14:13 – Facebook Post

From Ugokwe Valentine U.V. Nkiruka Nistorian…. Another Africa … of the past Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2018

1/28/2018 14:06 – Facebook Post

From Euphemia Dei E.D…. This I have experienced… And so also is Donald Trump about to experience it with Stormy Daniels….. S D Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Jan 2018

1/27/2018 22:43 – Facebook Post

9:08 p.m. 98… I.H… Infinite Harmony. 1-27-2018… A-A-Z-A…T.R…U.E… Hello… I had a long text play with Jean… Amoza Born.. I call her Lady J… because that is who she is and who she represents. She made some startling accurate statements… “This is about Beauty Truth and Love” This was in response to my expression that this Script has for 16.8833 years has created the illusion that it is all about Money… Or the expression behind money. She also said that […]

27 Jan 2018

1/27/2018 20:22 – Facebook Post

A Play just took place… was sitting between a “White” Dude and Tone and his cousin and I do not know if his name, nor do I recall Tone’s cousins name, though he introduced us… But “Tone” short for Anthony, and I form the code E.T… The play began last night when I could not get the internet access on my phone, fully aware that Jean ( Amoza Born) was going to contact me. Then this morning, I could not […]

27 Jan 2018

1/27/2018 2:15 – Facebook Post

Creation’s Expression is by Design.. Art & Design… A.D/ D A… It took a Science to Understand it… S.U/ U.S… The Science of Awareness Observation Action…. A O A… New York Times Headlines Today * Yesterday…. Weekend Arts II… Design For All…. D.F.A… Attention To Design For All… A.T… D.F…A Beautiful Brooding…. Identity is not always easy to see…. You need to start acting like yourself Identity Isn’t Always Easy to See Stiff Upper Lip? No, just a Smile. In […]

26 Jan 2018

1/26/2018 20:18 – Facebook Post

At 9:30 a.m… ( 930…I.C…O..) Blair sent me a text calling me “Mecca”- What took place last night with Rey… and then Blair today… I just do not have the energy to express right now.. I stated that the Black Stone is actually a person and that a Person was forced to play this translation. Also Ishmael in bed 4-011 left the Shelter after a play between him and T.J bed 4009… T.J in a way was instrumental in getting […]

26 Jan 2018

1/26/2018 19:55 – Facebook Post

This is what popped up as I opened my computer… Sacred Portal 33. The Code date of birth as listed on my Face Book Page and the Human Portal represented by Jamel Salter… J.S.. 10 19… 29. And the code sent by Kemi Sara 27 33 1234… Which I picked up today. On the way there the number was so prevalent everywhere, that I had to point it out to Blair… And the number 22…. It was so extraordinary… Blair […]

26 Jan 2018

1/26/2018 1:56 – Facebook Post

From Lord Ye.. Li ??? He would be wearing, when I vistit his page a T-Shirt with words… Änything Worth Doing is Doing Welll… “My name actually means “Well Done “D.W W.D… WOOD… DO.O.W… VV OO D… VVOOD, Npt Wood… Woods… But the place of Double V, 5 5O O D… 5th Door… Eternal E.. E E O O..D… D O E…. Fritz Venneiq always says “Doe”in place of “Though”.. that is one of the ways I recognize him, my […]

24 Jan 2018

1/24/2018 1:55 – Facebook Post

Contd. 12:23 a.m. Completion of Sacred Portal 23… W.. There is no Double Me.. Double U.. Blair Andrews is not…. 11-02-2012 he is reflecting me. And is Linked to Jamel and then Cleveland….Eric ( as me playing Erik the Red.. The Well Read) to Tyrone… He is 12-02-73. Fritz Venneiq once stated that whith his Seer Cee that he could recognize the Double of Every one in this world but had never seen the Double of Mine. I have head […]