

02 Feb 2018

2/2/2018 21:16 – Facebook Post

5:12 p.m. E.L. 2-2-2018… B B T…R…. Ecstatic Love… Being Beautiful Truth… Radiance..Radiates…Reflects… Room 4B….Bed 4-018…. 4 2 4O18… B D… D O R… Being Doing is DOOR E…. ….And as I leave, I turn back, the way Lots Wife in that Biblical riddle did ,and Glare back at the way I had come, I stare back with silent quiet intent, made Light by Indifference and so Deadly by experience, with that long awaited and so hard earned Death Ray, […]

01 Feb 2018

2/1/2018 21:14 – Facebook Post

This is playing now… I just finished sending a Text Message to Lady J.Amoza Born.. and I was linking Lady Kemi Sara… Lady Dawn Piercy… in my mind as I was writing to her and doing a code which defeats AL ZH E I…MER’S…/ R E M….( Reminder) I.E…H.Z… 8 26…LA… 6th Note.. 12 1… Forgetfulness… Sacred Portal 115… As I completed the message I could not help but feel as though my mother sister lines were going through an […]

01 Feb 2018

2/1/2018 20:27 – Facebook Post

I have completed the Equation of the Destroyer… When I recalled how I came in my Energy form after manifesting that Infinite Creation as Perfection and how that perfection was challenged by the idea of “Hindsight… Doubt… “Are you sure that you did this.. are you sure that this will stand the test of Eternity…” but I had proven even in this current world setting undercover in this World that they doubt never came from me, but from that which […]

01 Feb 2018

2/1/2018 19:26 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

31 Jan 2018

1/31/2018 20:26 – Facebook Post

From James Drain… J.D… Alabama is the 22nd State… 22 V Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

31 Jan 2018

1/31/2018 11:13 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories…. … Ah… I have waited for this moment and pose for so long…. Super Blood Blue Moon… Adam.. Red man… the first Note that landed from the Light out of the Blue… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Jan 2018

1/30/2018 22:01 – Facebook Post

This is the image Jordyn Ryan J.R… ( Link Ray and Jacqui at Delta Manor… J.R… Laundry man.. Janitor… L.J… 12 10… 22…V… really representing the line of my family forced to play the roles of the cleaners… of Human Expression of nonsense… foul toxix…) The date is 9-12.. 2015… I.L… T.O…. 200 USD from Amoza Born 20 IS T…O.. T O… I L.. Is Infinite Limitlessness… Aquarius Naim… Naim means “Happiness: I passed through Naims portal in 2003.. Where […]

30 Jan 2018

1/30/2018 16:37 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories.. Sacred Portal 35… C.E … The Point. Well… that is what the alignment says and based on what I am reading from the conclusion of the play… Perhaps we have reached this point and place… The end of the journey of Pans Labyrinth…. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Jan 2018

1/30/2018 16:23 – Facebook Post

I lost my mind and found my soul in the process. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2018

1/28/2018 22:29 – Facebook Post

7:33 p.m. 7:50 p.m… 73 44 200 112…. That is the code sent to me by Amoza Born at 2:05 p.m ( 25) I then code.112… F R B…11-02…2012… 11-2…2012…32… 5… E.. Is coming from Emeka Kolo.. Me. See the code 73…44.. 200.. ( Which is the number sent) 112.. A A B… K B. Beauty Love Truth….this is what the play was meant to be about. But it was really about Rage… A Rage and Hatred that I could […]